
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Inasuma, May 5, 2007.

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  1. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement

    Where would the fun be if I told you where I actually lived, when I could put up some silly crap? ;L

    Yes, you're right, not all of us are Christian, myself included. That's one of the reasons I support such an answer as I have previously stated. However, I'm sure you could find a few kids in this world that have been born into horrible conditions. And I wasn't really talking to you when I asked the gender question >.> Anyway, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a dynamic type of logic with the situation, and can understand most people's point of view here. However, being an agnostic person I'm not easily swayed by Christian related theories. And I'm not in this to change anyone's mind, just to support my own~
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well that's called a one-night stand, and most people don't go to the authorities regarding their sex life. They go because they were forced into a room either with threats or a weapon and forced to engage in non-consentual intercourse. Women know the difference and it isn't too hard to spot a very scared woman who has been raped, especially since there are evident physical sign, both on the victim's body and genitals. So in essence it doesn't take a "long time" to figure out, it's usually like diagnosing a stroke-- there are visual signs, and the person is able to explain them.

    On another note, as I stated earlier, abortion isn't about women looking for an easy way out of the consequences of casual sex. If a woman is engaging in casual sex she'll most likely be on the pill and her sexual partners will more often than not use a condom. To do any otherwise would just be stupid, and as you said Karma would take its course. The abortion I condone isn't some kind of drive thru where "Johnny and Jenny Unwanted" are just sucked out without a second thought-- that's just wrong and immoral. What I do believe in is a system that is designed for people who are in a serious situation in which a child simply can't be cared for and nutured through pregnancy. Yes there's always the possiblity of adoption, but such things don't always go well for the child. More importantly there are cases where rape results i na pregnancy. I've said my peace on that already.
  3. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    You are exactly right on the point that we wont be able to change each others minds. We aren't really debating each other we are just trying to get people to believe what we are saying. Wait don't read the beginning of the last sentence. We are just debating to get others to believe what we believe. Is Candy Mountain a place you made up?
  4. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    *Enlightens you*

    ^^^^^^ PRO ANIMATION IS PRO ^^^^^^

    Actually, I think there's a song called Big Rock Candy Mountain too...

    In technicalities, this is mostly about egotistic persuasion. But how can anyone resist it? <:3
  5. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Not to go off topic, but just to clarify:

    Its from this video with unicorns. The main one is called Charlie, adn the other two lure him to candy mountain. Its really funny, you should watch it.:p
  6. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Right when I saw the word unicorns I thought Charlie. I have never seen that before but I heard about it from my friends. Ok so every year the staff at my high school does a variety show. It is pretty much a talent show where the staff makes a bunch of idiots out of themselves. And this year they did their own version of that video. I wasn't there to see it but my friends said it funnier than the original. Ok now we should get back on topic this was my fault.
  7. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Off-topic; doesn't Alice live in like... Michigan?

    On-topic; I'm male(as is stated in my profile..) but that doesn't mean I am not able to understand the situations girls can be put in. But quite frankly, if a woman gets pregnant then it's most often going to be her own fault and should then deal with it, regardless of the life the baby would live. That baby could grow up to make a name for him/herself and be quite prosperous, for all you know. I never once said that this world was friendly and I never said that all children would be born into good families; you're the one making huge assumptions. I don't care if the baby is born into a bad life, it's better than not being born. But the only way we can tell is by asking someone born into a bad life if they would rather have just not been born. I've done this to a few people and they all said they still like being alive. It isn't wrong to bring life into the world, even if that life is a bad one. It's still a life.

    And this isn't an egotistic debate... it's a mass expression of extreme points of view. O.o
  8. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    I respect that view, there's never a guarantee as to what you can do with life. I'd like to think that there just aren't extreme cases on this topic, as I think that if you're going to have sex you should take the right precautions if you don't want a pregnancy on your hands. But as I've said I'm not lobbying for a system where people can just stop by whenever they want and abort a fetus. There are certain complications and those should be screened for in a system that is actively controlled and monitored by a health board.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Hmm excuse me if I'm missing the point here but...

    Firstly it takes two people to create that life! So wtf is up with all the people saying it's upto the woman to "deal with it"? Dudes responsible as well you know! Afterall he's the one with the sperm right?!

    Secondly, it's all very well saying that abortionand everythig is wrong but what about the families who have a tone of kids so they can cheat the taxes and get bigger houses? How is that right?

    There have also been cases where it is potentially life threatening for the woman to carry that child, meaning she could die.

    I am against abortion as a means of contraception (some women think ts fine to not use anything because they can just have it sucked out if they get pregnant), women like that make me sick!

    But I think it is one of those issues that cannot be decided as evil one way or another, it depends on each individual case. I want kids when I am older but I understand if some women can't and choose abortion.

