A Song of Admins and Moderators - Prologue

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Fork, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    credit goes to clawtooth for the title

    So after a long absence, I finally decided to write a story again.
    Ever read the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books? Or watched the "Game of Thrones" TV Show? (Which is the same series)
    This story is loosely based on this series of Books/TV shows, and I'm using the members of KHV as characters.
    The story is mostly fantasy with some comedy in it. I'm only writing it for fun and whatnot.
    So anyway, that's basically it.
    This is just a prologue, so don't expect too much from it.

    A Song of Admins and Moderators

    In a distant land, in a distant time, there existed a kingdom. This kingdom was divided among seven noble Houses. For you see, long ago these Houses always fought for conquest. Wars were fought, masses were killed. Alas, this brought nothing but death for centuries. People stopped migrating towards this kingdom, and this struck the land hard as the population was almost reduced to nothing. As only hundreds remained, a conclusion was made. The wars had to be stopped. So a pact was made for peace, to a limit. Wars still happened, but there was an actual king. A King who ruled, or Admin, if you will. And now, there are those who would defend the King, and those who would plot to dethrone him, and take the throne and the kingdom for themselves to bring honor to their House.
    Thus began the Game of Staffs.

    In the center of the Kingdom lies the castle where the current King resides.
    The current king is RoxasvsRiku. His reign is well received, although he has his tendancies to be a drunk and troll others. Nevertheless, he being king has brought honour to his House.
    His wife, Sabrina Li (also shortly known as Sabby) is of humble origins. She loves her husband very much. He on the other hand tends to ignore her because he once loved another woman whom he lost whilst rebelling against the last king.
    But that’s another story for another time.

    In the throne room is where RvR spends most of his time, sitting on his Iron throne. They say this throne is made from the bones of newbs and trolls and from the spines of ancient staff members who dared to question the all powerful Admin King*. But no one can know for certain. Except for the ancient Staff Members.
    But they’re dead.

    By his side are his two trustworthy knights, DPWolf and Luxord. Both of them have sworn to protect the Admin King no matter what.

    As morning came, the Admin King enters the thrones through the gigantic hallway doors.
    ‘’Long live the King, Long live the King!â€. Echoes of this chant can be heard throughout the castle by order of the King. Each day he chooses new members to fulfil this humiliating act.
    Today, it was The Great Gatz and tummer
    RvR: Louder! Louder!
    The King shouted as he walked towards the Iron Throne.
    Mike, his News Reporter (Ever so reliable), came towards him
    Mike: But sir, they’re shouting as loud as they can! They might as well be coughing out their lungs at this point He said.
    RvR: I’m the King goddammit and I’ll do whatever I damn well please
    He went up to his Iron Throne, turned around and sat on it.
    DPWolf & Luxord: Good morning Your Grace.
    RvR: Well then, first order of business?
    DPWolf: I believe we need to resolve our problems with the Members. They’ve been having transportation issues around the kingdom. Sometimes it’s taking them hours to get from one town to the next. It’s quite the hazard
    Luxord: Members Schmembers. Forget about them! I say we clean up some of the messes in the eastern part of the kingdom.
    DPWolf: Just because you’re from the East and that you worked there doesn’t mean we have to resolve your problems first, Luxord. The Members’ problems need to be looked at first.
    Luxord: The Eastern Kingdom is a crucial part of the economy for us! It brings us a lot of tourists.

    DPWolf And Luxord mostly never ever see eye to eye. Although they are the best Knights in the kingdom to defend the Admin King, their opinions always clash. It’s foolish to even think of a morning without them fighting.

    RvR: Cease this fighting this instance!

    The Throne Room suddenly came to a silence.

    RvR: ...I love being able to do that. Mike, what do you think we should do?

    Mike, standing a bit further from the throne, was seen bobbing his head listening to his iPod.

