A New World

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "Sora! We need to get back and protect Kaori and Jessie! I came here to get you back! This might be a trap!" Riku said to sora, twirling around, slashing all of the heartless that went closer to him.

    Sace jumped at the samurai nobody, and slashed through him.

    The samurai nobody tried to shake Sace off, looking back at him.

    Sace held on to the heartless by his neck, and continued to slash at the heartless, until it dissipated, and Sace landed onto the ground, jumping onto another one, with each slash water began to go back into the sword.
    Sace ran at the heartless, holding his sword out to simply destroy them by running. A samurai nobody jumped at him, the shadow covering him up completely, and Sace twirled around, slashed through its belly, but the samurai nobody held his sword away, keeping Sace pinned to the ground, its hand reaching for his chest.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric put his hands to his head, dropping his keyblade. "Ugh...what the hell?" He said as he tried to hold back the pain he feel to his knees.
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    The King continued to fight along side Alaric and Sace.He looked toward Alaric and saw him on his knees. "Alaric,Are you ok?!" he asked him.Once he had finished off a few Heartless and Samurai Nobodies,he ran over to Alaric.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "I don't know...maybe I am..." He answered as he stood up and grabbed his keyblade. Is this what happens to us? Am...I human? Or am I a monster like them...?
  5. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Sace rolled away from the large weapon, and continued to fight.
    Sace took most of the samurai nobodies, gaining experience from them. Man..these guys are hard! I gotta practice foes like them...
    Sace slashed through the heartless, until there were only a few left. Seven of those guys with guns...and two large giant things...Sace thought, panting, sweat on his forehead. He summoned what little power he had left, summoned the rest of his power to create a wave that washed out the rest of the heartless, the only one surviving was the last large one. "Pummel!" He yelled, closed his eyes slowly, dropping his sword, and kneeling down, face flat, uncauntious of reaching beyond his limit.
    I..got to train more.
    Kimar ran to his master, and growled at the last large opponent.

    One down, a couple more to go. Kon thought, summoning more heartless.

    Riku fought back the rest of the dusks with Sora. "Sora! We got to go help the King and the others."
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Oh great..." Alaric said under his breath as he jumped towards Sace's body and landed beside it. I'm not even in the mood to fight anymore... He easily blocked and parried the attacking nobodies' attacks but was starting to get tired. "Fire!" He yelled as flames surrounded Alaric and Sace torching the surrounding enemies. He sliced and cut his way through a few more nobodies, rarely needing to block, he didn't give them a chance to retaliate, as he dragged Sace's body back closer towards the house in his free hand.
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    A dusk flew towards Alaric, whirled around him, and reached for Sace's heart.

    Kimar bit at this newcomer, making the dusk fall back.

    "Steal the boys heart! He would make a great nobody." Kon ordered.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric cut up a few more of Sace's attackers before lowering his blade slightly, breathing heavily. "I can't go on forever..." He muttered as he blocked an attack with his free hand leaving yet another large cut on him.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    "Kaori I want you to do something." said Evan.

    "What is it?" asked Kaori.

    "I want you to take off your necklace and have around your hands.Go outside and focus your energy.Extend your hands out and once you feel relaxed,I want you yell out 'Lend me your stength,the power of light give me the energy and strength I need!'" said Evan.

    Kaori looked out the window.She looked back at her father and ran outside.She stood in front of Alaric and Sace.She took off her necklace and wrapped it around her hands.She closed her eyes,reached out her arms and began to focus her energy.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "I'm getting tired of having to fight!" Alaric shouted as he slammed his keyblade on another nobody. "I don't know what I'm truly fighting for..." He whispered to himself as he lifted his keyblade up to block a downward slash from a samuri nobody before swiftly swinging it to the side destroying the nobody.
  11. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Kon scoffed at the images. "Oh, she decided to unleash her power finally?"
    Kimar backed away a bit, barking madly.

    "Sora! I have to help them!" Riku ran away from the heartless he was fighting, and ran back to Kaori's house, slashing madly at the army. It would take hours to defeat them.
  12. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Kaori then opened her eyes and looked up at all the heartless and nobodies. "Lend me your strength,the power of light give me the energy and strength I need!" she shouted.Kaori's necklace began to glow.Then a burst of light came from the necklace and completely covered the area they were in.

