A Story of Epic Proportions

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Knejaturch, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Knejaturch Moogle Assistant

    Jan 13, 2009
    this story of epic proportions is a bard's tail about my brothers adventuring group in D&D and its not finished, but its badass:
    "Epic of the Silver Wyrm"
    Ere and lo, you listen to
    this epic tale of old
    when dragons ruled the ancient skies
    and heroes won their gold
    but heroes they, the very best
    in all the multiverse
    to them was to face your death
    and never the reverse
    Bane, the first, a brutish minotaur
    raised alone by a silver wyrm, his fate is in the stars
    Kamor, the next, cham'pion of vaLOR
    demons trembled at his might and perished on his sword
    Eladro, ah! a caster he, in our days of old
    illithid who'd turned to good, and spoke of eldritch words
    Beyofor next, a Bronze, intent on serving good was he
    with lightning breath and sharpest claws and great efficiency
    and Finally the Silver Wyrm who's name is lost to ages
    and right unto his violent death his deeds are those of mages
    these five, Epitome, pillars all of good
    Tales of tale like Armanal and underdark escapes
    until that fateful day it was with massive jaws agape
    the tarresque, fearsome beast, which our heroes now hath slain
    but not 'fore one of their number, lost unto its reign
    saddened, mourning, with their loss, they went there seperate ways
    but again to be united on that epic day
    Called to defend their sacred ground from a dark incursion
    to let their brutish friend a sleep without evil perversion
    that day they held back armies, thousands died beneath their blades
    for all their strikes and blows were fueled by seething rage
    and at last they stood alone, alive, on fields of righteous death
    and a' last their barriers broke and on and on they wept
    they wept their tears of rage and death, and death and sudden pain
    they wept for days upon for friends long lost, for Bane
    then they swore upon their lives ne'er to seperate
    and for a small part of that one day, each member was elated
    with renew'd vigor they defended all twas good
    from honored Sharr to grandest Alt, even to Dreadsong wood
    but for that day, when their walking fortress stopped
    when they checked the dusk and the trees oh how they rocked
    Shell-Mhenk armies grand, marching straight to them
    and hearts and blades were ready with the anger from within
    hobgoblins were massacred, they died in droves and scores
    Icy breath and lightning bolt, eldritch words and roars
    but hobgoblins kept coming, and they never found respite
    for Paladins an'honored, fell beneath their evil might

    and thats all ive got, hope you liked it
    (( comment ))
  2. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Hell f*cking yes.

    But you might want to change your sig.
  3. Knejaturch Moogle Assistant

    Jan 13, 2009
    why? whats wrong with it?
  4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    It's a bunch of text. It's a great system, but it sucks as a sig.
  5. Knejaturch Moogle Assistant

    Jan 13, 2009
    what would you suggest i change it to?
  6. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Some picture you think describes you or something.