A little survey..

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Forever Love, Oct 11, 2007.

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  1. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Here's a little survey I found while browsing the internet.

    For future references: If this survey belongs to a certain site or someone, I'm truly sorry. I had no idea it belonged to you. I just wanted to post this little survery type dealy on a thread for fun. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Thank you.

    Now.. I will post my answers. =]
    Name and age: Sarah; 14

    Favorite KH character and why: Sora, definitely. He's a very loyal friend and would do anything for the ones he loves. And he's superrr cute. I love him. <3

    Favorite Disney movie and why: I have tons. I can't really tell you why.. heh heh. No seriously, I cant.

    Strengths: I'm incredibly capable of imagining things that are simply amazing and believe in certain events that may seem impossible to most people. I imagine one thing every day.. and it keeps me going through out the day.

    Weaknesses: I can be incredibly sad because of one specific thing, which I'm not going to mention and I am annoyed very easily. I get hurt easily as well, no matter the circumstances.. I just.. cry.

    Hobbies, interests: Kingdom Hearts; listening to music (some from KH series); writing; daydreaming; wishing.

    Something unique about you: I'm in love with someone I've never met.

    Your ideal home?: Paradise, by the ocean, where I can sit and stare out at the sunset with the one I love.

    What type of people are your friends?: Right now- not the best people you could have friends; In the future- Respectful, loyal friends that I can trust with my heart.

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Sword.. no.. more like.. KEYBLADE.

    What's most important to you: That it's going to happen.. soon.

    Worst fears: It never happening.

    What you want out of life: To go on an adventure.. with the only people I could imagine it being with.

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): Sora. <3

    Appearance (photos are optional): Refer to the PYPH2 Thread. =]

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: Sorta reddish brown hair.. cuz that's the way it actually is right now. Umm... I'd wear sneakers definitely. Um.. I'd either be wearing a skirt or shorts. I'd be wearing most likely a tank top. and my hair down. =] But if I could look like anyone? Kairi.. =]

    Who suggested that you come here?: Hm.. I was searching Kingdom Hearts sites and looky here.. KHV!!!
    You may take if you like. =]
  2. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    OMG, a Sora fangirl named Sarah? Your just like mah BFF ;D

    Name and age: Madi; 12

    Favorite KH character and why: Xehanort's heartless. He's just one badass villain and I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks he's the sexiest<3 His voice makes me melt~

    Favorite Disney movie and why: The Lion King 1 & 2, cause they remind me of Warriors.

    Strengths: I'm incredibly loyal and protective of those I love. I'll take a bullet for a friend, and I don't believe in hate. I believe that spreading kindness creates a chain reaction, and if you are kind to someone-- that will affect them and maybe brighten up their day.

    Weaknesses: I'm VERY stubborn, agressive at times, and I hurt a lot inside but never show it. There's one person I love right now, and I think she's my weakness. If I see her in pain, that, in turn, affects me.

    Hobbies, interests: Inuyasha, Death Note, anime in general, manga, friends, and being a fangirl.

    Something unique about you: My best friend met me over the internet and is 5 years older than me, but we're so close that we LIVE together now.

    Your ideal home?: Granite Falls, with all the Inu-Tachi.

    What type of people are your friends?: InuYasha characters. That's all I'm saying. Most of you know the story ;)

    Sword, staff or the shield?: TESSAIGA!

    What's most important to you: Her. And all the friends that come along with her.

    Worst fears: Losing her.

    What you want out of life: To LIVE an adventure with my family, the Inu-Tachi

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): Kaggy-Sam, of course. We shared a "paopu" on the last day she was here.

    Appearance (photos are optional): DARK brown hair, blue eyes, and, In my mind, DOG EARS, BEEOTCH.

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: I'd be Xandimos of Organization XIII! >:3

    Who suggested that you come here?: This lurvly one above me ;3​
  3. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Name and age: Bianca,15

    Favorite KH character and why: Roxas,because he was a very sweet guy

    Favorite Disney movie and why:Beauty and the Beast,so romantic

    Strengths:I'm very independent and I'm a very honest person

    Weaknesses:Sometimes I can hurt people feelings due to my honesty
    Hobbies, interests:Music,drawing,photography

    Something unique about you: My randomness
    Your ideal home?:Just a normal house

    What type of people are your friends?:The best things that has ever happened to me.They may be random and sometimes they can't shut up but I simply love them.

    Sword, staff or the shield?:Sword

    What's most important to you:Family,friends

    Worst fears:Rather not say

    What you want out of life: Hur hur..rather not say

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!):It's a secret~

    Appearance (photos are optional):Short brown hair,brown eyes,tall,tanned skin.