    The King covered his eyes.Once the light has disappeared,he looked around to see no heartless or nobodies.

    "The heartless....and nobodies....t-they're all gone." said Kairi,amazed.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric dropped his keyblade which vanished before hitting the ground. He let out a sigh of relief as he went back inside the house letting Sace rest on the ground. "Good job Kaori...that was amazing."
  14. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "Heh. I hope Jaaku thinks the idea of gaining power from Kingdom Hearts is good..." Kon said, walking away from the ice ball, going through the hallway, and overlooking the balcony at the inside of a tower with millions of hearts began to flow at a broken heart. "Because I'll be creating it no matter what he says."

    Banji looked at Kingdom Hearts, his eyes opening wide.

    Kon lifted her hand, her sleeve obstructing Banji's eyesight. "You shall not get a heart. You will never see this tower, understood?"
    Banji snapped, becoming stiff, then returned to how he was.

    "Now I'll have to think of a way to somehow stop their powers.." Kon whispered, biting her thumb, and fanning herself, and walked across the hallway, down the steps.
    Sace opened one eye. He whispered a grunt in exhaustion. Kimar licked his face, happilly knowing his master was still alive. Sace put his knee up, and used his hands to push himself up to make him sit. "Good..everyones alright." He whispered to himself.
    Riku ran to the house, and looked around. "Hmph. I thought you needed help, but I guess you managed." Riku said, de-summoning his keyblade.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sora sighed in relief once Riku had showed up,but he left just as quick as he had come."Gee,thanks!"he said,then knocked back a Samurai that attempted to leap forward and wound him.He looked around,seeing no end to the wave."..Donald..Goofy..I could really use your help about now..''he mumbled,missing the aid of his companions.Sora slowly backed away from the group,sticking to defense now.

    OOC: Anyone mind if I use them temporarily?
  16. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    you might as well ask for them, since you can have more characters.
  17. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC:You can have them if you want.

    The King walked up to Kaori. "I've seen the power released like that before." He crossed his arms. "You can only use it when its an emergency like what just happened."

    "Before my wife passed away she told me about the necklace's power.And same with the jewel." said Evan.

    "The King turned around and began to walk away. "I have to look for Sora.Who knows what danger he might be in right now." He then took off running in search for Sora.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Kaori that was pretty amazing...what'd you do?" Alaric asked glancing over at Mickey who was already running to find Sora.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sora panted silently,having fought wave after wave of Samurai,and luckily he was unscratched."...This is it then..I dont think I can win..''he said,digging his keyblade into the ground and leaning on it for support.He shut his eyes."..Someone..Anyone..help me out..''he muttered.

    "Sora!"Said a familiar voice.A loud crashing noise followed.

    Sora opened his eyes and looked at the Samurai.He could see,starting from the back,that some were flying through the air and coming toward's him."...Goofy?"he mumbled,standing up straight.

    Goofy knocked away the last Samurai Nobody with his shield,and Donald was casting Blizzard at every Nobody in sight,except on Goofy's shoulders."Oh Boy,your Ok!"Goofy said cheerfully.

    Donald raised his staff in the air and healed Sora's wounds with a Cure spell.

    Sora,feeling his strength and breath returning to him,pulled his Keyblade out of the ground and ran to his friends.He got ready to attack."Im fine,thanks to you Goofy..just like old times!"he told his pals.

    Goofy looked at Sora and smiled.

    "Your hopeless without us,Sora!"Donald teased,but smiled nonetheless.

    "Hopeless,huh?..we'll see who can take down the most..Now!"Sora ran at the enemy,following by Donald,who had jumped off of Goofy's shoulder.Goofy covered the rear.Together they attacked the enemy,using teamwork as their weapon.
  20. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: hey Alaric...the heartles are gone.
    Riku ran beside the King. "I'll help you, your majesty!"

    Sace got up. "They're all gone?" Sace asked Kaori, while grabbing his sword and sheathing it.
    Kon sat in a new room, concocting a plan. The best way to find out Seths powers, is to fight him. But it would be wise to be disguised. "Banji!" She called, and Banji walked to her, following her.
    Kon took a sword from a statue, and placed it onto an altar. "This should work."
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