Acceptance of Beliefs

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Blademaster Mai'kel, Feb 9, 2008.

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  1. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I have a problem with a lot of people here.

    Why is it that everyone feels the need to impress their ideals onto others? I mean, I'm kinda guilty too, but I'm not like some people. "Oh, Christians are better, oh, atheists are better, oh, agnostics are better..." WTF? Do you think anyone cares? They have their beliefs, you have yours, and as much as we try, we can't make one belief better than the other. So why don't we all just shut up about it?
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Sadly flower real life isn't all about sunshine and flowers. It is part of human nature to take your beliefs as being superior, afterall faith is what keeps those beliefs alive, if you have no faith then your beliefs are standing on nothing but empty words.

    It would be nice if everyone could be all accepting and nice all the time, but it doesn't work like that. Life isn't an ideal world. No-one should have to be silent on their beliefs just because they aren't universal. True, people shouldn't try to force their opinions on to other people, but they shouln't have to hide them.
  3. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    It's depressing really that some people can't respect what others think, everybody is entitled to their options and should be allowed to believe in them.

    It's just stupid with people who can't respect others.
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I'm not saying people should hide them. I'm saying that people shouldn't force them. People should celebrate and share their beliefs, though.

    I agree, K a i r i. Freedom of speech means freedom of beliefs.
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    I agree with that, that people should be allowed to express themselves and that others shouldn't force their views on others.

    It is something that EVERYONE needs to work on together xD not just some people, we are ALL guilty of not listening at times. We all need to learn respect for each other, that's the only way that anything can change.

  6. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    If you don't want people to try to convince you of their oppinion, I suggest you look in sections other than "Intelligent Discussion." That is kind of the point here; to share arguments and discuss them.
    Good arguments will provide evidence in their favor which in a sense tries to convince people that they are right. It's all part of backing up what you say and defending it well. As long as it is civil, then I don't see the problem with it.
    I agree, it can be a bit overbearing at times (and I am guilty of this too) but seriously it's just people voicing their oppinions. Rather harmless if you ask me. "Shutting up about it?" Where does that get anyone? ._. People get their ideals+beliefs from others (in some form or another) so if no one ever discussed these topics, people wouldn't get to see the multitude of opinions across the spectrum and this would just mean people are more close minded in the end. (Whoaaa run-on there, please excuse the attrocious grammar...)

    And quite honestly, when people go all superior on our asses, do you think anyone really responds to them? I sure as heck don't xD;;
    I'm all for respecting+listening to opposing or new points of view. Helps us better understand what we ourselves stand for.

    Just my two cents~
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    This brings us to the point of debating in general. 90% of the time anything that pops up here is an internet cliche, and all we end up doing is arguing in circles from extreme points of view-- eventually pissing each other off. People should come to these threads with an open mind to at least consider what everyone says as opposed to hearing what they want to hear or *******izing others' points of view. But this is asking too much, after all it's the internet. This is like asking us to be nice to everyone here and forgive and forget when they make complete artards of themselves.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    As annoying as it is, it seems part of human nature, as CtR said. When it comes to religion beliefs, how things work, mechanisms of design etc, people will get ugly because you choose where you are going to sit and others simply don't like it. Many people, I believe, try to be pretty tolerant of others because they realize, as social creatures, you only get so far being a jerk to others and pushing your beliefs on them. However, when cliques form with like groups of people, some 'leaders' spread hate as their message and try to push the followers to do things. It's brainwashing to me, but these people will insist it is their rights being squashed because they do not have 'voices' despite the fact the loudest speakers crying martyr are the most numerously populated. Groups of people can do miraculous things, both good and bad. They can save wildlife or make up stupid laws that get in the way of productivity and enjoyment of others. These can be groups from religious or those who aren't religious.

    I do think people have a right to be -heard- and all, because regardless of how I might want some people to stop certain things, I know it is human nature to be identified and spoken for. I do hate to be pushed though and it is what has turned me away ultimately from following religions in the end. As a person that likes to 'think' for myself, I've met free-thinkers who are religious and who aren't and I find that crowd to be much more tolerant and enjoyable. They do feel how you do, about who cares who is better with their beliefs...we have them, so what? However, there are others that will -never- feel this way as long as they live because they make things into 'wars' which cause people to fear and hate. Every major cause seems to be a 'war' anymore when militant sorts of people speak. There is a 'war' on drugs, a 'war' against Atheists, a 'war' on poverty, a 'war' on getting people educated, a 'war' against Abortion, a 'war' against video games, a 'war' for and against gay marriage, etc. It makes things seem so much more important and that people have to arm themselves up mentally to be on one side of the line or the other. You are either the problem or part of the solution. There are no ands, ifs or buts. It's this thinking that gives us people full of hatred and slows us down as a society from progressing.

    The more of us who don't fall into just accepting certain things as cold fact and we keep our minds open, we debate, discuss and share things etc, and we teach our children the same things, the better humanity can become. However, there is a lot of hatred brewing, especially when it comes to religions and we are headed for some hard times pertaining to it. I wish it would blow over before we do something really stupid, but it just feels to me that we are heading for some serious problems if people do not stop thinking that there's a 'war' between Atheists, Agnostics, Christians and Islamic followers, Jews and Hindus especially. Some of the things said even on this forum show that the tensions rise even as many of us just want to try to feel safe believing in what we want and not having to answer to another human as if we are an 'enemy'. I do hope that more people learn tolerance before it is too late. The whole world seems to be fighting over this junk and because it's about religion, it bleeds into everything we have 'rights' to do because it can all be labeled as sins by those who are zealous. I don't want to see a day where people have to pick their absolute 'alignment' on each thing to determine what kind of person he/she is. People can be decent and benevolent people regardless of religion or having no religion. We really need to hold onto that concept and thought as there are plenty of people who don't believe that at all and continue to make things progressively worse.

    So, sadly, I don't think people are going to shut up about it, even if I too wish in a way they would. It would only let things brew amongst cliques and the need to show people tolerance and acceptance is now very important.
  9. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    "Don't force your belief on others" one of the many messages in Trigun ^^
  10. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    See, that's just it. People need to stop acting superior because, whether they like or not, no one cares what pompus people think. And if someone acted like an ******* to me because of my beliefs, I wouldn't force my ideas onto them. I would just tell them to shut up and get a life.
  11. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Hmm...yeah I mean you have a point there. Like, I guess I meant I might not respond to a cocky person but I would consider what they said. Sometimes, it's people like that that provide the best arguments because they are so sure of themselves. Yeah I wouldn't force my beliefs on them but I would definitely express my feelings at least.Telling them to shut up and get a life only lets them win you know? They'll think they've gotten to you D:
  12. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    'Tis better to ignore. Acting out like that just spins the thread further into idiocy.
  13. Bakuyuru Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 6, 2008
    Louisville, Ky. I wear shoes.
    From my experience, the majority of the population do this almost as a validation of their faith. It's akin to how some people would bash homosexuals so that they feel more uncomfortable with their heterosexuality. In some people's minds, rather most people's minds, to respect these other religions is to give up the power of their own, therein casting doubt upon salvation (which I see as the main point of religion. To quote Hamlet, "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause"). That's just the way that I see it though.
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