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?My normal self

    Who suggested that you come here?:No one really.Random
  4. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Name and age: Steven, 15

    Favorite KH character and why: Luxord, because I like the way he sees life as a gamble and how he never gets stressed and smiles at everything.

    Favorite Disney movie and why: Pirates Of The Carribean, because I love pirates and Captain Jack is an amazing character played by an amazing actor.

    Strengths: I tend to find the bright side of most situations and I don't panic in the bad ones. When in an argument, I don't like to take sides, but rather try to make both sides get along. I'm also a pretty chilled out dude who has a good sense of humour and likes to sleep on the hamock out on the balcony most of the time if the weather's called for it :D.

    Weaknesses: I tend to take things TOO lightly, and because I'm always so calm, I'm despised by some of my peers who see me as a laid-back good-for-nothing. And since I'm sometimes alone on a daily basis, I get shy and I can't get myself to talk to the people I want to meet. And because I'm always so asleep it takes me a while to notice the less obvious things. And I don't know if this counts, but I'm color-blind in the left eye.

    Hobbies, interests: Coin-flipping, sleeping outside, listening to music (mainly rock and jazz), playing guitar, singing, sleeping in class, watching Cowboy Bebop, chatting on MSN.

    Something unique about you: I never get angry. EVER. You can kill my gecko and I won't spazz out on you.

    Your ideal home?: A cabin somewhere in Vancouver, near a foresty place. Not a low-tech kind of place, I'll fill it with all the technology I need. Basically a place where I can sleep easily.

    What type of people are your friends?: The chill kind of people.

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Shield

    What's most important to you: I have NO idea .

    Worst fears: Bad Karma for things I've done.

    What you want out of life: I want an interesting life. I like to sleep a lot, but a little adventure's good for the vibe, y'know? I don't want to live and die like every other person out there. I want to make something of myself. A little recognition from certain people would be nice, too.

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): I'll just leave this one blank kthnxbai.

    Appearance (photos are optional): Brown hair that looks like it needs a good combin', goldish-brown eyes (or so I hear), pretty tall, and I wear an eyepatch over my keft eye every October.

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: Shorts, a hoody with a collared shirt underneath, and a trench hat

    Who suggested that you come here?: The kind folks at YouTube.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Name and age: ...; 12

    Favorite KH character and why: Riku, because he goes through all that crap for his friends and still manages to be awesome. ;D

    Favorite Disney movie and why: The Nightmare Before Christmas, because that movie was plain genius. I loved the part at the end where Jack and Sally are on the tree. <3 One of my all time favorite scenes.

    Strengths: I'm smarter than most my age (she said oh so modestly), I have a pretty good sense of humor and I know what's important. Weaknesses: I handle stress horribly, I never show what I'm really feeling and then for a week or something I go through extreme depression. Hobbies, interests: Music, Video Games, Graphics

    Something unique about you: I'm most likely the most opinionated, obnoxious and supporting person you'll ever meet.

    Your ideal home?: A small town where everybody knows everyone else.

    What type of people are your friends?: There's not one specific type of person. One common interest with one of my friends could be completely different from one person.

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Is lightsaber an option?

    What's most important to you: Happiness.

    Worst fears: Dieing alone.

    What you want out of life: To change someone's life in some way, even if I don't know them. You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): I'd break it up into little pieces and share with all my friends. Appearance (photos are optional): Brown eyes, tannish skin, brown eyes. How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: Probably how I look now.

    Who suggested that you come here?: Youtube.
  6. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Name and age: Sabrina, 14

    Favorite KH character and why: Sora, because he he so adorable. =P and plus he's sweet and kind.

    Favorite Disney movie and why: Hmm, Probably POTC because Jack Sparrow and Will Turner are hot.

    Strengths: I'm smart? xD Um I tend to daydream about "stuff" I will be with friends in need and just support them no matter what. I'm a person who listens and will try to understand what you are going through.

    Weaknesses: I cry a lot. People make fun of me for it. I am stubborn and hard headed.

    Hobbies, interests: Kingdom Hearts, piano and violin, Video games, Loving my Boyfriend <3

    Something unique about you: I laugh too much and laugh at anything random?

    Your ideal home?: Being with the person I love and a wonderful home, with a pool, sauna, beautiful garden and my lovely children

    What type of people are your friends?: Wow. . hmm. I'm with people that seem more me since my school was a ghetto school, but I have friends who I can trust and be idiots with

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Sword

    What's most important to you: OTher than getting good grades, trying to be with my boyfriend

    Worst fears: Never meeting the one I love.

