Golden Hyperlinks, bold, readable white text against a palatable background? Sleeker and more fluid design to the User display? I'm beginning to like this, and despite my adversity to change... But... Six hours were counted by my watch alone. That's ample, not few.
Yeah, I'm awfully sorry guys. There were some standard upgrade errors that I took care of (even if they delayed the process). The upgrade itself was done by 4:00, so around 3.5 hours fits under my original estimation. However, I decided to take advantage of the downtime to rebuild our search index (which has been broken since we moved to vB4 so for three years :v), which sent things out of whack. I know how to fix the errors we encountered (and then properly rebuild the search) but I can't without root access to the server.... which only our owner has. So I'm stuck waiting for his server guy. Sorry guys, just gotta say that it wasn't my fault... this time. ;)
no worries the downtime gave me the opportunity to finish a game i had been putting off. so thats good.
Spoiler Apparently Dr_Wigglz and I have this problem. Figured this was a likely place for Misty to see it, and also get some feedback from the returning Users. Brief: The Alert page shows the User avatar and when they posted, but not where or in what way. Not sure if this problem will skip and jump in the modern look, but it could be bothersome. EDIT: Loving the "Draft Saved" bit. Who is my Hero?
In that case, I'm going to assume that RvR and Amaury were standing around watching you do things when one of them saw a box and RvR was all like, "Hey Amaury, what's "fra-geel-ay" mean?" and then Amaury went, "I donno, must be Italian," and then they both moved it with no concern for its fragility.
Any and all bugs should be reported in here please: It's a lot easier for me to field one thread than the six that'll pop up in here. There's also some instructions on posting about bugs. That's what she said--I mean.
I keep in touch with him via email. As long as he replies that already sets him ahead of our past owners.
It does. Our previous issues with the database were caused by the ****** server spdude put us on. When he bought the site, Tienewman moved us to a much better server.
And that was why everything that went wrong with the site was always blamed on spdude. And other stuff that went wrong. And just stuff in general.