Yeah... I had a wierd dream about a bunch of heros that I know... get mixed up... And there was a villan who wasn't switched at all... though I don't know him... and Larxene was there! AND SHE MUST HAVE BEEN GOOD!!! Then why would she be in the net? ....??? Oh sorry... You had to be in my dream to know what i'm talking about... And It all happens when Sora and Riku fall from the sky in KH2... And there was a girl... And there was disco... 0_o Don't ask... And you may have up to 2 characters. Here are the heros... 1. Sora in Sonic's body- Dual Wielder 2. Riku in Knuckles body- XarenTheTwilitAngel 3. Kairi in Tails body- sora is cute 4. Sonic as Sora- 5. Knuckles as Riku- 6. Amy as Kairi- 7. Tails as Roxas- HisNobody 8. Spiderman as Kirby- La Sofa I know there were more... Here is the girl... Gabrielle- Dark skin, brown eyes, cheery personality, brown hair, and is great a baking cookies! :p Bad Guys: Eggman- Luxord- Demyx- Axel- Xemnas- Zexion- Marluxia- Larxene- Xaldian- Lexuas- Vexen- Xigbar- This, as I said before, starts when Sora and Riku fall from the sky. And Make your own chracter!!! Name: Age: Apperance: Weapon(s): Talents: Here are the created characters:
And I only had an hour to dream it 0.o I woke up at 6 o' clock, then went to sleep... and then that happened...
Heh! I never remember my dreams anymore... But the ones I had in the past was werid.. But not as werid as this one.
Step into my head... O.O And you'll be busy for life... La Sofa Kay! ... *looks at kadaj siggy* :( ....*cries a little bit*
I better get Daul Wielder... Oh wait... um...XarenTheTwilitAngel, you don't have to... Do you really want to?
Well... It sounded like you typed it in a " I'll just say that'll I'll join so she won't whine about it." kinda way... But Okay!:D You're already on the list. So you can start as soon as I find Dual Wielder.
I walk through with keyblade in hand. I then start gaining speed and I then blast off!!! Into Cid's shop it is. ooc: Does that mean that Eggman and Org. 13 are the enemies?
Umm.... 1. You and Riku are supposed to be falling out of the sky 2. Sora can't use the Keyblade while he's Sonic 3. I don't really know... But it could interesting... I could add it instead of the other guy...