A Funny Quiz

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by AlexleHoshi, Jun 14, 2007.

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  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Well I find it's kinda funny it's where you find out Which nobody will be your instructor

    http://www.quizilla.com/users/Finst...e Organization XIII would be your instructor?

    I got Xemnas

    I would be the apprentice of Xemnas - The Superior

    Since you're the apprentice of the Superior, nobody will dare to attack or fool you. Nobody but the usual traitors.... Xemnas will make sure that you have no single, free minute, making you follow him most of the time, wether it is to watch Kingdom Hearts, command different nobodies, be part of a meeting or simply make him a cup of coffee (since he's busy until late at night and not much of a morning-person).
    The other apprentices respect you but they sometimes have some problems to get along with your search for power. Although you'll probably have no element because only the Superior is supposed to control nothingness, you'll be a skilled and fast fighter with strong nobodies at your command. And although you're quite loyal to Xemnas (otherwise he'd kill you anyway), you should look out for his heartless, for you have a tendency to be seduced by darkness easily.

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Saix, Vexen, Xigbar
    Who you should look out for: Marluxia, Axel, Roxas
  2. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    Zexion! :D

    Zexion may be quite young for having an apprentice, but I dare you to not understimate him in any way. When it comes to planing strategies or controlling other people, no one can beat him. He may not be able to teach you how to fight, but you'll learns everything about the heart and scheming. Who needs to fight when you can control the people around and make them doing what you want anyway? Besides, teleporting is a quite nice way to escape, when needed.
    Although some of the others have problems in trusting you, most of them don't mind you, knowing that you won't harm them if they just don't annoy you. Those who dare to do anything to you anyway, are most likely to be found chuckling madly while sitting on a wall, not knowing wether to scream, cry or laugh....

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Vexen, Lexeaus, Xaldin, Luxord
    Who you should look out for: Xigbar, Demyx, Larxene
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    My result was quite random o.0

    I would be the apprentice of Luxord - The Gambler of Fate

    With Luxord as your superior you're out to have a lot of fun if you like games. This has it's positives and it's negatives. For example you do learn how to trick anyone in a fight, sometimes even tricking Zexion. On the other hand you'll probably have to do many extra tasks because Luxord'll bet you on washing the dishes he's supposed to wash or things like that. You're not a strong fighter but control cards and your surroundings like no other apprentice does. And even if you have to trick someone, you'll do as long as you don't loose.
    The other apprentices think that your quite fun to be around, although some of them can't hear the words "bet" or "gamble" anymore, having lost and being forced to do your tasks quite often....

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Xigbar, Zexion, Demyx
    Who you should look out for: Xaldin, Saix, Marluxia
  4. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    ...I got Xemnas....this was weird....O.o;

    Since you're the apprentice of the Superior, nobody will dare to attack or fool you. Nobody but the usual traitors.... Xemnas will make sure that you have no single, free minute, making you follow him most of the time, wether it is to watch Kingdom Hearts, command different nobodies, be part of a meeting or simply make him a cup of coffee (since he's busy until late at night and not much of a morning-person).
    The other apprentices respect you but they sometimes have some problems to get along with your search for power. Although you'll probably have no element because only the Superior is supposed to control nothingness, you'll be a skilled and fast fighter with strong nobodies at your command. And although you're quite loyal to Xemnas (otherwise he'd kill you anyway), you should look out for his heartless, for you have a tendency to be seduced by darkness easily.
  5. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    I wonder...Could somebody get Roxas? I mean...he's only 15...so could he have an apprentice.....? He probly would..
  6. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Yeah, you can get Roxas.
  7. ラクシーヌ Banned

    May 18, 2007
    I would be the apprentice of Larxene - The Savage Nymph

    If someone knows what they want, it's for sure you. With Larxene being your superior, you're out to have a lot fun and also suffer a lot, for she enjoys nothing more than seeing someone suffer, even if it's her apprentice. The books of Marquis de Sade will be your standart-lecture and her way to handle enemies is inspired by these books. If you're a person that's very delicate, I'd think of quitting if I were you.... Larxene will teach you how to control thunder and how to fight. Your attacks may not be very strong but you're one of the fastest fighters and hard to aim at.
    The others don't appreciate your sadistic way of solving things and probably won't borrow a book of you after they read one, for the books of De Sade are very.... special (Believe me, I read 120 Days of Sodom....). Some of them don't care about that anyway, since you're cute in some way, although your sadistic.... Just like a Happy Tree Friend, one could say!

