A Rant.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Catch the Rain, Jul 18, 2008.

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  1. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    Orange really is such a koolkat.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    A part of life is having problems and learning to cope with them and get over them. If people get traumatized over what a -few- people think about them on a forum, it is time to rethink their lives and where they are going wrong.

    Most people here don't -hate- anyone but instead get -annoyed- at something the person is doing. I.e. some people hate my long ass essays. Now, does it mean I should take it personal and assume people hate my guts when I get derepped or even scolded for them? No. It means I should look at the thing they don't like...which is my long ass essays. Then I can decide if I'm still going to do it and tick off a few people or stop it and try something else. Obviously, I still choose to do it because here we are and I'm still at it. Why? Because though some don't like them, others do. So I take the insults and the compliments and that's the way it goes. I live with the decision. This is hard for some people to do but once you realize that in this life -everyone- is not going to be happy with what you do, it doesn't hurt so much. Expectations that everyone should think you are super cool will just lead you to disappointment. Most of the time if you just don't bother with caring what others think and just treat everyone with respect, you tend to get respect back. Those who don't give you back it.. screw them. It doesn't matter because who are they that you need to really impress them? Just remember that even the most popular people in the world have their critics and haters. It's the way it goes.

    The suicide threads...ungh. There are people here who really have some serious dilemmas and they can go to the Help with Life forum and others, whether going through their own traumatic experiences or not, will take the time out to help as they can. It shows people care here and it also shows that some of the things going on are really -bad-. If some of the whiners think their lives are so bad, take a stroll over there and read some of the threads for a wake up call. Hell, join in and get some assistance while you are at it instead of saying something here about how we won't see you again because you are off to /wrists.

    As for a small percentage of people feeling high and mighty or above others...it happens. I -really- do not like the fact that I see some friendships being abused at times or that some people have this way of going out of their way to harm others for no real reason other than it makes them feel good. I also don't like it when I hear of special treatment going to some people and they use it as a weapon against others. We may not all be able to -like- each other but we should all -respect- one another. No one, whether staff or not, should be above the rules we set for ourselves that help keep peace. Right? I think we should all agree that there are just some things that -no one- here should do to someone else regardless of a color of name. There are also responsibilities staff has and members here should -trust- the staff to do their jobs, which is helping maintain this site and enforcing the rules not just for others but also for themselves. I certainly personally don't feel above the rules and I don't think the majority of people here do, but some seem to now and then. The rules are not that constrictive and they are there only because some people harm others or cause drama. The biggest thing I -hate- is drama. A real problem is not drama to me. People causing others to suffer because they want to say things they should not or stir the kettle...well, that's drama. Also, people who -do- acts that others say complaints or criticisms about, why is it that some people think they are above what others think? If you are called out on a thing you do, see my first two paragraphs and figure out whether you want to do something about it instead of declaring you are not doing what you are accused of doing. Hello? I know I am writing one helluva an essay here. Someone will call me on it. Am I going to whine to an admin if I'm called an essay whore? Oh noes! They are right. I just can't seem to get crap down easily when it's such a big topic. I admire people who can. It's their choice whether to read what I say or not. If they want to comment, by all rights they should be able to say their opinion without flaming me, even if it is negative, just as I have a right to point out things I see that are irritating to me. If they -hate- me over an essay...like this one...so be it. It's rather petty but I will gather that most people who will say something simply are just annoyed at me and don't really think I'm the worst thing since Hitler.

    These are things I have to say bug me too. I am a very benevolent person and will help anyone if I see they actually want the help. I am also a friend to anyone who wants to be my friend and even to those who at times can't stand me, until they come out and do something rotten to me, or others. Most people here are very fun to chat with and hang out with. Otherwise I wouldn't come here. However, there are some things now and then that we can all need to vent about. Any way, the majority of people here to me are really great and I'm glad I have had the chance to get to know you. Even if I've seen some people do some of these things I mention, it certainly doesn't mean I hate them in any way. I'm really not even aiming this at anyone in particular but yeah, I do hear what CtR is saying and I'm sure at one point or another probably a -lot- of us have felt like just blowing up at a few things we see. However, again, I feel inclined to say that if people get offended, they shouldn't be by what is said. It's a time of reflection and to think whether it's worth it or not to change that thing that upsets others. If it isn't, deal with some people being annoyed. If it is, then go for it and alter it. This is really how we grow up and become better people...by criticisms and praise; making mistakes and making positive decisions.

    And crap...this turned out long. Sorry! I've prevented an Apocalyptic event for another 6 months. Excelsior!
  3. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    What the **** is going on Rep. I was clicking this **** and I thought I hit a wiki article outta' nowhere.

  4. Repliku Chaser

    lol! Are you sure you didn't?
  5. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Ahh text overload.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    mwahahaha... It's in the Spam Zone so no one has to really read it. I think that's the first big thing I've written in the spam zone in like 8 months.
  7. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    I haetz ppl dat make posts cumplaning bout othr ppl ):

    You rock Kay<3
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Repliku: A walking, talking, self-editing Wikipedia~
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Replipedia. Subscribe now!

    And sorry, Cronoking. I get what you mean. :(
  10. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I do agree with your post... but the irony is... by ranting about it, arn't you contributing to the problem of people dictating what other people should do?

    Did you say cake?
  11. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    i would try to put that in my signature but

    OHMYGOSH @_@
  12. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I love how this can be treated as a Shiki check list from what she did earlier xD
  13. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach

    Darky!! <== Read your post!!

    CtR= I agree with you.

  14. dbzman321 Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
    darky cherry sent you something it involes me
  15. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    I love how people were being offended by what Xidon was saying/making jokes about. People are still so uptight about things. D:

    Xidon's posts make me laugh. I'm glad he started coming to KHV. :'D
  16. Repliku Chaser

    I didn't mind Xidon's comments and found the first one he said to be very funny.
  17. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    OH U!kkkkkkkkkkk
  18. Something_Epic Banned

    Jul 19, 2008
    In front of you!
  19. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Hi CatchTheRain
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