Thanks for the scans. I think I'll buy the first game and beat it now that it's cheap to get me ready for this one. butthurt much? :D
God forbid I would think the Assassin's would want to be stealthy and subtle :P But I was definitely right about him not being an assassin.
Congratulations, you have made me laugh at 5:41 (Insomniac) in the morning. I guess the glider is a little on the...less sneaking side, but it depends who is looking where. -shrug- (If there is anyone even looking skyward. Of course flying in through the air is better then marching in by whatever alternate means there are.)
As long as he doesn't fly into those fires he should be awright. xD Ditto to Nra. The first AC sells for roughly 15 quid. Might as well try it out before this arrives.