A Pirates Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Darkandroid, Dec 5, 2006.

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  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    "I wouldn't put it past him" said Hirac, they start to walk towards the lighthouse "So what should we do for the next 45 minutes?"
  2. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "You wanna spar?" Andrinor said, a gleam in his eye.
    (OOC: Now its my turn to go to work DX But you can write out the duel if you decide to do it, just make sure Andrinor doesn't get blown away XD)
  3. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    "OOOH! A fight! I always love to see two honorable men defending each other's honor. May I watch!?" Jit jumped in the middle of the two fighters.

    "Heh, I guess you two are dying for each other's blood. Soon, thine both shall taste and see the first essence of the divine beauty of blood...and ye shall hunger for more of it. You shall slaughter thy enemy, and gaze at the sight of the magnificent crimson blood, smeared all over the gravel. The blood shall speckle in your eye. You shall smile, as you know you've accomplished.....first blood. Such as the colour of the rose, the color red shall stay in your mind for eternity." Jit now seemed distant, and walked away.


    OT: o_o
  4. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    "What the heck was that?!?!?" Kangen said with the look of wierded out on her face, "I'm gonna find out whats in this lighthouse o.k.":eek: Kansen said backing away and then running up the stairs.
  5. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    "Ok sure why not" and then Hirac blows Andrinor away half way across the world just by farting.

    I'm kidding :p now for the real one


    "Ok sure" replied Hirac They both glare at each other and Andrinor was quick to draw and fired his pistols at Hirac, it caused him to go all defensive "Whoa, you really hate me don't you" said Hirac

    "I don't hate you, just dislike you right now" replied Andrinor as he fired more shots.

    "ENHANCING RAI" and small electrical bolts come of Hirac's body. "LEG MODE" and all the energy goes to his legs, making him faster "Try to keep up"

    "You used this last time" Andrinor replied "Ok if i predict his movements, he should be going over THERE" Andrinor got out his rifle and fired it which caused Hirac to stop suddenly

    "Whoa" said Hirac, Andrinor just grinned and fired again "RAI PULSE" a small pulse of electrical energy causes the bullet to stop right near his face "That was close"


    "I can use my ability to stop metal like that, though it has it's limited"


    Feel free to do the rest, or I will do some later.
  6. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    Kangen watches from the top of the lighthouse stairs, "that metal thing reminds me of my ability to stop stuff with a sound barrier" Kangen says, "well I'd better keep them from killing each other now" Kangen thinks while starting to walk down the stairs when she hears something that catches her attention and begins to run down the stairs and out the lighthouse.
  7. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Gerrard was hauling a large wagon full of food through the town. He had gotten lots of chicken and steak, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and things to snack on. He had also made sure to get lots of drinking water, juice and, most important of all for a pirate, booze (it puts hair on your chest). All of a sudden he noticed that Hirac was standing with a bullet close to his face, and that he seemed to be controlling it with his devil fruit powers.

    "Did i miss something?" Gerrard asked no one in particular. "We're not even on the ship and people are already trying to kill each other."
  8. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    OT: Croup not quite right, The bullet stopped right next to Hirac's face XD
  9. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    Kangen runs straight past the fight and back into the town *I know I heard the voice is it really him? after all these years?* Kangen thinks while running into the crowd of people ducking and weaving.
  10. Dimetrix Destiny Islands Resident

    Argh...Kurou....Did u not read the previous posts? Kangen is in the inn with Dimetrix trying to buy a ship...how did she suddenly **poof**to the lighthouse???0.o.......Fine, I'll patch that up for u....=.=
    Dimetrix sat in the Rusty Anchor inn, talking with the bartender. Kangen had left a while ago, after downing a mug off booze. She said she wanted to leave for the lighthouse, and after much persuasion, he finally let her go.
    "Good ship...reasonable price....ah yes..."the bartender said, remembering something.
    "Uh huh?"
    "Old Torus wants to sell his ship, The Pearl Mermaid. Says he's too old to sail."
    "Thanks, where is old Torus?"
    "The 16th jetty, he's short and old, uses a walking stick and is blind in one eye."
    "Thanks mate."Dimetrix said, patting the bartender on the shoulder.
    Just when Dimetrix was about to leave, the door of the inn was pushed open, and a squad marines stormed in.
    "Heh heh, wanna party so soon?"Dimetrix taunted.
    P.s., my avvie is knida what Dimetrix looks like, though not 100 % accurate, while the weapons are 80% off
  11. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Has its limits, huh?" Andrinor smirks, and then fires off another few rounds at Hirac. Stopping each one of them, Hirac smiles back.
    "Yeah, but I don't think you'll be pushing them today." Andrinor spits on the ground and charges for Hirac, replacing his rifle and pulling out his pistols.
    "Let's go lightning boy." Andrinor taunts, his pistols held at Hirac.
    "Like that's going to work." Hirac says, running around quickly behind Andrinor. Charging up to him from behind, he suddenly notices The pistol poking out from under Andrinor's cloak.
    "To predictable." Andrinor snorts, then fires the bullet. Hirac ducks quickly, dodging the bullet, then stands back up and launches a bolt of electricity at Andrinor, sending him flying backwards.
    "Looks like I win again Andrinor!" Hirac says smiling, the elctricity leaving his legs.
    "Yeah, yeah." Andrinor says standing up. "Wasn't exactly expecting to win so soon after our last fight, but it was worth a shot.
  12. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    O.O Srry dimetrix my bad:o :D


