A House?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sufris, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    This was a supposed debate topic. "Supposed" because it was for an audition for this debate club, and this was one of the topics. I put it only in Discussion because I wasn't really sure if it could be debatable, but if it is, sorry, mods. ^^;;

    During the audition, you are supposed to defend the statement--you are given 1 minute to think and another to express your thoughts. Of course, this is in school. Just saying.

    Now, what is the debate topic?

    "This house believes that this is not a house."

    Definition of terms (and what not. For clarification):

    -The first "house" is the term for group. We all know debates require two groups; one group is called a house. Just in case you didn't know.
    -"this" is not stated.
    -The second "house" is the structure. But then again, it's not really clearly stated, either.

    I just wanted to see how you would defend it.

    Just for fun; defend this statement: "This house believes Justin Bieber's hair is a lie."
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Alright so I don't TOTALLY understand what the debate is so I'm going to just go with it. Correct me when I'm wrong.

    A group may not identify itself to be a group because it doesn't perceive itself as one. For example a classic type group would be one with similar goals, characteristics, interests, rank, environment, etc. Something that they have mainly in common with each other. However, if a group operates out of the parameters of what is typical for it it may not be seen as one, not clearly anyway.

    For example, individuals working on the same project but working together in different mediums, like in game design, a music composer and a level designer. One of those groups could say they arent part of the other one whilst that group could argue they are, and in the end they'd both be right. On a broad level they're part of the same company and therefore the same group, but when in actual practicality they may have no correlation in job activities with little interaction or relations and therefore not part of the same group.

    It's all about perspective. We are all part of the same group. Humanity. But we are all part of further groups that define us on a smaller scale. Like having a certain job at a certain company. Supporting a sports team. Believing in a religion or not.
    In the end it's something that we see but not is necessarily true or false.

    Am I in the debate club??
  3. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    ...wait, so let me get this straight, you take the statement, "This house believes that this is not a house." with both "house"s being the group? Because if yes, then sure; I mean, nothing was clarified, specified, elaborated...nothing. XD

    Anything is right, just so you know. One is for the simple reason that I don't get it either, and two is for the simple reason that, like I said, nothing is specified.

    Depends; did you do this in one minute? XD
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The main issue I had was the word 'house' because I'm not really sure in what definition and context it's being used in. It could mean a building used as a residence or a constructed group that cooperates together. I thought, for a thought provoking question, it wasn't probably going to be about a building so I chose the latter. So I went on to talk about groups because a house and a group are very similar to each other. Hope that wasn't confusing at all.

    This question seemed to be about perspective and personal opinion. I mean there was no definite answer or a dual choice, so I went with the whole idea of individual differences being the answer. But yeah if someone explains and properly justifies it would be fine I guess.

    Well, it took me a while to type it all on my phone so probably not. I thought the whole idea behind debates was to think about your point and put it forward. Having only one minute seems more like a piece of work then a club.

    Btw, what answer did you give when you were asked?
  5. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    Ah, I understand. No worries, it's not confusing at all.

    And, no, I wasn't actually asked; I didn't audition, though I did want to. The topics (there are 39; you draw lots) were just spread throughout the school, or at least the batches that could join, because of the many other people who went to audition and heard the other people's topics. But I did have an answer. I assumed the second "house" was the structure.

    Since "this" is not stated, I went two ways: One, "this" as in where we are in, which would be the school and two, "this" as in what's right in front of you.

    For the first one, a school was never meant to be house. As it is, a school has no qualities of a house, such as a bedroom, a proper bathroom, a kitchen, closets, the like, and comfort. Sure, a school may have certain facilities that will suffice, but it won't necessarily be comfortable to live in.

    The second one, there is no house. A certain law in Philosophy, I believe, states that something that exists must appeal to a sense/s. I cannot see the house, feel the house, taste the house, smell the house, and most especially not hear the house. Since it does not appeal to any of the senses, then it does not exist, thus making the "this is not a house" statement true, but poorly clarified.

    ...I sound like such a smart ass. XDD;;
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    This is indeed not a house. In fact, my sources all agree that this is in fact a demonstrative pronoun.
  7. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    Must say, never thought of it that way.