    What you want out of life: The best damn thing life can ever give

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): Dual Wielder <3

    Appearance (photos are optional): Check the Post your Pic thread

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: More like Tifa but I would prefer to be like Kairi

    Who suggested that you come here?: Searched around xD
  7. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    Oh! I love doing these on Facebook when I'm bored!

    Name and age: Lindsay, 18 (Lindsay can be a guys name too!!! >.> <.<)

    Favorite KH character and why: Demyx; because he's a pansy-***... JUST LIKE ME!!! 8D

    Favorite Disney movie and why: The Emperor's New Groove! (Oh David Spade, you make me "LOL")

    Strengths: ...

    Weaknesses: Physically weak, I ain't be too smart, I laugh at the most inappropriate moments and have no heart! }8D

    Hobbies, interests: Kingdom Hearts, playing other variously video games, watching TV, surfing the web, sleeping, eating, and so on...

    Something unique about you: My name is usually given to girls, and I'm actually named after my father... (stupid family names. >.<)

    Your ideal home?: One that has a sturdy roof, and a firdge that can magically re-stock itself!

    What type of people are your friends?: Random Drama Geeks FTW!!!!

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Sheild; it can be used for both defense, and offense!

    What's most important to you: My stomache!

    Worst fears: Spiders!!!!

    What you want out of life: ...to live it...?

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): ...MYSELF!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH *cough*

    Appearance (photos are optional): ...durh?

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: None, I'm not a CGI, nor do I have gravity-defying hair.

    Who suggested that you come here?: My brain!
  8. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    While skimming through the spam zone, looking for HB's straight bar, I found this. I was lyke, ****, a survey... I hate surveys. A need to do something (Writer's block... It sux) made me do it.

    Name: . . . Willis. . . SHUT THE FHONK UP!

    Age: I know I don't act like it (I can be super immature; and yet at times, act so mature I scare myself and others), but I'm 15.

    Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character and Why: Hmm... Riku. Probably because you can make a case for him being mature, cool and collected, and yet an emo at the same time, xD. I like his white hair, as well. One of my best friends was an albino. I dun know why, but it just seemed cool. Probably the one "defect" I've ever seen that I found cooler than what a "normal" person looks like. Or, are we the strange ones? Who knows...

    Favorite Disney Movie and Why: I think I'll have to go with and of the movies from the Pirate's of the Caribbean series. Just because Johnny Depp was in them, and because Curse of the Black Pearl was the first ever P.G.-13 move made by Disney. Good job, Disney.

    Strengths: I've been told I have many different strengths in my short life-time. Of course, a few of them were told to me by teachers and counselors, who can lie to you to boost your self esteem and get paid for it, and a few more were revealed to me by my drunken father. . . Enough of that. My main strength, I believe, is my listening capacity, and the way I can process the info (whether its bull **** or not), tell if its bull **** or not, and then give an answer. Now, this of course doesn't happen in school. I honestly have problems paying attention there. I find it boring, so I kinda drift off, and then I get called on. I just say I don't even know what we're talking about, give a stupid grin, and then all of my friends laugh. Then, the teacher subtracts a point from my participation grade, and I die a little inside. Anyway, I'm off topic.

    Weaknesses: Bleh, too many to count. Well, I'm a sucker for romance type things, if I think I'm right, and you say I'm wrong, I almost always give in (even against better judgement), and another would be is that I'm normally quiet at school. Some might say it isn't a weakness, but to me it is. I just can't talk about random **** that no one truly cares about unless they were directly involved, and act like I'm enjoying myself. I can just sit by myself, completely isolated, and enjoy it. For that, I'm weird, and left alone except by my small circle of friends/large circle of acquaintances. One thing that's odd, despite the fact that I dun talk much, lots of people know my name. Maybe people talk about me behind my back, xD. Bleh, I've got school on the brain, I keep drifting off topic. Big essay to write that I'm busy procrastinating on.

    Hobbies/Interests: Staring at the ceiling while lieing in bed, toying with random thoughts (sounds strange, maybe even emo, but I'm not kidding), writing, reading, videogames (not that much, and when I do, its usually Dance Dance Revolution of some sort or a KH game. Merenaries: Playground of Destruction is anothe one I occasionally play). Online games? - I'm a fuxing junkie. Well, usually, but not so much recently. Hmm... I guess this site can count as one. I also luv playing Rugby. Dumping Freshman in trash cans. . . :D I'm kidding. I actually have a few friends who are Freshman. A friend of mine was trashed my Freshman year (lol, I sound like I think I'm old when I say that. Let's just say last year), and I beat the **** out of one of the guys that did it. The other backed down. T'was funneh, 'cuz I didn't even get in trouble. Only a few people saw it happen. OMFG, I'm off topic again!!! *Kills self* Well, paintball is fun too. Texas Hold 'Em is a fun card game, and basketball (in gym at school. I dun play outiside of school. But, then again, my version of basketball in school is to stand on one side of the gym, and hurl the ball at a goal on the opposite side of the gym, and hope I either make it in, or hit someone. . .).

