I hear this term used to describe delicious foods, but has your mouth ever actually watered over food? It's never happened to me so I'm curious if it actually happens to some people.
It's happened to me. I've had a little bit of drool drop from my mouth before, wiped my lips, and looked around to see if anyone saw it happen.
Technically, your mouth is always "watering." It's saliva. Uhm, no, I have never had my mouth really "water" over a food. Now pretty girls, that's a different subject...
Well, often when I'm sitting downstairs, I pause in my internetting or reading or gaming to comtemplate my current hunger. Often, it is at that exact moment when delicious smells drift down from the kitchen upstairs and my mouth begins to water. I've never drooled because of it, but there is a definite increase in saliva. Yes.