Akatsuki Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Aug 5, 2009.

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  1. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008

    I guess he's 17 then.
    the shuriken rasegan makes him tear a muscle if he uses it too much = 3x
  2. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alright thank you Ruon your char is accepted :)

    at the puppet workshop Akatsuki main base
    Sasori turned his head looking at Deidarra while his hands was still covering his eyes. "Deidarra" the shortest member said to the blond then waited an few moments. "that is the most stupidest question to ask me my poison is in my eyes because of you" the red head said harshly to the man."just hurry and get my the vaccine" Sasori of the Red Sand said pointing at an desk draw.
  3. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams

    Deidara gave a nervous chuckle before going to the draw and taking the vaccine,walking up to the redhead he held it out."One Vaccine ready yeah"He said with a smile on his face.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    still same place
    Sasori grabed the vaccine and took off the plug. The master puppeter tilted his head up and got his other hand off of his eye. Slightly tipping the vial the clear liqued dripped into the red head's opend right eye. Then he preceded to the other eye and blinked a couple of times. It still stung but at least it was feeling better with an sigh he looked at the blond "what do you need i dont have all eternity" Sasori said emotionaless as he looked at the man with his sleepy appearance.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: I just used kiba for this moment..

    In The Inuzuka clan's estate.
    Shai walked over to her room and instantly started packing her bags. She was starting to get sick of the village. If she wanted to come back she would but if she had found something better than the place she used to call home she would stay there. Even if her last resort was the akatsuki. She finished packing one bag and hung it over her shoulder and walked in the hall. She saw Kiba standing there looking at her. She honestly didn't like his guts. Or Akamarui. She didn't think he liked her much either.
    "Another mission Shai?" he said holding Akamarui.
    She nodded even though she was lying. "it's gonna be a long mission so I might not see you all for a while. Good bye." she said as Kyori hissed at Akamarui. When she got out of the house she went over to the entrance to the village. There were people there so she waited for them to leave. After about an hour she stood up and walked out of the village entrance without looking back.
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Inuzuka clan estate
    Yenzo stepped out of the burnt remains of his home. The fox walked over to the Inuzuka house. When other people saw him the Mekuna could hear the hurtfull bitter words of the others. When Yenzo arrived at the Inuzuka estate the clan members started to throw things at him and yell calling him filthy animal. The Mekuna stared at them with complete hatred like the people looked at him while the life energy from the plants and trees began to come towards Yenzo letting the fox absorb its energy.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: good thing Shai left.. but he doesn't know that.

    Outside the village.
    Eventually after a while Kyori started to run through the trees with her. She looked over the the small mammal and sighed. The Blue haired Hagetaka girl eventually stopped after about 30 minutes and sat on a tree with Kyori on her lap. "Soon we will be past the leaf village border.. so where do you want to go?" she said talking to the ferret. "Land of tea? why do you want to go to the land of tea is it some place you've always wanted to go?" she said as she leaned her head against a tree. "Is someone going to meet us there? what use will it be?"
  8. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams

    Deidara smiled as he noticed the small red head was feeling a bit better. Sitting down on a chair backwards he let out a sigh as he looked up at him,"No Danna do you know why we're not getting missions?"He asked with a yawn.
  9. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Sasori shrugged but he remember getting an envelope he was planning on goin alone. Upon thinking about it the short red head sighed then stood up and headed over to an hole he hide the envelope in. "well i got this earlier" the master puppeter said laying the envelope on the desk. "it seems we have to go to the land of tea cause we got money waiting for us there" Sasori said to the blond.
  10. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Deidara tilted his head seeing the envelope he closed his eyes and let out a sigh,The Missions are getting less and less...there are still tailed beasts to get I wonder whats going on He thought to himself as he opened his eyes and nodded.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    On a Tree outside of the leaf village.
    Shai sighed then lifted up the rodent and placed it on her shoulder. "Alright then let's head for the land of tea then. but you better be right about me finding something of use in my life." she said as she started running through the trees again. After about 4 hours she managed to get to the entrance to the land of tea. "Alright then.. let's go get something to eat." she exclaimed to the mammal as she walked over to a nearby restaurant. When a woman walked over to her and kindly asked what she wanted she answered, "Just some dumplings please." she said as she let the ferret slide into her bag.
  12. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    OOC- Mimiru is at her soccer game so she's letting me use Itachi.

