Age of Dragons Revamped Edition

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex stopped when akuto put his hand on her shoulder. it was warm and firm, like it's seen years of work. she turned and smiled at him gently and then continued to walk forward, but slowly so that she could listen to akuto and mya's conversation. she didn't really have much to say, so alex just stayed quiet and looked at the town as they walked around. there was so much to explore. all the nobles had their dragons out to show off. she was in awe. stuff like this never happened at home, and it showed on her face.

    jon arrived at the border and handed the patrolmen his pass. they gave him a nod and let him on his way. jon wasn't a bad person, he just did awful things for his nation. he needed to check on his last mission. see how everything turned out after their army left.
  2. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    "I think I see some people gathered up ahead" Akuto said excitedly, "that must be the parade! come on, hurry it up Mya" he looked back with a playful face as he started walking faster
  3. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    OOC: Sorry for my late first post. Had stuff to do that kept me from doing so.

    Lars awoke to the sound of flapping wings outside of his window. "Is it that dragon again?" He thought as he spiked up from his bed. He looked out his window to see a dragon. This dragon, known as Lightnos, saved Lars' life in a previous meeting. Since then Lightnos has chosen Lars to hold some of the power over lightning. "Thought you'd seen the last of me? I don't think so. Nice hair, by the way." Lightnos told Lars telepathically. "Why don't you come outside? We can try out some of your new power."
    Lars nodded and jumped from his bed. He ran downstairs, not even bothering to eat breakfast. He ran past his mother, not even taking a look at her. "I'm goin' out!" he yelled right before slamming the door behind him. Outside, Lightnos had already gone on his way toward the outskirts of the Lightning region. "H-Hey, wait up!" Lars yelled, hopelessly reaching toward the dragon. "I don't think so. Not yet, anyway." The dragon replied.

    ~Slight Time Skip~

    Lars finally reached the outskirts of the region, where Lightnos was waiting for him. "You-*huff*-You couldn't have given me a ride or something?" Lars asked, trying to catch his breath. "Nope. Just because I gave you some power doesn't mean I fully trust you yet." "Well what do you want me to do? You said you wanted me to try out the power you gave me?" Lars asked. Lightnos nodded and opened his mouth, firing a stream of lightning at the ground in front of him. As the lightning dissipated, a sword formed from the lightning (OOC: The one is Lars' character sheet).
    Lightnos motioned for Lars to take the blade. Hesitantly, Lars reached for the blade. As he picked it up, he could feel power rushing through his veins. "Woah...Is this feeling coming from the sword?" Lars asked. Lightnos nodded. "If you take a look at the markings on your torso, you'll see that they are now glowing a bright yellow. You can even see it through your clothing a bit." Lightnos explained. Lars looked down at his shirt, a slight glow emanating through his shirt. His lifted his shirt to find a bright, almost blinding light coming from the once-black markings on his torso. "If you ever let the blade out of your grasp, the light will fade and your power will weaken greatly." Lightnos continued. To test out what the dragon had explained, Lars put the sword on the ground, and just like the Dragon told him, the markings went back to their black colored state. Lars took up the blade once again. "So, Is there any extra power that comes from this sword?" Lars asked. "Why yes there is. A small fraction of my abilities to be exact. That is also why I brought you out here, to teach you these abilities." Lightnos explained. "Alright then, let's start lesson one, shall we?" Lars said, holding his blade in a fighting position. "Alright. Lesson one: Lightning Strike."

    OOC: I know it's long. I just had to make up for it being late. Lars will meet up with others after he finishes training (Which won't take long, I promise.)

    Also, by request of heartless_angel, here's the description of the dragon, Lightnos.

    Name: Lightnos (duh)
    Element: Lightning (doubleduh)
    ^^That, but a tad bit smaller
    Personality: Like other Lightning Dragons, he doesn't trust humans right off that bat. Likes to mess around with humans from time to time. Has currently chosen Lars Stradt as a user of his powers.

