
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Zexion of the Twilight, May 3, 2007.

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  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Well let's see here. Where to begin?

    -Once I was sitting on the stairs to the basement, it's open on the one side and I fell off. Granted it's not a long way down but still I go banged up pretty bad. All I had was a few bruises from it.

    - Almost burnt down the house from a candle in the bathroom. Rather not talk about that one.

    -Stapled my thumb

    -Cut my index finger on a meat slicer at work. The guard wasn't on the slicer and well 3 stitches later, got a nifty scar.

    -Broke my little toe on the doorjam to my sister's room

    -Caught my thumb in the rings of my binder

    -Fell off my bike going down the hill in front of my house. I hit a patch of sand and lost control of the bike and all scraped up and stuff but nothing broken.

    -Cut myself learning to shave. The back of my feet, back of my knees, my ankle bones. All covered with band-aids that first summer. xD

    and that's all I can think about.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Hehehe I shall live here forever!

    Once when I was really little me and my friends were playing Power Rangers and we were fighting Putty Men and I fell and cut my head open, it was bleeding really badly and I had stitches but theres no scar now!

    When I was 6 I got attacked by this crazy dog and it bit all my leg until it bled :(

    My older sister locked me outside one day so I decided the only way to get back in was to go through the glass....yeah you can guess hwta happened :o

    I stapled my hand! That cained!

    I cut my wrist when i was opening a tin of dogfood! Jeez it wouldn't stop bleeding! :(

    I fell on some broken glass and rippedmy leg open

    my ex boyfriend used to hit me and one day he punched me in the face and cut all my lip, that really hurt!

    My friend once dared me to fly so we jumped out of the tree it was along way down lol!

    Hehehe It's suprising I havnt seriously hurt myself lol!
  3. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Ooh!! I've stapled my thumb once!! I was a little kid....ehehe...I thought the stapler was stuck..and I kinda..tried to get the staple out of the stapler with my thumb nail....It didn't work...XD *Bricked*
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    A scarily large amount of people have stapled themselves me included :eek: :eek: :eek: hmmm there should be an awareness thing lol
  5. BlessedOne148 Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2007
    Ok, a couple of years ago, I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to ride my bike, when my parents weren't home nonetheless, for the first time since I was, oh twelve, maybe? Keep in mind I was sixteen at the time. So, everything was going great, then I come to this hill. And I remember how fun it was to go down the hill. Well as I'm going down the hill, I see thee three kids in the middle of the street. So I call out,
    "Look out below."
    And I try to turn to avoid them. Unfortunately, this caused my bike to go out of control, and it ended up with me falling off the bike, literally BOUNCING a few inches of the ground, until I rolled to a stop. Then I started to bawl. I had no skin whatsoever on my left hand knuckles, a scrap on my arm, my chin, my hip bone, and my knee. I was battered and bruised, and bleeding on the pavement. Fortunately, I had enough common sense to wear my helmet, otherwise I'd had cracked my skull open like a melon. When I went back a couple dsays later, I believe I found some the skin from my knuckles on the pavement still.
    Needless to say I was up to parr with the rest of my family's crash-and-burn bike accidents after that. Of course one must also remember one of my brother's was run over by a car while on his bike. Don't worry, his bike saved him, he only got his foot crushed.
  6. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    I've mentioned this before, I was in a car accident once. We ran into a guy in a wheelchair. No one was hurt luckily.
  7. zexionXienzo6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 20, 2007
    In shower
    sounds like bad luck likes you...
  8. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Oh, I was making cabniets for my garage, and I sliced off half my index finger, so It was hanging off, and I had to go get it sewn up. That one hurt.
  9. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Ouch..I bet....dang....I hope that you got help fast....
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Geez, I remember last year during school one day I twisted my right ankle and didn't tell anyone. When my mom found out, she took me to my doc grandpa and I got a brace on my ankle. I also remember I got a bite mark from a white huskie on my right hand. I'll never forget how much blood I saw.
  11. Sorafan60 Gummi Ship Junkie

    One time a few years ago, I was washing dishes and one of the cups broke, and I cut the palm of my hand right under my thumb, to the bone. Of course I tried taking care of it my self, and I went to go and ask my mom if we had some disinfectant, and I showed her my cut. And she took me to the emergency room, and I waited about 2-3 hours to see a doctor. Instead of getting stitches, I got this type of glue to keep the wound from opening again. After that, I couldn't wash dishes for a week or so. I have a scar too. ^_^
  12. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Yes, I waited from 12:00 to 7:00, my scar kept bleeding. Urgent Care is slow, but it gets the job done.
  13. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    I remember when I was a kid (2nd grade?) I was playing hopscotch. I tried it on one foot, and I jumped to the side, fell on the ground, next thing I remeber was completely blood covered elbows and's strange I even remember that.....
  14. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    When I was three years old, I fell down a staricase and cracked my head open...i had to get stitches...

    then, when I was eight my cat scratched my eye...I mean the actual eye...
  15. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    I gasped when I read that...holy ****.........
  16. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Don't you know? Pasta is the 2nd most dangerous thing to do after making a cake. :D
  17. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006

    Well, my most recent accident would have to be walking in a pole while talking to one of my friends who is a girl.


    I guess I was pretty distracted, huh?

  18. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    In the 7th grade I was riding my quads out in the desert and I went off a jump and my bike barrel rolled in the air landing its side, while my foot was trapted, not to mention I landed in a sharp *** bush, I was stupid and not wearing a helmet, so I sustained a deep cut from half way up my fore head, down across my nose and then onto my cheek, by the time I got back to camp, my face was a crimson red colour, and I had to be rushed to a hospital, 45 min. away.
  19. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    You're lucky you didn't break your back... and then say bye-bye to everything-that-needs-walking-and-running.
  20. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Oh My Gawd!! How do you live through this stuff?!!
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