I somehow uploaded a 700MB file in less than thirty seconds. Any explanations for this? (07:04:08 PM) Makaze: Shall I upload it for you? (07:04:21 PM) LARiA: Sure. (07:04:23 PM) LARiA: Thank you. (07:06:43 PM) Makaze: It's going to take a while. (07:06:53 PM) LARiA: That's fine. (07:07:08 PM) Makaze: [link to file] (07:07:13 PM) Makaze: Or not? (07:07:16 PM) Makaze: <_< (07:07:19 PM) LARiA: Or not? (07:07:26 PM) Makaze: It went extremely fast. (07:07:30 PM) Makaze: I doubt it worked. (07:07:38 PM) LARiA: Hmm.. (07:08:16 PM) Makaze: That... (07:08:20 PM) Makaze: Shouldn't have been possible. (07:08:24 PM) LARiA: It worked? (07:08:32 PM) Makaze: It worked, to all appearances. (07:08:35 PM) LARiA: Wow. Risk can corroborate my story.
umm, did you check that file after you uploaded it? Because I had to download a 400MB or so and it took 30 minutes. The first time it only took seconds and it turned out it was only a part of it.
hmm, ok than, here's what you do. Kiss your computer and give it a treat for doing such a good job. Anyone got some oil or brand new parts for that computer?
It doesn't work like that; this is the internet, not the computer. Any else who understands this, or did I just defy some law of physics?
well the computer still has some to do with it. But no, you didn't defy the laws of physics. And besides, wouldn't it be more along the lines of Laws of Technology?
Technology works within physics. What happened was a site transfered a file from my computer to another at impossible speeds. My computer wasn't very involved other than loading the site. The internet connection is what transferred it, not my laptop.
Several things can defy the laws of physics. Anyways...I've experienced things similar to this. Sometimes small files download slowly and sometimes they don't. It's probably just the connection speed and such.
This isn't possible on nearly any connection. I usually get 115KB/s up. This was 700 MB in thirty seconds. That's 23.3 MB a second.