    Something Unique About You: While not necessarily unique, a thing that I like about myself is that I don't find things that are entirely worthless (celebrity gossip, social status of kids at school, etc, etc...) interesting like the masses do. A thing that is definitely close to unique if not? My first name. . . Who the fux is Willis, that's a cracker (white, caucasian, wutev)? I mean, plenty of (Nothing against the name, based on racial popularity) African Americans have the name Willis, but its their LAST NAME. Not there FIRST. For a history lesson, Willis was a popular white first name from, like, 80-90 some-odd years ago (I was named after my Grampa). While being named after your G-dad (lol, G-dad) is kinda cool, I kinda sorta have an annoying "routine" to go through every day of my life. Here it is:

    I walk into class, and sit down. The bell rings, and the teacher begins with his/her lesson. Then, we discuss what the teacher has taught/lectured us on. I get called on sooner or later. I answer a question or thro in an opinion, based upon what I've been asked. Then, someone, whether they actually understood what I said or not, says "What'choo talkin' 'bout Willis!?" Everyone laughs, and I laugh along with them, as I mentally slit my wrists. . . If you didn't get that, or it sounds familiar and you have no idea where from, its from the show "Different Strokes". I used to love that show. Whenever someone said that, at first, I thought it was awesome. But, that was when I was in second grade. When I got into Middle School, and I started hearing it 5 times a day from friend, enemy, and teacher a like? I started throwing my remote at the t.v., and then unplugging it every time a re-run of the show came on.

    Your Ideal Home: One big enough to comfortably hold myself, and possibly a family with someone I love. Sounds sappy, but I mean it. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but I guess a swimming pool, and a game room (that can house a ping-pong table and a billiards table) would be nice. Optional, of course. All depends on duh income. But then again, the survey asks for ideal.

    What Type of People are Your Friends?: The word friend these days is very, very usely used. I hear people all the time ask "Hey, do you know <insert name>?" and then they'll reply, "Yeah, they're my friend.", when, they might only bash the teacher in the back of the classroom, and just know each others' first names. While I have loads of those types of friends, the few "true" friends I have, are more or less laid back (pfft, I live at the beach. A majority of the people here have lived here all their lives, and are bums and or as laid back and unworried as you can get about everything), and laugh easily. I need them to be that way, 'cuz I'm usually pretty uptight. They have to be relaxed and cracking jokes for the both of us. I don't expect undying loyalty, but I'd like someone to back me up during the harder times.

    Sword, Staff, or Shield?: If I had to pick, I'd choose a staff. But, using an object to channel your abilities is weak, ;P.

    What's Most Important To You?: Wow, that's hard. Right now, to be completely honest, nothing. 'Cept for maybe my dog. I'm kinda going through an emotionally strained time right now. If I was told I'ma gunna be struck dead tomorrow morning, I'd say "Ok." and hop on KH2 to beat it one last time. Not kidding.

    Worst Fears: To find out that, when I die, whether or not there is a God, a heaven, a hell, or nothingness. Will Allah, and Muhammad have the last laugh as I die? Will it be Jesus and his Father. . . himself? Will it be the many Gods of the Greeks, and this supposed "mythology"? Hell, will it turn out that there isn't a God, but there IS a Devil of some kind? Have I missed my chance to get into His (hell, even Her) good graces, and will I be sent straight to a hell of some sort? Is Earth Hell? Is it a place we must triumph over through living a decent life, and passing on to a second, third, even fourth life? Are we all stuck in a neverending cycle of life and death? Reincarnation. . . Do our bodies perish and deteriorate, and our souls live on, but the fact that we were once someone or something else is locked away in our subconscious, just out of reach? Supposedly, the average human uses 10% of their brain cacpacity. What if the 90% were unlocked? Would we be "smarter"? Would we be more advanced than we are now, or have ever dreamed of being? What about those that are "insane" or "evil", and do bad/wrong things? Have they unlocked some of, or all, of their 90%? Will we be some horrible, bloodthirsty beast if that area is touched? Will we be driven to madness by what we could learn from that 90%? This, is what I fear.

