
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Inasuma, May 5, 2007.

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  1. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    I loooooove House (*¬*). Probably one of the few shows on American television that I watch anymore *glares at FX for practically never running Always Sunny in Philidelphia*

    ...Um what is that word? XD
  2. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Please try to stay on topic and not talk about what TV shows you like and dislike. Now time to get back on topic. Abortion is bad.
  3. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Dashing rebuttal!!1

    Sorry about wandering off trail. Anyway, CSI girl, did you mean 'in the uterus'? I dunno, it seems like it would make sense.

    But the thing is that's a whole different situation. I mean to say that if you were to kill someone spontaneously like that it would have a much greater effect. They would probably have family and friends, no one really knows a fetus. It's just kind of...there. Abortion is like one of those things that we get for being such a developed race. We have technology, medical support, entertainment, and other extra things because of our intelligence. The world is like a parent. All of the people are like it's children. It provides us with things, but we all fight over them. Why do we have wars? Because we have something to fight over.

    Obviously according to Christian teachings one would say that god does not promote abortion. But if the Christian god exists and were to do so, then why has it been allowed to enter our world? Such paradoxes get interrupted by the theory of 'free will'', but many of the people who are arguing that are also associating it with predestination, something that is practically the complete opposite of free will.

    The term free will indicates that no matter what your situation is you can change it. Fate does not exist in the theory of free will. Unlike in predestination, you have the power to take a dynamic path in life. Or, in the case of abortion, end it. Still one can very validly say that it isn't the baby who is choosing to die, therefore free will is severed in the given relationship. Predestination says that no matter how you try, you have a set fate. You cannot change yourself to a point where you will choose whether you will go to heaven or hell, live a wealthy life or a poor one, it has already been decided. Regardless of the actions you make as you are young, you cannot make any changes to your path in life, in other words, this is a 'static' theory.

    And this is where the paradox comes into play. Someone says "Yes, but what if that child is meant to be someone's wife or husband." Well, speaking in your theory of predestination, that statement is a complete throw away. If they are destined to do anything, it would be to die in the womb. And as cold as it sounds, it fits the conforming theory perfectly. Of course, after the Second Great Awakening in the 1800s, predestination was mostly trashed by the whole community. So, we bring free will into the picture. Actually what most people are doing here is trying to mix the two, but it doesn't work very well seeing how much they both contradict eachother.

    Whoa, am I turning this into a full-fledged essay or what? >.>

    Metaphorically, mixing the two is mixing oil and water. They just aren't soluble. If one is to say, "Well, if that child was meant to be born than the mother shouldn't interfere." Yet in a slightly different perspective [that still follows all the rules of predestination and free will] another individual could reply, "Easy answer. The child obviously wasn't meant to be born." I'm not going to be sugar-coated with this subject. The reality is no one can come up with a fair answer. Such topics are strictly opinionated, due to the development of our diverse culture.
  4. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    All I can say to Alice is a human is a human no matter how small. They have their rights too. Now I know they can't talk but I'm sure they wouldn't want to be killed.
  5. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    And that's what creates the controversy over the subject. They obviously can't physically talk, but you can't really say whether they would have the mental capacity to make such a decision. Obviously if they were older they would be able to. 'if'

    Nevertheless, I must agree with highlighted statement. Even while I do support abortion to a certain extent.
  6. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Sorry its in utero[accidentaly didnt hit spacebar]

    "Please try to stay on topic and not talk about what TV shows you like and dislike"
    Its actually relevant to the discussion, as it just reinforces the point that fetus are humans that have needs, like the need to physically connect through touch.

    "All I can say to Alice is a human is a human no matter how small. They have their rights too. Now I know they can't talk but I'm sure they wouldn't want to be killed."
    What makes a human a human? We like to associate a clump of cells as human, but really what defines it? And at what point is it considered a human? Thats the biggest issue, the one thats at the center of ALL the debates on this topic.
    [I am not arguing with you, I am simply curious about your ideas...I agree with you in theory]

    "And that's what creates the controversy over the subject. They obviously can't physically talk, but you can't really say whether they would have the mental capacity to make such a decision. Obviously if they were older they would be able to. 'if'

