Air Gear - AT Up!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Noroz, May 25, 2011.

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  1. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    You will have to have either read the manga or seen the anime in order to get what this RP is all about, of course. If you haven’t, but want to, check it out here;

    Time; Present.

    Story/Plot: It’s fairly free in the beginning, as you will have to create a team consisting of a minimum of five characters, preferably 6, as you can switch who will be in the battles. You can control up to three of these characters, so yes, you will have to have someone else on your team. (This might change depending on how many people join) There are no kings or Gravity Children. People become kings as time goes on.

    Each player finds their own road, and yes, there can be people on the same road. There are exceptions to the roads, but only one, you cannot be on the gem road, simply because it’s “unbeatable” (It isn’t, but it’s easy to “god” with it)

    You start out with 1 – 3 individual characters; it can be a group of friends, total strangers or enemies becoming allies.

    It is time to strap on your Air Trecks’s (AT’s) and join. Create a character, converse with other participants and find your road!


    1. No godding, superpowers

    2. Don’t control other people’s characters, unless you are allowed due to them taking a break, if so, post it either here or in the OOC thread.

    3. Try to keep OOC at a minimum here, as there will be an OOC thread, this does not include registration of course.

    4. To describe characters with pictures, use spoilers.

    5. Beginning battle level is maximum 150.

    6. Max battle level; 300 (You may be temporarily 350, but this is, like in the manga, something that
    would wear you out and shortly after make you unable to battle) No, you can’t have a team consisting solely of 300’s. To prove you have read the rules, write “Cheesecake” with your registration post. Your skills may, and will logically increase over time.

    7. Relationships have to stay PG-13. You may write whatever you want, but do not have explicit sex-scenes or such on the forums.

    8. Just because you lose your badge doesn’t mean you’re out of the RP, it means you need to find a new team or create a new team at F level

    9. Not all Battles need to be Parts war, they can be regular fights.

    10. When writing, please differentiate between characters using color, and when writing dialogue, use “”.

    11. Not all battles end with dissolving a team, they can be friendly battles or for parts.

    12. No direct character copies from the manga/anime (yes, I’m thinking of Ikki in particular)

    13. Eventually there will be a tournament where all teams will participate.

    14. Someone will have to lose. Even though you lose in the tournament, you can still stick around as a spectator or have your own “adventure” at the same time of the tournament.

    15. Max no. of areas you can “own” that are self-created are 5.

    16. No one starts off with regalias, they must be acquired somehow.

    17. You don't start off as a "king".

    Character Registration:

    Name of character:
    Age of character:
    Current Battle Level:
    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks):
    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on):
    Class is not necessary, everyone starts off at F level, regardless
    If you register several characters, describe what relationship they have to your other characters.
    When you have a team, make a post both in OOC and here.

    Team Registration:

    Name of Team:
    Team Logo:
    Area you “own” (you start out with one. There are no set ones, as I think you should come up with your own names for the areas, i.e. “Koga High School”)

    Example of Character Registration

    Name of character: John Doe
    Age of character: 22
    Characteristics: Short, Chubby, Black military hair. Wears sweatpants and a hoodie.
    Personality: Kind towards friends, but cold towards strangers
    Current Battle Level: 50
    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Strength
    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on):

    Example of Team Registration:

    Name of Team: G-men
    Members: John Doe, Jane Doe, Joanna Doe, Jack John, Abraham John.
    Team Logo:
    Area you “own” : Times Square

    Name of character: Ai Arashi (Last name, First name)

    Age of character: 19

    Characteristics: Tall, slender, hair is black, spiky, semi-long with bangs, and the end of the spikes are blonde. Wears loose black jeans and a black/white t-shirt (t-shirt is mainly black with white spatter all over it)

    Personality: Very protective towards his friends, and generally nice to people. However, if anyone does something towards his friends, he'll get angry.

    Current Battle Level: 89

    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): can jump far and long.

    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): Air/Balloon (because of his jumps)

    Relationship with; Felix’ “hero.” Close friend of Henrietta.

    Name of character: Felix Jackson

    Age of character: 16

    Characteristics: Short, slender, long, blonde hair. Wears blue jeans and a fully black hoodie.

    Personality: Shy, but like Arashi, is protective towards his friends, especially his sister.
    Current Battle Level: 69

    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Speed

    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): Dash and hurdle.

    Relationship: Henrietta’s Little brother, looks up to Arashi.

    Name of character: Henrietta Jackson

    Age of character: 19

    Characteristics: Short, slender, long, blonde hair that is curly at the ends. Usually wears a plead
    skirt (black colored with white/red stripes) and usually wears a white shirt Arashi gave to her a year ago.

    Personality: Very shy, but friendly. Easy-going when one gets to know her.

    Current Battle Level: 100

    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Overall a good rider

    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): Fairly good at all of them

    Relationship: Felix’ older sister and a close friend of Arashi. Have known Arashi for five years.

  2. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    Name of character: Haru Francis
    Age of character: 15
    Characteristics: He is 5'9. Athletic muscular build. He has black hair with two bangs going over his forehead and his hair wrapped into a spikey pony tail. He has on baggy black jeans with a blue t-shirt. He also always has heads phones on his ears.
    Personality: He can be quiet at times but speaks when he feels that it is necessary. He is also quite friendly.
    Current Battle Level: 60
    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Speed
    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): Disc
    Cheese cake
  3. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    You're in. I just hope more people will join, or it will not work ;)
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Name of character: Mizurio
    Age of character: 16
    Characteristics: About 5' 8". Platinum hair with spiky bangs. Average build. Wears blue jeans, a black shirt with purple lightning striking everywhere, always wears his hoodie with blue flames
    Personality: Keeps mostly to himself, but helps out his teamates and friends when needed, and will give his all to everything.
    Current Battle Level: 70
    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Speed
    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): Dash
    Cheese Cake(I hope this works for you, because I think it would be cool)
  5. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    In! :) Yeah, only problem is there needs to be a fair amount of people ;) But we've got 5 chars so far :)
  6. Haru66 Moogle Assistant

    Aug 10, 2008
    ( I didn't really know how the power level system worked. XD)
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    I've watch about 8 episodes of this right now so I understand the basics.

    Name of character: Ren Yuuki
    Age of character: 14
    Personality: Calm, cool, collective but can be reckless and rush into things blindly.
    Current Battle Level: 65
    Best Strength (speed/strength/jumps/tricks): Jumps
    Parts War Strength (dash, hurdle, cube, air, disc, balloon. May change as time goes on): hurdle

    EDIT: Forgot Cheesecake
  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Hey, isn't that a character from Death Note?
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    I really have no idea.
  10. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Accepted :)
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