A few New Avatars [MORE AVATARS ADDED] Feel Free To Use These I got to work on these last night, quite simple Kh Avatars. I didnt want to do anything too fancy for my first Group :P The ''For Love'' Avies, there are two of them up because 1 has a border and the other doe's not. New Uploads:
Those are really nice. I like the last three the best though. And with the one with the border you really can't tell that it has one. :p
wow there well gd, im using the roxas one but ill cha ge it if im not allowed to use it, saus if ive broken a rule
For all new Avatars, see Post 1. More avatars are Currantly being Made and Uploaded, feel free to use them but tell me on this post if you do.
Awwie !<3 Girl, these are awsome!!^-^ I really like them ,, gah I envy you ! you are so good with making pics :3 (I've said that before x3) Keep the good work up!;3
Thanks, i've just finshed my First Animated Avie and a Little random one so ill; add them in afew mins ^^
No problem. I can sure say you have done much when your internet was down. Anyway looking forward to the animated avy:)
The animated avy is pretty good. But the animation seems to fade a little. You can bearly see that it is Kairi jumping. And I think you have chopped her head a little to much. But it's nice,and deinitely useable ;D