    I'll add more if needed.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Cloud pulled her nose back out of reach of the human. "Humans' hear my voice when I will it. I do no answer human questions. You will answer mine." She sniffed at the air for Olivia's dragon and spread her wings, "There is but one dragon bound to you. I would not approach a tamer like you without caution if you had no dragon. I will not be treated like a pet." She snuffled at Olivia's hair again, "Your patch of fur is curious."
  5. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Accepted Heartless

    BIC: Mya quickly followed them to the town square. Every year, the Earth king comes out to show off his and the nobles' prized dragons from all over the world. She missed the last three due to her condition, but she hated it. The dragons were caught just to be shown off and then later they were going to be used for intense labor work to profit the Earth economy. She didn't want to tell the others because she wanted them to enjoy the parade. So should she, with a little difficulty. As they arrived, there were already brilliant looking dragons roaming around the streets handled by dragon handlers.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex watched akuto hurry ahead and had to run in order to catch up with him. all the excitement had momentarily distracted her from the pain she was feeling and her desire for revenge. seeing all of the wonderful dragons only strengthened her want to get train her own dragon, which was exactly why she wanted to go to the water nation.

    as jon drew close to the lightning region he had rha fly lower to stay concealed. fire dragons stood out in the other nations. the last thing he wanted was to get spotted, that would raise all kinds of commotion. jon just wanted to slip into the village take a quick peak and head out.

    olivia pulled her hand back.
    "sorry. yes i have a dragon. his name is krios, a wind dragon. very serpent like in shape."
    she touched the top of her hair.
    "what do you mean my hair is curious?"
    olivia pulled a little at her pigtails.
  7. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    Akuto feigned a bit of surprise when he saw the dragons, since he himself already knew dragons were bred for war, not for showing off. "haha, don't you think some of these dragons would rather be fighting as opposed to trotting down the streets like this?" he joked. He felt a bit of energy surge through him, he knew he could probably make one of the dragons disobey their masters with enough of a mental stimulation. He felt his eyes starting to fade to red and the scar marks under his eyes start to extend as well, he hid the feelings as fast as he could so no one would see him like that... no better way to blow your cover than using demonic powers.... he decided to stand there and watch, at least for the time being.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    OOC: Continuing on from my last post...

    "Lesson One: Lightning Strike." Lightnos looked up to the sky, and just by looking at it, he intensified the rain into a full-on lightning storm. "Once you master this, you won't need a lightning storm to pull it off. But right now you do." Lightnos explained, looking to his student. "When I count to three, a lightning bolt will strike you. You have to take that lightning, surge it through your body and out the tip of the sword. Ready?" "Y-Yeah. I'm ready." Lars replied hesitantly. "One...Two..." As Lars waited for 3, time seemed to stop. He was going to be struck by lightning! How would he survive!? "Three." Right as the dragon named off the last number, a large blast of lightning engulfed Lars. But, he felt no pain, just an immense increase in power. He was surprised he was still alive. "Quickly! Push the lightning out through your hands and through the blade!" Lightnos exclaimed. "Right!" Lars replied. He yelled as he attempted to push the lightning through himself. The marks on his chest glowed even brighter as the lightning went through him. Finally , the electricity got to the sword, but...It wasn't as climactic as he had expected. In fact, all that came out was a little spark. "That's it?" Lars asked, disappointed. "No. You were too slow about it. I'll send one more bolt your way, but this time don't hesitate. Just let it out. One...Two...Three." Just like last time, as the last number was said a huge bolt struck Lars. But this time, he instantly pushed the electric power through him. "Lightning Strike!" As he said that, a lightning strike as big as the one that hit him exploded from the tip of his blade, eradicating a tree off in the distance. "Woah...That was amazing! That FELT amazing!" Lars said. The marks on his chest went back to their regular yellow state. "What's next?"
    "Nothing. That's all for today." Lightnos said, a snotty tone in his voice. "What? But I want to learn more!" "And I want to have a hair patch like yours, but I'm not getting that, now am I?" "Tch. Fine."
    "Now hop on my back. I have something to show you." Lightnos said. Lars nodded and climbed onto Lighnos's back. The dragon took off and flew towards a familiar looking area. It was the Earth region. A parade was being held there, and currently a bunch of dragons were being shown. "You see those dragons down there?" Lightnos asked. "Yeah, why?" "They're used for intense labor. They may look okay from up here, but on the inside, they're hurting. That needs to stop." Lightnos said, a sickened tone in his telepathic voice. "I can't do anything about it! If they find me trying to do something to them again, they'll kill me!" Lars said. "I don't want you to go in and free them...yet. I just want you to watch the parade. See if others are aware of the situation." Lightnos said as he landed near the region's entrance. Lars hopped off of the dragon's back. "You owe me for this." Lars said, pointing at the dragon. The dragon huffed at the boy's warning. "Put your sword in this." Lightnos said as he gave Lars a holster for his blade. "Thanks." Lars said. The Dragon flew off without a word.