    RvR: Mike!
    Mike: Oh! Yes my Lord! Excuse me; I was listening to Spitney Brears. She’s all the hippity-hip in the Western part of the Kingdom.
    RvR: Mike, if you ever mention that name again and I will have your head for bad taste in music. Twice. It’s an actual law. Now, what do you think we should do?
    Mike: Well, I think The Council of Four is going to handle this for us.

    The Council of Four is the Kingdom’s most trusted Council that solve the King’s matters. They mostly solve small matters when the King isn’t around. But they do tend to solve the bigger problems too. They are the embodiment of the King himself. He trusts them to everything.

    RvR: Yes, I’m sure the Council of Four will handle this. By the way, where is Forsaken? I’ve been meaning to talk to him.

    [In another room in the Castle, where the Council is]

    Ienzo: Enough of this madness! Order! Order!
    Clawtooth: Oooh I’ll take two Burgers and some fries.
    Jayn: Did you get all that Plums?
    Plums: Yeah alright, give me a moment to write it all down and send a letter.
    Claw: It’s going to take a while to arrive though.
    Ienzo: Who cares, as long as we eat.
    Plums: That’s true.

    Truly, the Council of Four is an unmovable group of intellect.

    Plums is the newest of the Council. But that is not to say that he’s not experienced as he has served many lords before. He is wise and spends a lot of his time feeding his knowledge.
    Claw on the other hand has been on the Council the longest. He knows everything there is to know about the Kingdom and what to expect from people and the outcome of situations.
    Both their intentions are contradictory in a way.

    Ienzo: I think I brought some of the papers the King gave us. They’re here somewhere.
    Jayn: That’s very forgetful of you, Ienzo.
    Ienzo: Well, I don’t see you doing any better.

    Ienzo and Jayn were the females of the Council. Both are cunning, smart, and will do pretty much anything to achieve their goals.
    Ienzo has been known to use violence when it is needed, while Jayn has a tendency to use her looks.

    Each Council member serves honourably the current King. But by themselves they all have their own intentions and purposes to serve the Kingdom. And if they find that someone is endangering the Kingdom, then individually, they will try to put an end to them.

    Plums: Well then we’re just going to have to try to resolve the small matters of the Kingdom like we always do.
    Ienzo: A Game of Monopoly?
    Plums: No no, I meant without the documents.
    Jayn: It would be easier, I guess.
    Claw: We can’t leave this room without resolving them anyway.
    Jayn: The King would have our heads if we do leave.
    Claw: Indeed, we certainly wouldn’t want that. I’ve grown quite attached to it.
    Ienzo: As you’ve grown attached to some other things, eh Claw?
    Claw: I suppose if you’re going to ridicule me Ienzo, you’d best try some other way. At least I don’t need hide certain things about my past.
    Ienzo: Don’t threaten me you little bast-
    Jayn: Oh dear, both of you have grown significantly touchier these days.
    Claw: Don’t use that tone with us. Everyone in this room knows that you’re not such an angel yourself, Jayn.
    Jayn: My my, someone needs to learn to calm down.
    Claw: Calm? I’m calm. You’re the one who especially needs to learn patience, Jayn.
    Plums: Now guys, you need to stop this needless fighting.
    Jayn: I agree with Plums on this one. It’s getting us nowhere.
    Plums: Let’s just focus on our work for now and solve our petty differences later on. For the Kingdom.
    Claw: If it’s for the Kingdom.
    Ienzo: I guess we could stop
    Plums: Right then, on to business.


    Later on, in front of the King’s bedrooms, DPWolf and Luxord were standing watch while the King was inside.

    Luxord: So...How many women do you think he has in there?
    DPWolf: Excuse me?
    Luxord: C’mon, we both know he has a bunch of women in there. Hell, we can hear them. How many?
    DPWolf: I really don’t care. These kinds of things don’t concern me.
    Luxord: You’ve always been way too serious, DPWolf.
    DPWolf: Then what would you have me do? Go and have fun and leave the King defenceless?
    Luxord: Now I never said that, but you could always try to look for some change.
    DPWolf: And what is that suppose to mean? Are you mocking me?
    Luxord: Now now, calm down.
    DPWolf: No, go ahead. Say what you had to say.
    Luxord: Jeez, it’s true what they said about Wolves having a short temper. It’s no wonder ‘He’ lost interest in you.

