Abortion VS. Adoption

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Ansem59, Feb 5, 2008.


What are you for?

  1. Pro: Choice

    15 vote(s)
  2. Pro: Adoption

    43 vote(s)
  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    exactly! why would you want to cut someones like (very very very) short?
  2. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I fully agree with Spike, so she was irresponsible and had sex without protection,got pregnant and now the girl's life is pretty messed up,what's done is done and you can't change that but at least she should take some damn responsibility since she's already pregnant,it's not the baby's fault she was not careful.

    It will be a blessing if your parents help you out (trust me,I've seen parents rejecting their children over this situation) but if not,at least put the kid up for adoption,abortion is wrong in my opinion.

    So girls,think before you act,think about your future first and make your boyfriend use a goddamn condom - ^-
  3. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Okay, i agree with Bunterx, it's not always the girls choice, and i also agree we're over populated and i could asy alot of things there but i won't cause i'll never shut up if i do^^'

    anyways, we don't actually have a right to say whether or not abortion is wrong or not and Ansem the Wise 59 no offense or anything but i'm not religous and i hate religion anyway, so that text from the bible or whatever it was wasn't really the way to go with explaining that... and seriously you've gottas stop saying that abortion is just wrong because that's your belief and you started this poll so really, you shouldn't just ignore what everyone else says, you should listen and see it from their point of views...

    On a side note: This damn thread itself is wrong on so many levels... some of us aren't 16+ and shouldn't be reading this (e.g. i'm only 13-14 O.O) plus, we have no right whatsoever to say what people can and can't do or to say abortion is wrong, expecially since we're not the person in that situation.
  4. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I am all against abortions but you have to think from the girl point of view. All of you are saying that its wrong because your killing a baby. Ok. But think at the girls point of view. Girls, and answer this honestly, do you really want to give birth to a child as oppose of an abortion? Do you really want to carry a baby for all those months suffering from vomiting and contractions? Do you want to actually suffer the pain of giving birth? A teenager, and when I say teenager I mean under 16 years old, is more concerned about the pain than the child. Like I said, Im against of abortion, but im partial against of adoption too.
  5. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    So, those of you that are under 16 are not mature enough to handle this? I personally don't see where you come off saying that?
    People can make choices about what they feel fit to see/read/respond to based on the thread title. In this case, it is not ambiguous or misleading at all so really if you don't want to see it, don't click on it.
    Pretty simple, no? :'<
    I know I myself was aware of these sort of things from a young age. Unfortuneately, it's just part of society nowadays, we all will be exposed at one point or another.

    We are simply sharing ideas; no one is imposing their views on anyone else. Afterall as you point out, it is impossible to have a right/wrong opinion in this case.
  6. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    okay watch this my posts are about to get really long... really fast...

    y'know what... it is the girls choice becuase the baby is in thier stomache... and so what if we are over populated... i mean im sure that baby doesn't know that we are over populated right now. besides wouldn't you be angry if (by some chance) you found out that you got aborted and didn't have a life... what if there was no Dmaster... think about that
    WRONG! we do have a right to say what we want thus (siad in the first amendment of the AMERICAN constitusion)(and yes i realize you live in austrialia) that we have the freedoms of speech and the freedom of protest

    okay since your not religous i will put it in a way you'll understand (since you obviously did not read my whole post) i could be possible that when a baby grow's up that it will have children and that baby's children will have children and ect. well if you kill that baby it is possible that you will have killed that baby's long (supposed to be) line of children meaning you are killing thousend's oh people in just thinking that you're killing one... and that truly is sad

    and i did not want to single people out and quote thier post's becuase i wanted to address everyone as a whole... i have been reading the posts and thinking about what those people have been saying i just have not responded to them
    also if you feel this thread is wrong then don't post in here.... becuase this is a major issue (to some) and i thought needed to be addressed.
  7. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    you have a point there