    ~Time Skip into Earth Region~

    Lars stood in the crowd, watching as the dragons were marched around by their handlers. They looked okay, but Lightnos could probably tell how they felt better than a human could. And there he was, the man that Lars was imprisoned for trying to kill all those years ago: The Earth King. And after hearing what he was doing with those dragons, it made his hate for him grow. "...Bastard!" He thought. He unconsciously gripped his sword, ready to pull it out. "Keep it cool. You don't want a repeat of last time." Lightnos told him from afar. Lars let go of the sword and continued to watch the parade.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Cloud huffed and lightly lipped Olivia's pigtails. "Dragons have no is an interesting aspect of far the only interesting part of you." Cloud's golden eyes scanned the skies for a while before focusing back on the human. "If your dragon were wild, like me, I'd say you should be more cautious with telling his name. If you wish to know my will have to earn it. Otherwise...if you go to the Lightning village, you will find many who are curious about me." Cloud murmured for a while and rubbed her nose against olivia's stomach. "Human's....are soft... Not like cattle...or small rabbit that run the fields." Comparing her to food made Cloud hungry. She snaked out a tongue and licked Olivia's face. "Unique taste...not good for eating...too sharp."
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    alex stood next to akuto's side, watching all the dragons and their handlers. she laughed a little when he talked about the dragons. her eyes were wide in awe. the dragons were exquisite and all she could think about was how much she wanted one.
    "where...where is the water region...located from here?"
    she was so into the parade, she had to keep trying to focus on her question.

    jon landed outside of the village and walked in nonchalantly. he asked around about the invasion that happened a few days ago. most people weren't willing to talk. the damage was still quite noticeable.

    olivia wiped the dragon saliva off her face with her sleeve.
    "so what do i have to do in order to learn your name?"
    she asked the dragon curiously. krios walked over to olivia.
    olivia, what's going on? nothing krios, don't worry. this dragon just approached me. she could smell you on me.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    After a bit of more showing, trumpets blared out as a grand brown dragon appeared with a very formal looking person on it. Behind him was a large cage covered with a tarp. No man rode a grand Earth Dragon unless it was the king which it was. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our 10th Annual Dragon Parade! As you can see, we have a very fine collection, but I do have one more up my sleeve. It's the only one in the world. Behold! As the tarp was pulled down, inside was a pure white dragon with yellow wings. Mya tensed as she saw the dragon. Splendour in its glory! People were whispering to each other about it. Mya whipped around to the others. I'll be right back. She quickly shoved aside people as she made her way to the center of the square.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Cloud lifted her head and met Krios' eyes evenly. "A dragon must protect their name with their lives...on the other hand....if a human proves they are honorable, I am permitted to tell you my name. Acts of honor are difficult in my mind as no human I've met has shone me one worthy of my name." Cloud's lips lifted and showed her white fangs for a moment before she yawned. "I have no human to guide me through your ways. The Lightning village is...isolated from most others and I am quite tired of humans from there." Opening her wide, white wings, Last-Cloud-After-Dawn prepared for departure. "Same praises sung, are wasted praises."
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    OOC: Sorry for the late post. Having my character just arriving at the parade.