    One last thing! Hehehehe then I promise I will go! Can everyone stop playing the damn gender card! Two people make a life two people must share that responsibility! :D
  10. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Have a large amount of kids as a way to cheat taxes comes from a loop hole that should be fixed to provide better financial aid for those that are on or below the poverty line. Once the quality of life in areas of all economic standings increases, so wil lthe number of children per household. People know what they're doing when they do something like that. And they do it simply because it can give them a break. Also contraception implies the prevention of fertilization, abortion prevents the development of an embryo.
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Which is why I expained what I meant by that statement! I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it, hence the explanation in brackets! :D

    And yes I agree that the other thing is due to shoddy loopholes in laws that need to be fixed! Although I disagree that people do it for a break, not everyone is as noble minded or honest as that, some people are just out for what they can get.
  12. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Because the guy isn't the one who wants the abortion in most cases. It's normally the girl being the one that doesn't want to have to go through with it. The guy is normally simply not there after they have sex. I know there are some cases, but I'm being very general.

    And to White, I understand where you're coming from. I wish we HAD a system to screen for certain cases, but as it stands we don't. Until we do, I don't think anyone should be getting abortions.
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    I know that you're only being general, but I think it needs to be said that there are still a lot of guys who if they find out they got a chick pregnant they run for the hills! Sometimes the thought of having to do it all alone can be the cause of women wanting an abortion, particularly in younger women. I'm not saying that all guys are like that because as a genearl the dudes I know are lovely :D but some girls are not so lucky :(
  14. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007

    Sex is[ OR SHOULD BE] a MUTUAL agreement. Meaning that the man is just as responsible as the woman. Afterall, without him, she wouldnt be pregnant in the first place, would she?

    "Hmm excuse me if I'm missing the point here but...

    Firstly it takes two people to create that life! So wtf is up with all the people saying it's upto the woman to "deal with it"? Dudes responsible as well you know! Afterall he's the one with the sperm right?!

    There have also been cases where it is potentially life threatening for the woman to carry that child, meaning she could die.

    I am against abortion as a means of contraception (some women think ts fine to not use anything because they can just have it sucked out if they get pregnant), women like that make me sick!

    But I think it is one of those issues that cannot be decided as evil one way or another, it depends on each individual case. I want kids when I am older but I understand if some women can't and choose abortion.

    One last thing! Hehehehe then I promise I will go! Can everyone stop playing the damn gender card! Two people make a life two people must share that responsibility! "
    I agree with you. Point well thoughtout, stated, and taken.
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    ^ thanks!

    It's true it is a mutual agreement between both! It seems some people have forgotten that! :D
  16. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Exactly right. But sometimes that isn't the case. Unfortunately there are evil people and rape happens. In that case it becomes a hard decision. C_S_I_Girl said that sometimes women have to get abortions or they could die. I'm not sure about this but isn't that more common when the baby dies in the womb before birth? But back to abortion after rape I feel sorry for the victim. But still GRRRRR! I'm fighting myself right now I think I'll come back later.
  17. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Squishy: Yeah, my actual residence is in Michigan.

    And this is VERY egotistic. We wouldn't be here if we weren't trying to show our perspectives and suade others to agree. A lot of human interaction is about impression, and that's quite significantly what this is.

    Also, not being there after having sex with a woman is nearly just as bad as wanting an abortion. After all, he's not caring for the child in any way whatsoever [is that all one word? >.> (I'm in quick reply)].

    Yeah, still borns are immensely more common than the complications that cause death upon birth [to either the hosting mother or the infant]. On rare occasion though, such incidents do pop up. But it's not that often that a doctor gets a case like that.
  18. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Okay, guys, we're not talking about life AFTER the baby is born. We're talking about abortion. What you guys need to be debating is child support...

    A man has little to no role in terms of abortion, therefore he can't really be brought into the equation. He might have a say in it if he doesn't want the abortion and convinces the woman, but that's not often the case. As it stands, the woman is the one who decides to get the abortion and the one who actually gets it. Therefore, it's the woman's duty to decide on that and to carry the burden.

    Also, if some women just don't want to have a kid; don't have sex. It's that easy and that simple. Or if you're going to have sex, take the pill and use a condom.
  19. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Well, the title of this thread is "abortion!" not "child support". Even though I know that lack of child support is a reason for some abortions. Woah I just re read your comment. You contradict yourself. You say we shouldn't talk about child support yet two sentences later you say we need to debate child support. Last I checked child support is for the child after they are born. I just thought I would point that out.
  20. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Ummm, I don't think you understood what he was implying. What he means is if we are going to discuss the subject of child support we should do so in another thread. He's not contradicting himself, he's suggesting we stay on the relevant topic.
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