I was browsing Wikipedia when I came across this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Nightmare_on_Elm_Street_(2010_film) A remake of the original movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street. Just why? I love the originals. They had to ruin the legacy >: While the original movies were quite cheesy (What do you expect from 80s movies?) I loved Robert Englund as Freddy Kruger (An awesome villain, I might add~). But although, new actor might be promising. It's Jackie Earle Haley, the actor who played Rorschach in the Watchmen movie. Still though. Candlejack is unhappy.
I've always been a fan of "The Nightmare on Elm Street". :=D: So they are making a remake of the first one? I just hope they don't change to many things....
Basically, yes. I'm mostly unhappy about this. Hollywood won't be happy until they remake every old movie in the world ._. I just hope they don' screw it up.
I await the day when Hollywood starts to remake it's remakes. The only thing that's giving me hope for this movie is Jackie Earle Haley since I quite liked his performance as Rorschach.
You obviously pay attention. Two things I need to point out. First thing being that if you noticed in the ending of Freddy Vs. Jason, when Jason comes out of the lake with Freddy's head, Freddy winks at the audience indicating that he's still alive. Secondly, as I stated in this thread before, this is a remake of the first Nightmare on Elm Street.
Your wait is over. King Kong has several remakes. Well, I for one, loved the Friday the 13th remake. I love the series of Nightmare on Elmstreet and Friday the 13th. I am not quite happy with a new actor, because Robert Englund was a very good actor for the part, but maybe the other guy will do good, being Rorschach and all. But it will be alot different because Robert Englund just made the face of Freddy Krueger, IMO. I hope it turns out good. It has btw been proven true that Jackie will play the part of Krueger. They even have a poster of the movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1179056/
I see originality really is a dying creature then. :l Remakes and translating animation into live action is all Hollywood seems to specialise in now days o:
Rob can never be replaced as Freddy Kruger. In my opinion, he IS Freddy Kruger. The character just seems to have been made for him. ^^