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Marluxia, Axel, Roxas
    Who you should look out for: Vexen, Zexion, Saix

    213 other people got this result!
    This quiz has been taken 2383 times.
    8% of people had this result.
  8. Nexit@h XIV King's Apprentice

    Apr 6, 2007
    Berlin, Germany x'3
    I got Larxene!! Wooohooo!! xD

    If someone knows what they want, it's for sure you. With Larxene being your superior, you're out to have a lot fun and also suffer a lot, for she enjoys nothing more than seeing someone suffer, even if it's her apprentice. The books of Marquis de Sade will be your standart-lecture and her way to handle enemies is inspired by these books. If you're a person that's very delicate, I'd think of quitting if I were you.... Larxene will teach you how to control thunder and how to fight. Your attacks may not be very strong but you're one of the fastest fighters and hard to aim at.
    The others don't appreciate your sadistic way of solving things and probably won't borrow a book of you after they read one, for the books of De Sade are very.... special (Believe me, I read 120 Days of Sodom....). Some of them don't care about that anyway, since you're cute in some way, although your sadistic.... Just like a Happy Tree Friend, one could say!

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Marluxia, Axel, Roxas
    Who you should look out for: Vexen, Zexion, Saix
  9. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I would be the apprentice of Roxas - The Key Of Destiny

    Surprised that Roxas has an apprentice, although he's the newest member of the Organization XIII? Well, I'm too.... Anyway! You must be a quite nice person, having Roxas as a friend and him being your superior. You have no element, but you're one of the nobodies, who're the closest to getting their heart back, if that's possible. You'll listen to the voice inside of you and find quite often the right way to solve problems. Roxas doesn't look like it, but he's a fast and skilled fighter and you're most likely to wield two weapons at the same time.
    Most members of the Organization like to pick on you, because you're superior is the newest member, but there are very few that really despise you and many of them really like you, if that's possible for a nobody. I'd watch out for Xemnas and especially Saix anyway....

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Axel, Demyx, Marluxia, Larxene
    Who you should look out for: Xemnas, Xigbar, Saix
  10. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    I got Demyx!WOOT!I knew there was a reason I was born in September!^-^

    Wherever you are or whatever time it is, it's sure to be either chaotic or very loud.... or both. Demyx may not be a very skilled fighter, but he'll teach you how to defend yourself and control the element of water, which you'll probably most of the time use for creating some trouble together with Axel or his apprentice. Most of the time, however, you'll spend chilling and playing some music, only training or doing tasks once in a while.
    You're either hated or loved by the other members of the Organization, depending on wether they need much sleep and have a room next to yours or not. You get a lot into trouble but in contrast to Axel, it's most of the time not very serious. Anyway, you should watch out for Xemnas, for he's not very found of your behaviour and tendency to mess up given tasks.

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Axel, Roxas, Luxord
    Who you should look out for: Vexen, Xigbar, Xaldin, Zexion
  11. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh

    Damn it why did you have to get demmy-kins
  12. Rikus#1fangirl Banned

    Apr 29, 2007
    In darkness
    I got Marluxia!

    I would be the apprentice of Marluxia - The Graceful Assassin


    Marluxia, being your superior has many positive but also very negative aspects and is probably the most twisted choice, especially if you're allergic to flowers. Although he looks quite girly with his long and pinkish hair, Marluxia is one of the strongest fighters of the Organization. He's in charge of very strong nobodies and can erase anyone with his scythe. His only problems in fighting are that he's neither very fast, nor is his element very useful, for the keyblade wielder is not allergic to flowers. (Maybe Kairi is *chuckles*)
    The other members of the Organization don't know what to thin of you. On the one hand you are a very strong and intelligent person, on the other hand there's Xemnas, who your superior is about to betray and you'll probably follow him. Although some of them say that they'll follow you, I'd watch out for nothing is as it seems....

    Members with whose apprentices you'll probably get along with well: Larxene, Roxas
    Who you should look out for: Vexen, Xemnas, Saix, Luxord

    188 times, 7%
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