A Pirates Life for me RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 27, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    A diehard young soul rested his foot on the front inch of his own bowspirit, the Carribbean sun now setting on the sea-horizon, the horizon stretching forever in blue, red, and orange, the sun sinking as the moments passed. Aft Murok, Captain of the Cursed Storm, breathed a deep sigh of sea air, heaved himself up, careful not to fall over since it would be a rather long but short drop to the sea below. He walked one foot in front of another across the bowspirit, until he finally reached the front deck, the black wood strong against his feet.

    Swabbing across the front deck, was quite the familiar face in the German deckhand, Eric Housthaus, who was looking no less irratable as that of a branded cattle. The young deckhand moved his stubborn eyes from the mop to the Captain standing smirk just a few feet from him. With the same smirkness, mostly due to his stubborn attitude when faced with taskes of labor he did not favor.

    "Ien shall goose, you vant to know how closhce ve are to our destination port, yesh?"
    The German asked in a thick accent, a smug smile across his unshavened features.

    Aft cocked an eyebrow.
    "Yes, you can help yourself to the potato skin peels in the mess quarters."
    Aft replies smartly and ignorantly, messing with Eric's thick accent to a high degree, and just waltzed right behind the confounded German.

    On the main deck, he could make out the helm, and the helmsman, Fredderick Thomas, dressed in his home clothing of the Continents of North America, quite stained from sweat and stretched out about the portly mans frame. Aft calmly walked up the staircase to the back upper deck, and stood by the helms, facing the ocean more than Thomas.
    "Are you sure we can find at least a few more crewmembers to help mantain the Storm?, in Toturga?"
    Aft asked curiously, his scottish-backgrounds slightly etched into voice.

    The husky man replied a hearty laugh, giving the helmwheel another spin as a landmass came into view on the horizon.
    "Bet your boots Captain."
    Thomas replied with a wink, and the two stared off into the landmass, growing increasingly bigger and more dinfinative with each knot.

    Then, Aft's eyes were drawn to something much closer, and much more attractive, who was walking, hips swaying, just below deck. Aft patted Fredderick on the shoulder, eyes still fixated on the lower-deck, and said a curt farewell, so whisking down the steps he had just come up moments ago.

    The beauty that turned to face him, had eyes deep blue, lips suculent red, and a form of an hourglass....and if you were to say that to Aft Murok, he would reply with a laugh "And the sahara desert lies all on the top!"

    She smirked at him, blouse and dress flapping in the mid-sunset wind.
    "Will you be doing any more "docking" at the port?"
    Maria Grafia-Petto asked, a thin black eyebrow arched delicately but with authority.

    Aft merely chuckled deeply at the blow.
    "You're my only first mate, darling."
    He retorted, using a methophor as well as she did.

    Maria gave a smug grin, surpisingly white teeth ctaching in the last moments of light.
    "Don't jump to conclusions Captain."
    She remarked, her face now turned once more to fastly approaching Tortuga small side mountain range, which hid most of the ships already in port from anybody coming in.

    Aft turned his eyes the same way, but still spoke deeply to Maria.
    "I have every intention to ingore that."
    He finished, obviously haveing the last word in as the other did not reply.

    And so, with this, The Cursed Storm made port in Tortuga Port, known for notoriety across the entire seven seas.
  2. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    I want to join...

    name- Silver StormEye
    gender- Male
    crew- none yet
    ship name- Silver Horizon
    weapons- A long silver blade set sidways on the back waist, a bomb chain ( a chain with a bomb attached to one in that is either thrown for great distances or explodes when it comes incontact with an object, and also sometimes a cannon is attatched to the other side so when shot it explodes), a shotgun which he can attach his sword to.
    equipment- Some good food and water for one but not enough for food. many chains and bombs, cannons, matches, rope
    fraction- goes with the flow. Does what he wants for himself

    Is anyone gonna answer me?
  3. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    "By the way..." Tessa said. "I'm Tessa, and you are?" she asked her new captain.
  4. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    ITs too late. I think the RP is dead now. Nobody but one person has posted. If only I could take over it I could fix it.
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