
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Styx, Sep 5, 2009.

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  1. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    ^ this. The adoption might not be sucessful, and besides, a child growing up and being told their parents didn't want them isn't exactly a happy life.
  2. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    that wasnt the point i was trying to make. the point was that people are only starving because no one wants to support them. by "society is growing" i meant that we are developing more and more ways to support overpopulation.

  3. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I can understand that, and I realize that technology is growing to support us but it can only go to an extent. No matter what a human does, it DOES use resources, not all of which are unlimited (in fact, most of the ones we are currently using aren't).

    Oh lol, didn't we just go over how we need to make completely sure stem cells are beneficial and what they can be used to cure before we start injecting people with them the world over?
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    W-What? We're still running out of resources. How can we support an overpopulated world if we don't have resources? I don't care how many methods we have.
  5. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Let me end the suspense and say that it's bullshit. While we shouldn't be using this as a way to encourage abortion and detest consideration of raising the child since we can also get stem cells from bone marrow, it's certainly a way to defeat the whole "IT'S SENSELESS SLAUGHTER" argument.

    In my opinion, a fetus shouldn't be aborted after a certain point. Whether this point is the point of a certain degree of brain development, the point where the sense of touch is present, or something else entirely, a line has to be drawn somewhere that legally forbids an abortion procedure to take place. Of course, like with many rules, this one would have to have exceptions. Like if the mother had a high likelihood of dying in labor or if the child would have a disorder that would completely hamper its ability to live.

    There's no way to say that abortion is completely right or completely wrong, since it all depends on the individual scenario, and more importantly, the mother's morals and health. Saying it's always justified is just as ridiculous as saying that it's completely wrong and should never be allowed. You have to analyze each case and take it for what it is.
  6. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    well of course, but that isn't really my point. the point is that we've been researching this for what, four years now? And adult stem cells are the only ones that have actually done anything.
  7. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Wait...so now that they arent helping society or handicapped or something THEN its okay to get an abortion? So you are arguing that everyone has a right to life, but then turn around and say this?

    Stick to your side darling.
  8. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Why shouldn't it be justified each time? If the mother doesn't wish to have a baby, I believe that is a justified case. You can't say "Your case isn't justified, too late you're burdened". Unless of course, the abortion was forced or something.

    But yeah, if it's within the time (isn't it 20 weeks or something) why shouldn't every abortion be justified?

    Yes, four years is a really long time ._.

    Embryonic stem cells have potential, they aren't going to stop using them in their research.
  9. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    We've been researching some forms of cancer for way longer than that, you saying we should stop researching that too because we havent figured out how to cure all types of cancer?
  10. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    No, i don't believe in killing children just because they are going to be handicapped/******ed/other stuff.
    but if its going to be a THOUGHTLESS VEGETABLE or BORN DEAD, thats different. I can tell you right now that if i became a thoughtless vegetable, I'd certainly want to die.

    Wow, you got me. I really don't have anything to say to that. If embryonic stem cells are available to people, then by all means research them. But i still don't support people having access to the stem cells of destroyed fetuses.
  11. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    What about the millions of people who are depressed and wish they were dead or commit suicide. What about those people. Some of them wish they were never born because of experiences and horrible things they have been through.
  12. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    what about them? If they dont want to live, they can just kill themselves. That doesnt mean you should take away the opportunity for a child to live.
  13. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    But thats also like saying you dont like people taking organs out of organ donors after they die. Sometimes those people die at the age of like two weeks. Their brains arent developed enough to have memories, yet we take their organs to give someone else even a chance at life

    Well you just brought up if you were a thoughtless vegtable you would want to be aborted. If we could figure out if someone would have a ****** life would you support a decision to be aborted then?
  14. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    No, it's not like saying i don't support organ donors. I don't support people having embryonic stem cells of fetuses that were intentionally destroyed.

    I'll just give the short answer here.
  15. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    But it really kind of is.
    If someone doesnt give a damn what you think which if a mother has her mind set about abortion probably wouldnt give a damn, would you want her to just do nothing or would you rather have her give her stem cells to research that as you said "four years of research" can supposedly do nothing.
    Keep in mind we've been researching diseases like AIDS since the fifties.

    But you support mindless vegtable abortions. Right
  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Neither. I'd want her to NOT have an abortion. I'd want her to be a responsible freakin' GROWNUP and raise/put up the baby for adoption.
    But, if she has to get an abortion, because of rape/incest/whatever, fine. give it to research.

    and i do not SUPPORT mindless vegetable abortions, i just don't think that they're really a bad thing.
  17. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Well too bad shes getting one anyways because its legal.
    I have a question. Have you actually known someone whos a pregnant teenager?
  18. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Yeah. My mom. but she WAS a pregnant teenager, so i guess that doesn't really count. But other than her, no I haven't. my cousin was a pregnant teen(and yes she had her baby, did the responsible thing at gave it away) but i don't really 'know' her.
  19. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    So your mom was one of the strong ones who could support a baby. I know ones that cant. I know girls who literally could not deal with the stress of a pregnancy. Emotionally pregnancy is a horribly draining process. In school you get jeers, and dirty looks. Its like your period ive heard but like a billion and a half times worse. Its ****ing painful so its not like "lalalala nine months and ill just squirt out the kid!" It doesnt work like that. Carrying around a baby especially when your a teenager is something that a lot of teens mentally just cannot handle and therefore should have the abortion option
  20. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Or maybe those teens could just be responsible and not have unprotected sex. yeah, thats always an option.
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