    What You Want Out of Life: To ride the roller coaster called life until the track brakes and I plummet face first into Death. I hope to actually create something worth it before that happens, though.

    You Share Your Paopu Fruit With (be creative!): *sigh* I have, once, and my fruit was accepted. Other circumstances negated the effects of the paopu, however.

    Appearance (pics optional): Photos? Bleh, I hate taking pics. Even if I had one handy, it'd be old. I haven't had my pic taken for a while. I'd be like, 13 in the pic. Plus, my mom is (only slightly *coughcoughsneezdiesfromlaughter*) paranoid someone will come and rape and or kill me. I'd kill set myself on fire before I'd let someone rape me, however. I guess they could mess around with my ashes... W8... eww.

    How Do You Think You'd Look If You Were A Kingdom Hearts Character?: Hmm... How do I think I would look? I dun know how to answer that. Who I'd like to look like? More like Riku, plz.

    Who Suggested That You Come here?: A guy I met on Youtube. I asked how he made his KH fan videos (he didn't give credit to this site, the *******). He told me to google it. I did, and this was the first one on the list.

    Well, I think I just gave the longest answers to every single question asked... I'm a loser with too much free time. Did you just read all of this? Hmm.. I think you might be the same. Lol, J/k.
  9. sora_i_can_do_this Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 2, 2008
    name and age: jerry and 17

    fav kh character: Axel got it memorized, cuz of all his great catch phrases

    fav disney movie: Lion King , great plot, characters, cast, and adorable lions

    strenghts: creative and a really random sense of humor

    weaknesses: many

    hobbies: video games, bowling, riding bikes, acting, watching motion pictures

    unique thing about me: disformed ring finger, and a huge birth mark that covers 1/3 of my body

    my ideal home: a house in Japan where robotic monkey butlers serve me all day

    sword, staff, sheild: shield, im a wimp and coward

    most important to me: being a good person

    worst fears: NAZI HIPPIES!!

    what do i want out of life: fun and lots of it!

    who I would share my papou fruit with: the queen of the chexicans

    photo: just click on my name im too lazy to put my pic here

    how would i look as a kingdom hearts character: i would have a spiky hair apperantly thats popular fashion
  10. Fallen King Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    NoMethod Error `stupid_location' for nil:NilClass
    Name and age: Allen, 13

    Favorite KH character and why: King Mickey, because he is my favorite disney character

    Favorite Disney movie and why: I don't know

    Strengths: Anger

    Weaknesses: Friends

    Hobbies, interests: Kingdom Hearts seris, Making money to buy KH2FM+ and KHFM

    Something unique about you: I never give up on anything

    Your ideal home?: Either an Island, or the sky in the clouds

    What type of people are your friends?: Pretty good people

    Sword, staff or the shield?: Not any of those just a metal pole

    What's most important to you: Friendship

    Worst fears: dieing

    What you want out of life: To make my own country

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): Kiari

    Appearance (photos are optional): Not gonna tell you

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: I don't know

    Who suggested that you come here?: i found it looking for KH vids
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    But I like surveys. *sees that I already posted*

  12. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Name and age: Vivian;15

    Favorite KH character and why: Sora. Because he is very strong.He cares for his friends deeply.He doesn't give up.I also like Mickey Mouse because he is so adorable and has been my favorite disney character since I was little.

    Favorite Disney movie and why: I have several.I just love disney.

    Strengths: I may seem weak but I'm strong.I'm smart.I can imagine something and I would want to write the story about.My friends are what keep me going.

    Weaknesses: I tend to give up on somethings.If I miss something very deeply I start to cry.And the lose of a friend.

    Hobbies, interests: Writing, playing Kingdom Hearts, listening to my ipod, and drawing.

    Something unique about you: I may seem small and helpless but I was shown to be strong in any situation.

    Your ideal home?: A house by the ocean shore.I could go there when ever I want to relax or lose myself in my thoughts and stories.

    What type of people are your friends?: Trustworthy, honest, friendly.

    Sword, staff or the shield?: I'd prefer a keyblade.

    What's most important to you: My friends and family

    Worst fears: losing a friend

    What you want out of life: To go on an adventure with a friend.

    You share your paopu fruit with (be creative!): Sora

    Appearance (photos are optional): Not telling you

    How do you think you would look if you were a KH character?: Brown hair, dark brown eyes. Baggy blue pants a short sleeve red shirt(it would look like a sweater but short sleeves) and a shirt under that is white.I would wear a glove on my right hand.I would wear a necklace.Have side bangs to the right.

    Who suggested that you come here?: I was looking at this site a long time ago but didn't join.Then this year I decided to look at it again and I wanted to join.
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