    Kangen showed up at the place she heard the voice coming from and heard the voice of the person that the guy was talking to and asked him if he had been talking to a guy with the same gloves as hers and he said that he had and that the guy was asking about a girl about Kangen's age with the same gloves and Kangen asked where the guy had went but the man told her that the guy had already left the island "Dangit when am I gonna catch up to him I haven't seen him in years!" Kangen said to herself and then asked the man where he went and he replied that he said that he was going back to the beginning *I know what that means If I can catch up I can find him yes* She thought and ran to help Dimetrix as she heard the ruckus at the hotel
  13. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Gerrard looked around. The navy seemed to be spread across the city. Why would that be? thought Gerrard. He then realized that it didn't matter, as long as the crew got out of there soon.

    Gerrard looked at his captain and crewmate. They looked like they were finished sparring. "Are we done yet?" Gerrard asked. "We should probably get out of here soon, if we don't want to have to deal with the bloody navy. After all, a lot of us are... not exactly on good terms with them. So let's gather up the crew and get out of here."
  14. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Right, right." Andrinor said, standing up and clutching his chest. "Think we may have overdone it cap."
  15. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Gerrard was just about to leave when he noticed that a squad of the marines seemed to be mobilizing. It looked like they were headed towards a tavern. Let me guess, gerrard thought. One of our crew is being pursued. Let's all cheer for keeping a low profile. "My guess is that he navy has met one of our crew. We should probably help." Gerrard pulled out his kamas and followed the navy, slinking his ways through the alleyways. He managed to follow them until they reached a tavern which an entire squadron of them had gathered. Crap...
  16. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    "Eh?" Jit said from the other side of the street. He saw the marines charging in, and acted quickly.

    He bent his knees and kicked off the ground, in a flash. He re-appeared behind the charging marines. His feet was flying in the air, and he used this to slam one of his feet into the back of the head of one of the marines.

    That Marine was sent into the bar and crashed into a table. Jit posed as the marines turned to look at him. A cigarette in his mouth, and a deck of cards in his hand. "I really, really, REALLY HATE LAW ENFORCEMENTS!!!" Jit yelled and threw the cards away. He disappeared again, and re-appeared in the bar, away from the sight of the Marines.

    He swung his right leg into the three marines in front, which sent them spiralling out through the wall of the bar.


    OT: Guys, I can't stress this enough. Marines and the Navy are totally different. Stick to one from now on, instead of switching back and forth.
  17. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    OT: Lets stick with saying Marines, that is what it is called in the main version, ignore the crappy 4kids dub, who changed it for some reason O_o


    "You got that right, gun shots tend to be rather loud" said Hirac while looking at Andrinor

    "Dammit, come on Dimetrix, we need to leave this island" Hirac said, he was starting to get a bit impatient, the number of Marines was increasing.
  18. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    Jit heard Hirax shouting. He needed to get out of the Tavern. But with a bang...

    "Sorry guys, wish I could stay." Jit said, while he noticed a keg of beer on a nearby table. He picked it up and threw it at the marines. He then shot a hole in it, while proceeding to throw his cigarette in the hole.

    The keg of beer rolled for a minute while jumping for a little. Soon, the keg of beer let out a huge explosion that covered the door frame of the Tavern.

    Jit, however, was already out the Tavern, using the hole the previous Marine was sent through.

    He stopped dead in front of Hirac. "So, can we leave yet?"
  19. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    "Wow that was fast. They didn't even need me one bit." Kangen then smiled, "Its just like them to do that. Hirac do we have a ship or not because we need to get out of here like soon before more marines come over here!" Kangen said with a bit of an annoyed tone "I want to get out of here fast because I got a hot lead on *his* wherabouts!"
  20. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    "His?" Hirac looks in confusion, but then said "Well I nothing I can do at the moment, we need Dimetrix to get the ship he said he will get, if it was up to me, I would of just got a small port go the then nearest island which is said to have lots of great ships and get one there"
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