Also, that game was originally a Gamecube game in Japan. I wonder how they are going to get this too work properly?
Well at least the GC had a couple good games like, SSBM, Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda Twilight princess (I know it's on Wii, but it was originally for the GC), and others.
Yeah, but thanks to the Wii, Nintendo don't seem to sale anymore GameCube games. I had trouble finding Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 for my friend as a birthday gift. -_-
Naruto=phail naruto+wii=uberphail. Omg, imagine you have to really do the hand signs on the wii to use one of those attacks. Ughm Anyways, yeah. Um, naruto games usually phial, so...
WHA? A Naruto game that is actually good? Like most anime games, they fail as they never capture the feel of the anime and are just basic. =/ Except for the Budokai series. Though One Piece Unlimited Adventure looks good. I'm still waiting for a EU release.
By Naruto = Phail i hope you don't mean the animanga. cuz the animanga is win. But Clash of ninja is utter phail. From what ive heard they make no attempt to update character attacks with their progression through the plot, No Attempt to update Gameplay, or any attempt to update graphics for that matter. All they do for each game is add characters. If you want a Naruto game that's at least decent i recommend Ultimate ninja/Narutimate hero instead. [/done]
i agree.naruto clash of ninja for the GC was ridiculiously was like DBZ gameplay except worse.........(im not saying DBZ games are bad ok so dont flame me)and only one special move?!thats bullcrap!!if u want a good naruto game play naruto:ultimate ninja 2.....................ITS THE GOD OF ALL NARUTO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well........if u call it that
There is no such thing as a 'good' Naruto game, they all suck. Don't tell me to play Ultimate Ninja, I own both that are out in America. Naruto. Games. Suck. Hard. It's just a proven fact that they can't capture the intense action of the anime/manga in video games.