Abortion VS. Adoption

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Ansem59, Feb 5, 2008.


What are you for?

  1. Pro: Choice

    15 vote(s)
  2. Pro: Adoption

    43 vote(s)
  1. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    i don't know if there has been a thread about this but there is one now...

    okay i plianly think abortion is wrong... a living person is created and some people (just becuase they want the easy way out) get the abortion instead of giving up the baby for adoption to parent's who want children. that is just wrong in my view but what do you guy's think...
  2. Devil's Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 19, 2007
    Listening to my music which is your heartbeat
    ADOPTION ALL THE WAY.Cuz you creat a new life than you just destroy it.Let the child have a chance to experience life.
  3. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    that's EXACTLY what i think...
  4. Naomi_8790 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 8, 2007
    In the shadows, preparing to strike!!!
    Adoption. Just because one couple can create a life doesn't mean that every couple can. Let the people who can produce kids have a chance to raise one!
  5. GameFreak12389 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006
    New Jersey
    Im against abortion. Its very disgusting. Its a living human and youre are HURTING the baby. It feels all the pain. Its just wrong.
  6. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Same I'm against Abortion. People who do it are crule T-T. They may want no child but give it to the adoption agency don't kill them (the child).
  7. Repliku Chaser

    This is too difficult to answer truly for me because there are many kids who are -never- adopted and spend lives traveling around in foster care or in orphanages. Now if -any- kid could be had and -adopted- you know, probably people wouldn't mind doing the process but it simply is not the case and won't be. There are children that will never be adopted and if you can't get a kid adopted in the first year of its life, it becomes a lot harder to get them to be taken. Parents want newborns and such to bring into their families and yeah, it just doesn't always happen. So what about all those kids that end up never being taken because they have the wrong color skin or eyes or hair? People can be amazingly shallow.

    Really, in the end, I am hoping more people catch onto the 1 day after pill thing which could make abortions even a thing of the past. If you don't want a baby and have unprotected sex, pop a pill the morning after and you are pretty well guaranteed that it won't happen. No abortions, no messiness, it's over. Of course, some people will say that this is abortion too, but it's no more harsh than using spermicides. Abortions could really be lessened dramatically if these drugs were available more readily and people stopped being lame.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    It shouldn't be up to men on whether or not abortion is law or not.

    It's a woman's body. Let them be. <_<
  9. Devil's Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 19, 2007
    Listening to my music which is your heartbeat
    Yea i know but your creating a life.And then hurt it then kill it.Doesn't mean a child isn't out of its mother's womb doesn't mean it doesn'thave a life and it cant feel
  10. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    i'm pretty much 50/50 for the whole abortion thing

    If a woman can't take of her child, and/or was sexually assaulted (rape), then its not her fault. If she choses not to go through the pain of giving birth then its her choice. And if she cannot provide for it, then she could either chose adoption, or abortion. She may not want the kid to go through life not knowing their mom/dad, and having to be put in foster homes/orphanages/etc

    On the other hand, I hate that it is killing a child in the process. The child being killed could really make a difference in the world.
  11. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    To me, abortion is murder. I'm on adoption's side for this one. Plus, if I ever decide that I want to have kids, I'm going to adopt.
  12. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    adoption for sure. im adopted.
  13. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Oh gawd.

    Abortion is just plain wrong. Every human being deserves a chance to live. Even if the parents don't want the baby, atleast give birth to it and let another adult take care of it.
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The poll is so wrong. NO-ONE is pro-abortion, there is no such group. It is called PRO-CHOICE for a reason. People in this group believe that women should have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies, and to have the right to an abortion. Gah it really pisses me off when people get that wrong ._.

    Anyway, I think that all women should have the right to an abortion. The world is already grossly over-populated and services are stretched to the limit. What would a sudden influx of unwanted children do, except make life worse for everyone involved? You have to remember that the pregnant woman are severely affected by abortions, it is not a decision they take lightly. Then there is the current family, local community, country, world etc etc

    Already said all of this in the Spamzone debate ;D
  15. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Okay, so the girl screwed around and got pregnant. She's still partially responsible. And what do you do when you're responsible? You take responsibility. She should take care of the kid, or at least put the kid up for adoption. Sure, he/she would'nt know who his/her real parents are, bu at least he/she'll have a loving family to take care of him/her.

    **** abortion.
  16. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Taking resposiblity also involves deciding to have an abortion. Also for the people that said it is murder, that all depends on at what stage you say life begins.

    Basically, you have to think of the big picture. A world with no abortion would be even more over-populated than it is now. Society would fall apart, there isn't room for everyone =/
  17. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I would have agreed with you all the way until this post.

    You make it sound like it is perfectly acceptable to kill an unborn baby just so you can have more resources and room?

    I think abortion is acceptable in some condition, for example, if the woman is raped or there is something majorly wrong that would severely impact on the child's quality of life. However I do not agree with abortion just for the sake of population size and resources, that is completely barbaric 0_0

  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    So youd rather the child went through a life of need? I admit I worded it very badly ;_;
  19. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    I'm seeing a common misconception here;
    Abortions are not always done because the people are awful.
    Sometimes it is a case of rape. Or there will be complications that will kill the fetus and possibly the mother. Abortions are performed for a multitude of reasons. Yes, sometimes people are careless sh!ts and get pregnant when they don't have the means to support it, or are simply not ready for a child. But it isn't *always* the case.

    I personally am against abortion as a general rule. It should not be used as a form of birth control. You are entitled to your rights, so long as you don't take the rights of others away. Now, when that baby is considered a human being, that I do not know. No one does, it's only a matter of oppinion and personal belief in that case. Edumacation is our best defense against it really because the more people are informed, the less likely they are to make stupid decisions.

    That being said, I am NOT in favor of having it completely illegal or whatever.
    I think in the special cases I mentioned above it should be okay, provided it is caught before a certain stage of development. Like say...1st trimester? It's just such a sensitive topic :'{

    I think adoption is wonderful! So many people cannot have children of their own and it is a fabulous way for them to expirience parenthood :')
  20. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    okay abortion is wrong... i see some of you agreeing with the choice to abort (thanks for the poll fix BTW) and here's the thing... in the bible it states that after one of adam's son's kills the other god says "you have killed your brother and now the bloods of him will be stianed on you always" (or something like that) well anyway god says the word "BLOODS" meaning not just one person... (okay now here's where i make my point) what if, when we get an abortion, that we are not killing one person... but instead a millions of people like that unborn child's children for generation's to come... MILLIONS!!! all becuase of a rape (which that person want's to get rid of that baby even though it didn't rape that person) or one selfish person's act to get rid of a baby becuase they don't want to get in trouble... that makes me sick...