    Wolfie unsheathed her sword and pointed it at Luxord.

    DPWolf: If I were you, I’d choose my next words carefully. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.
    Luxord: Don’t I now? And you know better than to point a sword at me. How many Kings have you served so far? Is this your third or your fourth? I believe you’re the knight who has been here the longest. You haven’t even been placed in other squads yet. Why I believe that makes you a Glorified Bodyguard, at best.
    DPWolf: Heh, better that than an Admin Slayer.

    Luxord unsheathed his sword the moment Wolfie finished her sentence, as if he knew she was going to say that.

    DPWolf: Oh? Did I hit a soft spot there?
    Luxord: Again, you know better not to point a sword at me and aggress me.
    DPWolf: That nickname is the one thing that keeps you from sticking that sword of yours in me right now. You did after all sully your honour before; you wouldn’t want that happening again. I’m sure you hear the whispers as you walk the hallways of the Castle. “Admin Slayer, Admin Slayer!†It keeps you up at night doesn’t it?
    Luxord: What I did, I did for my Kingdom!

    Before the current King RoxasvsRiku, there was Tienewman. The start of his reign was showed great promise. But as time passed, a new name was given to Tienewman, “The Mad Kingâ€. Tienewman was a harsh and cruel Admin. He had members and newbies killed for no reason, lands repossessed and families burned. It was said that he heard voices in his heads that made him do such things.
    At the time, Luxord was Tienewman’s loyal Knight, sworn to protect him no matter what. Then a rebellion came against The Mad King led by RoxasvsRiku, and it seemed hopeless for the Admin. To protect his own life, Luxord stuck a knife in the back of the King he had sworn to protect. And thus, ending the reign of the Mad King.

    DPWolf: Right, I’m sure that helps you keep your conscious clear doesn’t it?
    Luxord: You need to learn to watch your mouth, girl. Or else I’ll hav-

    Suddenly, the bedroom doors opened.

    RvR: By the name of the King what’s going on here?! Must you two always fight?

    Both DPWolf and Luxord sheathed their swords and kneeled.

    DPWolf & Luxord: Excuse us our Grace.
    RvR: I swear if you two weren’t the best knights around I would’ve sent you back to your own lands to rot. I’m going to the Queen’s rooms. Oh, and if you so happen to see Forsaken, do tell him I’m looking for him. That guy is always getting lost somewhere.


    Meanwhile, back at the council’s room:

    Ienzo: Well then, that solves that.
    Plums: I guess we can finally leave now.
    Jayn: By the way, where is Forsaken? Doesn’t he usually attend these meetings?
    Claw: He’s been rather overworking himself lately, or so he told me. I believe he’s resting in his quarters.

    Forsaken was the Hand of the Admin King. A second in command of the Kingdom of a sort.

    Jayn: Right, if you’ll excuse me I have some matters I need to attend to. I’ll be leaving now.
    Ienzo: As do I. We’ll be seeing you next time.
    Plums: Well I guess that leaves just you and me Claw.
    Claw: Walk with me, Plums.
    Plums: Is something bothering you?
    Claw: These are harsh times. The people are losing their interest in our King Plums. They don’t respect a King who spends most of his time in his castle.
    Plums: The last King who tried to get closer to the people was insane Claw, what do you suggest we do?
    Claw: I don’t know, but if we don’t do something quickly, I feel a rebellion from another House will come sooner or later, and we would lose our current beloved king.
    Plums: We surely wouldn’t want that to happen.

    Suddenly, Mike was seen running towards Claw and Plums. He was holding a letter. As he was trying to catch his breath again, Claw looked at Mike. He was as pale as a person can get.
    Claw took the letter from his hands and started reading it.

