Before you read this please note, that some of the words are Japanese, but it's not hard to guess what they mean, also I came up with this song when i herd a song called Itsumo Futaride it's for the webcomic Aoi house, so enjoy. ----- Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. Every morning when I wake up, and the sun in shining bright I smile and I think of you, and how much you love me People may call me crazy and say that I’m a fool for loving you And I don’t care what they say, as long as you hold me now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. You and me against the world I may not see you everyday but I know you love me Baby please don’t go away because I love you to much to let you go I can’t see my life without you, so I’ll follow you forever, and ever I will do And I don’t care what they say, as long as you hold me now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us now. Atashi and Anata, you and me against the world Ima and Itsumo, now and always I’ll be by your side Aish iteru, I love you and I know you love me too You and me are against the world, nothing can stop us. You and me against the world. ----- With this I don't care if you say it sucks.
Wow, this is awesome, and I love the Japanese words you used. It adds a nice quality to the whole poem, and I can even imagine it as a song.
All I have is some corrections on your Japanese. ^^; Atashi-I think you mean Watashi Aish Iteru-Ai Shi-teru. "Ai" is love, and there's no such character as "sh," but there is a "shi." Nice job on the song, though. EDIT: Stupid censors. Ignore that dash.
Aww... *cries*. Well, the lyrics are good, anyway. The Japanese parts did make a nice touch though. O.o Theb, do you speak Japanese or something?