Yup. I can admit it... as well as putting my hands together and going... "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!!!!!!!!" and then shoving them forwards like I expect it to work. Ah... child naivety. It never allowed me to stop trying... lol *goes to try transforming now*
Never watched DragonBall in anything more than brief clips, so I can't say I did. HOWEVER: I did try to use Chaos Control more than once. And once it worked.
Try to go Super Saiyan? P-shaw, I do that all of the time, I make sun gods look bad. Well . . . In my head anyway.
oh yeah, that brings back memories. Me and my older brother watched DBZ together, and we would always mess around like that. I mean, we would just mess around, but looking back, it does seem really strange. Although, I've never tried the whole Super Saiyan thing. Mostly because I'm already blond XD