    Claw: Well, this is most troublesome. We need to report this to the King immediately.

    Back in the Queen’s quarters, the King entered her room and saw Sabby gazing outside her window while her maids where washing her hair.

    RvR: Hello there my Queen, I hope I’m not bothering you.
    Sabby: Oh hello there RvR. Of course you’re not bothering me
    RvR: Well I just wanted to see how you were doing.

    Sabby let out a sigh.

    Sabby: Why? Does it clear your conscious?
    RvR: Why would you even say such things?
    Sabby: How many years have we been married now RvR? Four? Five Years?
    RvR: I believe it’s something like that.
    Sabby: You know there was a time when I thought you actually loved me? After our wedding day, I was the happiest woman alive. But as time passed by I realized that you would never forget that woman.
    RvR: That woman is the only reason I’m still alive. I would at least expect you to respect her, even after her death.
    Sabby: Oh I do. I definitely do. It’s just that after all these years I thought you would have moved on. Obviously, I was wrong.

    Sabby turned to her maids.

    Sabby: Leave us.
    Maids: But my Queen, your hair isn’t done yet!

    Sabby took a few bowls and started hurling them at the maids.

    Sabby: I said leave us!
    RvR: Never anger Asians. Their wrath is terrible and relentless.
    Sabby: I didn’t ask you!

    At that instant, Claw and Plums entered the room. Both their expressions were emotionless.

    Claw: My King, we have bad news.
    RvR: Amazing, just what I need. What is it now?

    Claw gave RvR the letter he had received from Mike. As RvR went on to read it, his expression also changed and his face became more and more pale.

    Sabby: What is it?
    Plums: Forsaken, the Hand of the King himself was found dead in his bed a few hours ago.

    RvR dropped the letter and went on to take a seat.

    RvR: Oh this is all too horrible. The worst thing that could ever happen is a King’s Hand passing away. Not only was Forsaken a noble person, but a good man. Now I must also choose a new one.
    Claw: Yes. But it doesn’t end here. Kingdom Laws applies sadly.
    Sabby: And what does that mean?
    Plums: The King must choose a new Hand from one the six other Houses that live in this land.

    End of Prologue


    And that was the end of the Prologue. If you're interested, Chapter 1 will have a lot more characters. (So a lot more members)

    *The name Admin King was created by Ace Phoenix. Credit goes to him, and his story "The Admin King. Go read it when you can.

    Edit: Just FYI, the story is not limited to Staff members only, if that's what you're thinking. It has come to my attention that some people are thinking that >_>
  2. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    About freaking time you started writing again! The prologue is awesome and shows a lot of potential in things to come. I especially love how you mix jokes into the story. You've always been great at that. xD

    Certainly an enjoyable read and you better continue this! Or else I'll find you and your mud hut. >|
  3. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    I loved that.
    Just amazing.

    And I am very glad we finally got to see what you and Claw were always talking about.
    You better write us out the next chapter soon deary dear <3
  4. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    It's been a long time hasn't it? I will definitely try my best to continue the story.
    Thanks xD

    Hey, thanks xD Yeah Claw found out about it by accident, so we sometimes talked about it from time to time.
    I'm going to write out the next chapter as soon as I can. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  5. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I really enjoyed that xD Nice work, I found it very interesting with a lot of action, I was half expecting Misty to somehow turn up but I'm sure she'll have some significance at some point :3 It made me laugh and I am finding the story very enjoyable, especially since it's people I know.

    I look forward to chapter 2, this was clearly presented and well described, nothing stood out to me as needing improvement, so keep it up. I also find it amusing how you killed yourself off xD
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Wow, that's rather long, haha! (I'm saying that as a good thing.)
    I can tell you put a lot of work into this.

    Anyway, my favorite part was the part where you mentioned two people being at the side of Okabe.
    It really shows their loyalty.

