About to go see the Man of Steel...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gamefreak103, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    and I've heard it's had mixed reviews.
    Should I lower my expectations going in?
  2. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    That depends. What kind of mind set are you walking in with?
  3. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I'm not expecting much, I'm just going to see it because my sister wants to go see it.
    I am a DC fan, but I've kind of developed a mindset that a decent DC movie cannot be made. XD
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    You should always have low expectations. That way its a pleasant surprise if you enjoyed it.
  6. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    In my personal opinion Man of Steel has its flaws but I will say Man of Steel is one of the better Superman movies. Not the best but it's up there.
  7. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I'm also a Marvel fan...
    Sheesh, next you're gong to snort at the fact that I enjoy the manga medium. >.>[DOUBLEPOST=1371682225][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Kind of the mindset I tend to keep on most things, last time I raised them was when I played Dragon Age 2...

    Good to know.
  8. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007

    I enjoyed DA2. Then again, I didn't have high expectations when I played it. It saves a lot of disappointment.
  9. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Oh God Dragon Age 2...

    No prob.
  10. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I played it right after I finished the original game so my expectations were high especially after a friend of mine praised it for its "gameplay."
    In hindsight I should have seen that as a warning for things to come. XD

    Anyways, I'm off to see the movie.
    I might share what I think of it when I get back.
  11. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Quadruple snerk
  12. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I know what you mean...

    Well I hope you enjoy yourself. Also, KNEEEEEEEEEELLL BEFORE ZOD!
  13. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Don't walk in expected the second coming. That's what I did and left feeling somewhat disappointed. It's a good movie, and the more I think about it the more I like it, but it's not a perfect movie. So there.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Every single thing that was wrong with this movie could have been fixed if it was spread out into two movies. Regardless, I enjoyed it (and not because I dressed up as Clark Kent) and it was almost exactly what I wanted...but everything that I hated about it was because they crammed too much into one movie. I personally would have showed only part of Krypton's destruction and dealt more with Clark growing up and adopting the Superman identity after finding the Fortress of Solitude (also, if you've read the prequel comic, the empty pod in the ship was heavily implied to be Supergirl!). I say the main enemy should have been Intergang (I mean, a criminal organization would have brought out the human versus superalien theme/can we trust him? theme and the alien tech could definitely be used for future films [like Justice League if they're really using Darkseid for that!]). Then, the sequel would have the entire Zod storyline after he was hinted and referenced in the first film by Jor-El's hologram and more of Kyrpton's destruction could be shown. Hell, you can throw in G. Gordon in the second one to push the don't-trust-the-aliens campaign and use a Luthor mention or two to keep it going, leading more into the eventual JL movie and another Superman movie. Not to mention, as DC-heavy as the film was (which it wasn't. Come on, Blaze Comics? A brief shot at Wayne Enterprises and a Lexcorp truck? Dr. Hamilton himself is NOT a reference to STAR Labs which by extension does NOT reference Cyborg), it could have used more DC easter eggs.
  15. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I wouldn't put Zod in the second movie. If you did that you'd be told that you're trying to rip off Superman 2. But I'm happy that at least someone other then Lex Luthor was the villain of a Superman movie. Seriously, thank God for that.

    I doubt Intergang would have been in the movie or any future sequels for that matter. Mostly because comic book movies tend to aim for the more popular villains. If you were to go on the street and ask people about Superman villains I guarantee you that the majority will likely say Lex Luthor and Zod, the latter of which probably not that often. So let me put this in an easier way, if my mother doesn't know who you are, you're likely not getting in the film.

    That being said I would love the films to use villains who are not Lex Luthor. That would be nice. Like Darkseid or Doomsday. Especially Darkseid.
  16. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011


    While true to an extent, filmmakers should not limit themselves to villains that are popular to general audiences (I wonder exactly how many people who weren't Batman fans who went to see Begins actually knew who Ra's was) because that leads to doing the same villain over and over again. So far they have done an okay job with this. There aren't too many villains that we see crossing film continuities, though there are some, and when they are done they are done drastically different than their previous film incarnation.

    Also, it's the movies that make these characters huge in the first place. Comic books aren't enough to raise massive followings for characters beyond people who read comic books. Think about how many people read comic books, and then think about how many people watch movies. Joker would not be the popular powerhouse villain that he is now with general audiences if not for '89, and then again in TDK.

    I wouldn't mind if Lex was not in this continuity at all, but since that is an inevitability I think there should be another villain in the film with him. I was listening to some people who were discussing Man of Steel after seeing it and said that they think Metallo would be a good villain to pair with Lex in the sequel, and then have Doomsday in the final movie. I think this is a marvelous idea.

    Personally, I would love to see Darkseid in film as well, but since most movie franchises these days are only around 3 films long, you only have 3 opportunities to choose villains, and he is just not high enough on the list to make it in any movie franchise with only 3 entries. IF Man of Steel is the first step towards a Justice League movie like it has been rumored (if it is successful enough), I think Darkseid should definitely be the villain in that if they don't get him in one of these new Superman movies.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Last I heard, Darkseid is still confirmed to be the big bad of the Justice League movie, which is why I think they should have gone the Intergang route. It would foreshadow Apokolips, but Zod could be foreshadowed for the sequel (I understand it'd be too Reevish, but I still think it could work). If we were going for the whole "the general population has to know who you are" rule for villains, Iron Man wouldn't have had Iron Mongerer, Killian, or Whiplash (hell, probably Hammer), Batman wouldn't have Ra's, Talia, or any of the gangs, and, depending on how "general" the population is, Avengers probably wouldn't have had the Chitauri or Thanos. Not to mention, Guardians of the Galaxy movie, etc. I think, like Below said, that the movies would be a great breaking out point for characters like this.
  18. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    How much you want to bet when Ra's was revealed to be the villain for Begins the higher ups just looked at Nolan and said "Who is this? Where's the Joker?"

    I would freakin' love Metallo as the villain for the next movie. I have no problem with Lex but seriously, that guy is like the main villain for almost every Superman movie I would be overjoyed if he never appears just for a change of freakin' pace.

    If when the third Superman movie of this continuity is made the villain should either be Darkseid or Doomsday one of the two. Though if Darkseid doesn't appear and is made the villain for a Justice League movie I would be okay with that.
  19. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Seen the movie and thought it was ok...not the best but ok...
    It had great action but there was no character development at all besides for clark so when the characters from the daily planet were in trouble I didn't really care about them because I knew nothing about them. And Louis trusted clark too soon, nothing happened to make her trust him. Besides that two parts of the movie stuck out to me. When clark's father stopped him from rescuing him from the tornado, all I could is laugh as the tornado got him as he was holding out his hand to stop clark. Just too cheesy for my likings. Then there was the part when zod's ship was descending onto Metropolis. Am I the only one who thought of the reapers from mass effect? It almost looked identical to the reapers landing on Earth at the beginning of ME3. XD

    I'll try give more thought on it later if I remember anything else.
  20. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I agree with this part of your post, but I'm glad they picked Zod to be the main enemy in this film. While I do get the reasoning behind having Intergang instead, pitting Superman against Zod really brings up the whole isolated survivor of an alien race that could easily just overpower Earth's forces (unless they actually did bring up other Justice League members and whatnot.) Having the last two sons of Krypton duke it out basically feels more tragic and personal for Superman, which I prefer.

    You heartless ass :<

    That was literally my favorite part of the movie. Maybe it was cheesy, but it showed a ton of character, for both Clark and his Earth-father, and it did it with basically no dialogue. That is good writing in my opinion.