    but what if the girl was raped? It's not entirely her fault, she was forced
  8. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    that's the thing with rape... i don't want a innocent child to die becuase of anouther a**hole's crime... but i can also see why a person would want to get an abortion... i just think abortion is wrong... and that a person who get's raped to will not want the baby (who would?) and will get it aborted... and that is sad that (like i previously stated) some jerk rapes anouther person and that baby pay's the price...
  9. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    i think that when a child grows up and finds out he/she is a rape baby, then they will go with their whole life thinking that the only reason they exist is because their mother was raped
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i wouldn't see why that's such a big deal tho if i foudn out i was a rape baby i would probably ask "why should i care?". anyways, i'm pretty neutral about thsi one too cuz i honestly dont' know what to think. and you guys should try being more empathetic to each other's thoughts and try to see their point of view
  11. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    If somebody asked 'Why should I care that I am a Rape Baby" then I would flat out just believe they are heartless to them self. It makes a whole difference on whether a child is born or not
  12. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    so... it really doesn't matter weather or not a baby finds out it is a rape child... im sure that person would go through a few troubled stages in thier life but overall it wouldn't affect who they are... (if you riase them right)
    yo dude... i know your talking about me so just say it... anyway i have listened to other people's thoughts on this discussion... isn't that what a discusion is?
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I agree that abortion should never be used as a last resort for birth control. Really I think it should never have to reach this point. There are enough products out there to make sure that the chance of pregnancy (unless actually wanted) is slim to none. It is generally ignorance or just plain arrogance (the whole "Oh, it'll never happen to me" attitude) that makes them fail or just not be used. There is also manufacturer failures where the product actually fails, but thankfully this happens rarely (I hope :S).

    Meh I'm tired =_=
  14. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    you're doing a great job at it

    I don't think this thread should be discussed on whether someone should or shouldn't be for abortion either, if someone is or isnt' then its their decision.


    For me, I wouldn't abort a baby if i knew there was a chance and I was screwing around, but if i was forcibly, then there's a chance I might. =/

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Now this depends on age

    If the woman is about of age over 20 or something, she could have abortion even though it is horrible
    If the woman is underaged she should have to deal with it because it should be a lesson for having underaged sex
  16. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    It depends. My views are this:

    If a woman gets pregnant from irresponsibility, then yes, abortion shouldn't be done.
    However, if the woman is raped, then I think that abortion is acceptable.

    Do you know who some of the poorest people are in the US?
    Single women with children. And that can be a result of rape and resulting pregnancy. Should someone as young as say...16 go through that, living their life in poverty?
    That would ruin both the mother and child's future, therefore ending two lives rather than one that shouldn't have occured in the first place.

    And as for "population control", there's thousands of children that die every day from disease and whatnot. So that's not a reasonable explination for abortion.
  17. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    The woman does too ._.
    How do you think she will feel having to live EITHER aborting or keeping the baby? It's hell no matter what she does.

    It is completely awful that they both suffer, I agree but I just think it's important to consider the mother too.

    What? What is to say that 20 year olds should be ANY less responsible for careless sex than say a 16 year old? :'P
    It all depends on maturity. Unsafe sex practices are not an excuse for unplanned babies in any case IMO~
  18. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    I'd let my child have a chance rather then not have a chance....But then I wonder would my child ever find out he/she is adopted? That would raise many questions since the child would want to learn his/hers biological parents and meet them and maybe get to know why their parents gave them up. Besides, if the government gets REALLY crazy then they will ban adoption since you 'technically' destroy a life. Which can be related to homicide and the like....So don't expect adoption to be really a trend since around here they are being lost due to many reasons. Some say abstenance is the reason as to why birthing has gone down adn abortion too. So the real question, why do we need adoption and abortion anyways? It's just a long tedious battle between two forces deciding the fate of one/two/three lives (more if you have a more than three children). But then of course the same thing could just like with twins marrying and...well...you know...

    So all in all adoption is better since the child(s) will have a chance at life and such.
  19. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    You're kidding me right? So a 13 year old should go through with a pregnancy because it is their punishment for having underage sex? That is absurd o.0 and anyone over the age of 20 really should be clued up on how to practice safe sex.

    I think you have it the wrong way round, children who are under the age of consent should be perhaps the ones who should be more able to have access to abortions.

  20. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Adoption all the way. I believe abortion is murder and that every child, regardless of how they were concieved, should be given a chance.