I'm looking for a good novel pertaining to Greek Mythology. I've already read the Odyssey and I'm looking for something similar. Any suggestions?
The Iliad is another work by Homer, which you may find interesting. There are several other works, which contain information about Greek Mythology. Some others are The Aeneid, Oedipus the King, Antigone, Electra, Metamorphoses, Medea, etc. I hope this helps. :)
There is a newer series of books that go with Greek Mythology called Percy Jackson and the Olympians and it is different than Illiad.
You may not be familiar with it but there is actually a "sequel" to Odyssey written, at least as i remember by a Greek author, and is considered a world masterpiece. One of my uni teachers told us about it. It shows what happened to Odysseys after the end of Odyssey but as our teacher told us it's very "heavy" literature and only a few people mange to finish it because it is very long. Now, if you want original stuff, why don't you read some comedies? They are hilarious, although i'm not sure if they are nearly as funny as the original is, in English language. As for mythology... well i will have to look my tragedy books, since i don't remember any at the moment.
Really? I was unaware that such a book existed. I only knew of the Iliad and its sequel, the Odyssey. Do you, by chance, happen to know the name of the book? I'd, perhaps, be interested in reading it. :)
I actually prefered the Iliad to Odyssey. It took me forever to get through Odyssey but only about 4 days to get through Iliad. I won't pretend I know a lot about Greek mythology in literature, I know the stories and things, but I can't really recommend you anything. Is it novels in particular you want? I could probably point you in the direction of a few really good plays.