    Soruno noticed a man resembling the legendary Itachi

    Soruno- Who the hell are you?!
    Itachi(calm)- Is this your work?
    Soruno- Why, you gonna turn me in!?
    Itachi- Come with me.And the answer is no.

    OOC- Do I take Saruno to Pein or have Itachi use him. For example have Itachi use Saruno to claim bounties until he dies.
  13. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((I believe you forgot someone in the Akatsuki who is my favorite member... You forgot Zetsu! D= I may join later but for now I am looking okay?))
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: i knew i was missing someone will if you do join Zetsu is yours :)
  15. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Can I join?

    name:Dyako Sieki(sorry i kinda suck at names)
    appearance: Really long black hair with a sound ninja outfit and a mask that covers his face but he has red eyes and pale skin and under his mask he has black lips and sharpened teeth
    bio: He is a sound ninja chunin who amazingly lacks almost any and all skill with taijutsu but excels in genjutsu and ninjutsu so he compensated by usng a jutsu to amplify his strength
    jutsus: Eyes of the gods(kekkei genkai)-allows him to commit to memory any jutsu he has seen before but he cannot copy any fighting stlye or technique (meaning he memorizes any jutsu and can recall and use it against any opponent at any time but techniques or fighting styles that do not use chakra he cant copy but anything that uses chakra he can copy and use later once he has seen it at least 1 time
    Sound distortion(Genjutsu)-allows him to alter sound and move silently so he can make it to where no sound is given off at all
    Chakra focus(taijustsu)-allows him to focus all of his chakra at his limbs allowing him to amplify his blows hundreds of times over (meaning each hit can be fatal if you are not tough enough to withstand it and usually there is like a blast of pure chakra that is given off after each blow that sends the opponent flying)
    (after he uses this technique a few times he becomes exausted because he has to use a massive ammount of chakra to keep it up)
    preview post: Dyako just returned from his last mission as a chunin and was expecting to be promoted to jonin after he returned from his assassination mission
  16. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    In A Random Hallway At The Akatsuki Base

    Orochimaru groaned as he stopped walking. "no ointment... oh well..." he turned around and headed back outside.

    At A Hospital In The Sand Village

    Aki slowly awoke from a deep sleep. he looked around, noticing his vision was a little blurry. the good news was, his body wasn't numb anymore. "where am i?" he groaned as he sat up. once Aki's vision cleared, he saw where he was. "a.... hospital...?" he looked around. "gotta get out of here..."
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    At A Hospital In The Sand Village

    Aki walked over to a window and looked down. it looked to be about 30 feet from the ground. Aki showed no hesitation. he stepped back from the window. he waited for a few seconds... then ran at the window. he jumped out of it. time seemed to be going in slow motion as Aki fell to the ground. he landed on his feet and took off running.
  18. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    OOC- Sorrrrrryyyy.
    Itachi- Kisame is in a fight again. Time for you to prove your worth Soruno.
    Soruno- Drought of life jutsu.
    A line of aura held Nirain in place.
    Soruno- I control his whole body while draining his aura.
    Itachi started charging chidori and headed for Nirain.
    Soruno- There's your chance Itachi.
    the chidori hit Nirain in his liver.
  19. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: heya Mimiru on your last post there is a couple of problems can you pleaze fix those :)
    1. i dont think Itachi knows Chidori
    2.you cant say something automaticly hits you attempt an move so that gives the other persona an chance to dodge

    Leaf Village Innuzuka estate
    Yenzo body absorbed enough chakra from the plants and trees his body had blue aura around him. With a few seconds later the chakra started to spark around the Mekuna it hurt but these people deserved it. The fox clossed his eyes and gritted his teeth to deal with the pain. "alright its pay back" Yenzo said coldy with his yellow eyes staring at the inuzukas. A few seconds later the chakra around Yenzo started to spark even more intensly then the Mekuna closed his eyes and used the jutsu. An huge blast of intensified energy burst out of Yenzo's body the wave destroying what ever it went through. After the energy wave dispersed the Mekuna looked at the destruction an huge chunk of the Innuzuka estate was turned into rubble and there was an good amount of bodies dead if the fox counted right it was 6 bodies.
  20. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: is my guy accepted or no?
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