
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Inasuma, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. JLHack7 Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 12, 2007
    Hmmm... well... Lets see...

    1) Terminator
    (I don't really know the story there, but oh well)

    2) I-Robot
    Love this movie, I got it 4 mah PSP, and for those who haven't seen it I should explain...

    3 laws (watching the movie now, here they are)
    The reason why the robots were able to take over was because they were doing it to protect the humans, as if they did not, there would just be more wars

    Basically, this could have been avoided if the robots weren't shaped exactly like humans, had they been shaped with tank treads, or wheels, they would not be as mobile, and probably wouldn't have been able to overcome the humans

    3) MCP
    This guy was just plain whack, he developed an inferiority complex (can computers do that?!?!?!)
    MCP was the Hitler of computers, he believed that computers were far superior to humans, and the humans should be the slaves of the computers, or something along those lines

    Pending that we don't make the robots TOO smart, and we don't make them too mobile, we should be OK with AI

    We all need some AI, even a little
    No AI = No Halo 3 Campaign mode
    No Halo 3 Campaign mode = VERY unhappy gamers
  2. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    A.I is also affected by whos programming, the reason for it being programmed, and the wuality of the programming in it.
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