Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Xert, Mar 31, 2008.
Goblin apiers HP: 5 MP: 0
BUMP! *tee hee*
Not you too.
Por que Maria, POR QUE?!?
I once had an Elf Psion with 5 HP and a total AC of 12. That campaign was ridiculously hard.
It's spelled "appears." ._.
* bump *
*Rolls Natural 1*
It turns out that it is a grenade. It explodes and does 2d8 damage to you.
O Noes! I only has 1 HP left! I must has a potion!
*uses dagger, 9-hit damage* Done.
.... *Dead* I wanna start a new campaign!
Well, what does the DM say?