    BIC: Making his way through the crowd of people, Allen finally got into a good position to see the parade happen. So that's what one of the dragons looks like. He thought seeing the first of the dragons be revealed. Even though he's only been to this once before, he's never seen a dragon that looks this before.
  14. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars was surprised at the special dragon that was being shown. It was all white, with yellow on the wings. Lars was pushed aside as a girl ran by. She seemed to be heading for the center of the square. What was she planning on doing? Lars decided to pay special attention to her actions. it could end up being entertaining. "Your pulse is elevated. What's up?" Lightnos asked telepathically. "Not much. Just that there may be a little episode about to start down here." Lars replied. "Need my help?" "Nah."
  15. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    Akuto followed Mya, hoping that if she does get herself into trouble he might be able to help. "Mya! wait! im sure they keep it in a cage for a good reason!" he didnt see the strange tattooed man and smashed into him knocking them both down. "im so sorry sir" he said, but when he looked at the man, there was a shocking aura to his eyes, like the light reflected off his skin, he stood up and stared at the cage.
  16. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya shot a stare that could stop a dragon cold. This is my problem. Hold back. She headed to the edge and jumped into the square. Before the king could say another word, her words cut through the whole square. You thief!!! You stole my dragon! The whole crowd went silent and some whispers spoke through the crowd. Before Mya could say anything else, 2 guards restrained her.

    Hohoho. Guess who showed up.

    Mya struggled. Who the hell would believe in you?! I'm the only one who owns that dragon!

    He smirked. You don't get a say...traitor. He snapped his fingers and one guard approached her. The guard ripped off her top part of her dress, revealing her bandaged body and a nasty branded letter "T" on her shoulder. The whole crowd gasped as they saw Mya's identity. See people? What you see is a mark of a brand only one nation would use. The Fire Nation. After a long silence, people started to speak.

    But...she didn't do anything bad to us.

    Yea! She wouldn't hurt a fly!

    The whole crowd started to shout against the king, which he looked embarrassed. During this outbreak, Mya elbowed the guards and grabbed the keys and made a break for the cage. Stop her! The dragon seemed to respond and roared at the guards chasing her, freezing them in fear. Mya unlocked the door and quickly got on her dragon. As the dragon flew away, it looked at Akuto and the others and sent them a telepathic message. Come to the ruins of the start of it all. As it got to the air, there was a crack of lightning that blinded them all for a moment and then they were gone.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Rhian watched the spectacle in awe as the girl took back her dragon, she didn't know who the girl was though she was sure she recognised her and with that brand. She smirked, she wanted to know more. She wanted an adventure and here was one staring her in the face, she was not going to miss out. But, she'd dissappeared, how was she meant to find her. Her attention got drawn back to a few people she'd seen her with before, surely she wouldn't just leave them. Her mind made up, she began to move through he crowd discretely to see them closer so she could follow them and hopefully they'd bring her right to that girl. What she was doing was madness and she'd probably regret it but you only live once. She grinned and sent a message to her dragon, 'Get ready, we're about to go flying'
  18. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars stood up. "Not a problem." He watched the events unfold, entertained with every second of it. And finally, when the dragon was let go and it gave them all that message, Lars knew what he had to do. "Well, I don't know about you guys, But I'm getting there now." He said as he headed for the area he was dropped off in. "You need to get over here. Some cool-looking dragon was set free." Lars told Lightnos. "What!? Where did he go?" "Not sure, he left pretty quickly. But it mentioned something about some ruins. You know anything about that?" "...I'll explain when I get there." The dragon said, sort of hesitantly.
  19. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    Akuto smirked as he pushed his way past everyone to get out of the pack of people.
    Guess this is no time to keep the identity a secret, come, Peter Hausen,
    There was a short eclipse of light over the crowd, as the black and grey dragon's massive wingspan covered the sky, and it landed close to Akuto, He jumped on it's back. People in town started crying out in terror as the dragon was of an unimaginable size to them. Peter Hausen ran a few steps and took to the air, cruising at such a speed that catching up to Mya would be no problem.

    "So much for not spoiling my identity....." Akuto mumbled to himself
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: It's not the king's dragon. He stole it from Mya. I'm gonna wait until everyone posts.
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