    How long did it take you to write this?
    Also, did you write it on the forum or did you write it on a document and paste it here?
  7. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Lol this was just to great. The way you used the staff in your writing was excellent. Your spelling & grammar obviously great. The only thing I have to say is, "I want more!" ^_^ This is really great work, hope to hear/read more soon.
  8. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    I actually enjoyed that. LOL uh I don't want to sound mean but I guess people do know my last name but can you not put it in? Since you've introduced a nickname for me I guess it is fine :P Anyways good prologue and now I understand why me and RVR are not a good match because he is such a whore D:

    Please continue, I would like another chapter :D
  9. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I will save my fangasm for the end. :B

    I think you could've formatted the dialogue a bit better. The way it is now is the way it's usually done in a play, but at the same time this actually reads like a play, so this can be disregarded. xD

    There was one part I was confused on here:

    The "hopeless for the Admin" before the "To protect his life..." made it seem as though Lux stabbed Tieto save Tie's life.

    Other than that, this is pretty fantastic. I SAW MY NAME :'D and all of the characters' interactions so far are pretty spot on. I found it interesting you killed your character off right for the get-go, and I am really curious as to who the previous Queen was (my guess is either Misty, CtR or Sara, lolol).

    I hope you update soon, or else I will assist Kitty in her raid. :|
  10. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Lol Misty had indeed some significance. There's a lot of members in the story, and they'll show up from chapter to chapter.
    AND LOL Yeah I was going to add myself in the story at first, then killing myself off was a last minute change xD I was supposed to be part of the Council, but I also needed to kill someone off and I couldn't really find anyway. So I was like "Blah, I'll just use myself.'' I usually dislike adding myself in stories, so I find a way not to. This time I'll just be mentioned from time to time lol.
    Thanks a lot Ienzo

    It took about several hours.
    But a lot of times I'd just stare at my computer screen thinking about what I should write next lol. It was pretty annoying.
    And nah I wrote it on MS Word. It's much easier that way.
    Thanks Amaury.

    Thanks haha. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Yeah, that RvR. He's such a bastard. :C And alright I won't use your real name anymore lol (even though most people do know it)
    Thanks Sabby <3

    I knew someone would comment on the format of the dialogue xD It's done on purpose obviously. I know it's a bit different since it's descriptions with these kind of dialogues, but it makes things simpler for me and the reader, in a way.

    Oh well I understand the misunderstanding lol, I guess simply adding "To protect his own life" would do fine. Don't you think?

    lololololo you'll see who the previous queen is. I'm keeping it a secret for a reason, it's always amusing to see people's thoughts xD
    And like I said to Ienzo, I hate adding myself in stories xD
    Thanks for the long reply :x I always love these kind of comments on my stories.
  11. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Dude you are such a boss.

    This entire thing was really well done.
  12. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Brilliant, Forsaken. I laughed aloud, and the plot is intriguing. You portrayed the characters well, and your writing is intelligent. I hope to see many more chapters soon.

    It's Spitney sitch.
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Dude sweet story. I noticed a few misspellings here and there, specifically conscience, but that's all right. I have trouble with the word too.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Awesome. You've done really well with this. Script format is actually a lot easier for me to follow, to be honest. I enjoy writing in that format from time to time. xD Enzy and I should have a sexy girl-figh--*shot*

    No, but seriously. It was fun read and I hope you continue it.
  15. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Thanks dude.

    Thanks a lot Britishism. And the story will probably have several chapters, so no worries there.

    Oh lol. Well misspellings do happen xD Thanks.

    Finally, someone who enjoys the script format xD
    Thanks Jayn.

    Also, I'm the process of writing the next chapter (Or the first Chapter if you will, lol) now. It should be up by the end of the week.
  16. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I really enjoyed this story. It was very fun to read and I really liked the way you portrayed the characters ... especially me, I feel like such a bauss ... lol.

    I want to see how the plot develops though ... hmm.

    Also, killing yourself, morbid much??