    Nevertheless, I must agree with highlighted statement. Even while I do support abortion to a certain extent."
    My thoughts exactly.
  7. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Well if it is capable of being killed then it should be considered human. Now what will happen is the government will decide what a human is. I have nothing against the current US government. I am a Republican.(Go Bush!):D :D :D I just hope that they will have enough sense when the time comes to make the right decision.
  8. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    ^^ I figured. And thats perfectly fine! Hey Im in a kinda republican-ish mentality on this one [which is VERY unusual for me] Im more prolife than prochoice but like I said before, Im kinda on the fence. Unfortunatly, both parties take a very polar approach on the subject which makes it tought to stay within party lines. Well the court kinda did make the decision but its always being revisited; its an incredibly popular topic...
  9. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    No one ever wants to get an abortion, but life tends to throw very ugly curves at people and there are some that are placed in situations that are worse than others. The whole point of abortion is not to set up a booming industry where people can stop by at a drive thru window and have "Little Johnny or Jenny Unwanted" removed, it's about giving people who for, whatever serious situation they are in, need another option when they simply can't go through with having the child (for meaningful reasons of course). People here have said that even if the child is a result of rape that the kid should be brought into a nuturing home and loved, etc. Hey, if there's an adequate system, maybe they can even be adopted. Well I apologize but this isn't a Leave-it-to-Beaver world. From an objective point it's easy to say that the rape victim should go through with the birth, but subjectively the woman is in such horrible and psychological conflict that the world is never the same for quite a long time. Granted, I'm sure some women have gone serious Mother Theresa on the situation and actually taken care of and nutured a child that is a product of rape-- after all some people can take a bad song and make it better. However, most women see it as a reminder that what was done to them was "okay" in some sort of twisted reasoning. Sad in its own way, yes, but rape is a very traumatic thing.
  10. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I think abortion is acceptable, but only under certain conditions. If the woman is pregnant due to rape i would think that would be ok. Who would want to have a child that was born due to rape, it could cause the mother psychological stress.
    If the child is detected that it may have severe disabilities that would cause it pain in life, i could understand why the mother would want an abortion. Or the woman's life is in danger & an abortion is needed to save it.

    What i don't think is acceptable is if parents don't want that sex of child, perhaps they wanted a girl rather than a boy & decide they want an abortion, i've heard of a few stories about people doing that. Or simply if they just don't want the child.
  11. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I'm against abortion in all forms and all excuses. I figure, if a woman is dumb enough to have unprotected or premarital sex and they end up getting pregnant, shame on them. It's like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute much too small for you and say you don't deserve to fall to your death. If you're stupid, you get punished. That's how karma and life works.

    Now I understand sometimes the woman was unwilling, but it's very difficult to prove that and it would take longer than 9 months. Since we can't prove a woman has been raped, we must assume she wasn't because the majority aren't. Even then, the government can enforce child support on the father. If he raped her, he's probably a bad guy and won't pay, and thus will be punished in turn.
  12. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    You're aware that rape is more common than armed robbery no?
  13. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Armed robbery has nothing to do with this.

    Rape is not the leading cause of pregnancy. More people get pregnant from normal sexual activity than they do from being raped. Don't try to change the subject please. u.u
  14. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    I never knew that. Thanks Squishy. Ewww, that felt weird when I typed your name. Anyways this proves that people get abortions aren't as likely to have gotten pregnant from rape. Now if somebody gets raped I can understand a little more. They have to go through a hard time. But I still don't like the idea of abortion. A good idea is to only allow abortions for rape victims. I believe that there tests doctors can do to determine if somebody got raped. What I don't know is if they can only run the tests on dead people. And with those tests they could determine if they got raped or not. Allowing abortion in rape only pregnancies would be a great step towards the end of this sickening inhumane procedure.
  15. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    Problem is, as I've said, it takes a long while for them to actually prove the person was raped. Also, they then have to decide if the rape was really a rape or not. If the girl was hitting on some guy, grinding on him and such, then she gets drunk and he takes advantage of her, then she tempted him into thinking she was willing to have sex with him, therefore it isn't rape. There are too many factors that go into proving rape and by the time it's all done, the baby's matured.
  16. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Exactly. Then there will be no more abortion.:D :D :D
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I was under the impression that this was a moral debate on abortion. Evidently I'm mistaken.
  18. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    I imagine it can be debated any way a person feels debating it. Original poster didn't specify the nature of the debate.
  19. Alice Banned

    May 5, 2007
    Char's basement
    Heh. Throw caution to the wind~

    Squishy: Okay, seriously I'm going to say that you AREN'T female. You can't ever put yourself in such a situation. Obviously rape is not the leading action preceding abortions. If anyone in this thread actually had that idea then I have to say they have some pretty botched logic. You're implying that since that girl was skanking around she should have that baby anyway. REGARDLESS of the situation the child might be born into. Sometimes abortion isn't just the mother's selfish way out of the responsibility. A lot of the time the infant is better of not being born- since depending on their situation they could be raised in a horrible household/lifestyle. And don't even attempt to bring up adoption, social services, or child protective services. Yeah, that's exactly what they need, more children. The government is completely overloaded with children in need of good homes. So much so that often the family they go to is worse than what they might have lived in with their mom. I think you guys are being way too sugar-coated about this. We don't live in a world where there are hundreds of families with open arms. There are a lot of people in this thread making huge assumptions...
  20. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Romania, huh? Now time to being God into this. YAY!:D :D :D Ok so nobody should be killed before even being born because you never know what they could've grown up to be. God makes everybody for a purpose and with a purpose. I know not all of you are Christian but I hope you can understand what I was saying.
    Edit:And yes I am a male. You think you could change my mind? Well that was almost as bad as playing the race card.
    EDIT:YAY! my 150th post.:D:D:D
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