A neverending Kingdom ~preview~

Discussion in 'Archives' started by tifaxrikuforever, May 15, 2007.

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  1. tifaxrikuforever Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 7, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Okay, so here it is (takes deep breath)
    This is just introducing some charcters I made up I will eventually write a story.
    The charcters have names you've heard of in KH and maybe FF and some i made up. Here's the story, Sora and Kairi had gotten together and Riku eventually found someone guess who, Tifa (in my story she's the same age as him). they all get married and eventually have kids. ( remember this is what i'v made up in my mind). then their kids start getting to teenagers. I'm only writing two of the charcters i got to excited to wait finishing the other char.

    so here they are hope you like them:D

    Name: Roxas DOB: January 27th
    Age: 14 HT: 5'5
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Spiky brunnet hair, light blue eyes, wears red shirt, white open jacket with blue lining, long red baggy pants, wears silver necklace
    Personality:Bright, strong, a bit niave at times, easily angerd and embarrased, thoughtful, strong sense of justice, and sweet.
    Intrests: Loves to swim, cross country, girls, hanging out with Rinoa, Christe, and Tylee, just being alone with Rinoa ( and trying to keep her away from other boys:p )
    Bio: Roxas is the son of Sora and Kairi, he had recived his name from his father's nobody. Roxas's sister is his futernal twin. Roxas is the wielder of the Keyblade, he found out when the darkness had taken his sister and Rinoa. He was also swallowed by the darkness alongside with Rinoa's sister, Sheba. Roxas had fallen for Rinoa since he first noticed her when they were 2 years old, he always tries to convince himself that Rinoa and him will only ever be friends-especially is there's a cute new girl, but he knows thats a huugge lie! He still has a lot of mixed feelings for Rinoa, but his true feelings come out whenever Rinoa is dating someone, but always manages to cover it up.
    Weapons: Kingdom key, asorsment of keyblades, guns
    Element: none that he knows of ... yet

    Name: Rinoa DOB: July 15
    Age: 14 HT: 5'5
    Gender: female
    Appearance: Long black hair with two silver streaks on both sides of her head, wears blue shirt, long lowcut black pants, and wears a handmade necklace ( never takes it off)
    Personality: Kind, bright, tomboy, mean at times ( especially to sister, Sheba), strong (physicaly and mentally), thoughtful, and can get very jelous (hint, hint)
    Intrests: Loves to sing (no one knows), hangout with with Roxas, Christie, and namine, loves to watch the sunset, an annoying her sister.
    Bio: Rinoa is the daughter of Riku and Tifa. her best friend who she has known since she was a toddler is Roxas, she started developing a crush on him when she was 5, now she secretly is in love with him, although her feelings of him is quite obvious Roxas is completly clueless. Rinoa is one of the princesses purest of heart. Rinoa also lives in one big home with her parents, Roxas, Namine, and their parents in Twilight Town. Rinoa has learned martial arts and inherited her mother's gloves.
    Weapons: Gloves, pike, keyblade, sword
    Element: Rinoa has lightining, another thing she inherited from her mother.

    well there they are and if you can't get a good picture of them just try to picture sora and the description that i put and for Rinoa just try to picture Tifa (without that big of a chest) and Rinoa's description.
    I promise i will write a story it take some time debating whether it should be like a fairy tale or another Kingom hearts i still am keeping the title hope you guys like the characters :D
    And don't tell me if i did some things that are the same as sora's description i an aware of that. Made up a lot of things and some kept some the same
    Please Enjoy!!
  2. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Sounds interesting. Can't wait :D!
  3. tifaxrikuforever Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 7, 2007
    Twilight Town
  4. tifaxrikuforever Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 7, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Well here's another character

    NAME: Namine DOB: January 27th
    Age: 14 H'T: 5'5
    Gender: female
    APPEARANCE: red hair up in a bun, dark blue eyes, wears red dress, wears red gloves, and a black choker.
    PERSONALITY: quiet, kind, just as easily angered and embarrassed as Roxas, very preppy, and very intelligant.
    INTRESTS: loves to read, write stories about nature, loves to research about history and literature, and just having fun with Christie, Roxas and Rinoa.
    BIO: Namine is the daughter of Sora and Kairi, she recieved her name from her mother's nobody. Her brother Roxas is also her futurnal twin ( she was born first). Namine is a princess only by her mother, however she has the ability of seeing of what other people ( she chooses) are doing at the exact time, she has a crystal orb that helps her see the person ( still trying to control her powers). Namine has not told anyone of her secret...
    ELEMENT: while seeing peoples actions Namine also has the ability of fire (which explains all the red), she only uses it if she really has to, being that she is afraid of this ability and thinking she might seriously injure her friends during battle, careful not to make her to angry she just might lose it and let her power overtake her.
    WEAPONS: lady luck, and decisive pumpkin keyblades

    Well that was Roxas sister I still have two more charcters to type up one im still trying to write and the other one is done but have to post later.
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