A few facts about "global warming"...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Korra, Oct 25, 2007.

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  1. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I agree. I think "global warming" is a bunch of mini Al Gore's bunching together and blaming humans for the "destruction" of Earth. I'm not saying that we're making it better, but I think people are being a little too overreactive, as usual.

    Others don't think this, but history repeats itself. Meaning, we could easily have another Ice Age, or the earth could erupt into another lava-filled ball, as it did millions of years ago. As you said, the earth is heating itself. We're basically wasting money on these 'Hybrid' cars, that probably won't do a damn thing to help.

    I think people who think we're causing all of this crap is looking down the wrong alley. =\
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I couldn't care less if it is true or not. I am talking about reducing pollution. This will reduce acid rain (completely unrelated to global warming, as the whole in the ozone layer >_>), improve the local environment in cities and major urban areas and make people and ecosystems healthier.

    I think it's terrible when environmentalists with all their good intentions don't research properly or sufficiently enough so the opposition can just rip them down and the whole cause with them.
  3. KissesOfKunai Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 13, 2007
    Behind you.
    Look, the problem with this whole Global warming thing is that no matter what we do, there will always be pros and cons if we try to solve it!

    For example, if we go and change everything to Solar power, we would need enough solar panels to cover up the state of Texas to power NY and I don't think the Texans would like that.

    There is also the fact that some people don't care. Some people's lives DEPEND on the oil industry or the wood industry. I mean, if we shut down the wood industry, where are all those people who work for that industry go?

    We can put laws down, but we can't stop people for doing what they want to do.
  4. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
    1) Very true. There are pros and cons to both acing, and not acting... but the cons of acting (minor decrease in GDP growth) far outweigh the cons of not acting (potential end of the world as we know it -_-)

    2) Water power, Hydrogen power, Nuclear power...

    3) Oil and coal is running short actually. The human race is an ever growing entity, and we use up more and more resources as time goes by. Even if we double the resources we excavate, that would only last us a very short time before we start running short again.
    Living space it also a very limited resource that's starting to get hard to come by in some places...

    There's a video on YouTube about that. It's long, and some might find it boring, but I found it to be very interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-QA2rkpBSY
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Here's the thing: As the global temperature NATURALLY (and that's proven) fluctuates, the ice caps melt and reform.

    Again, in the 70s, people were saying we HAD to melt the ice caps ourselves because we were in a cool stage. The same people are now saying that the ice caps are melting.

    There's no way that we can be the cause of it. So, the only possible explination for that is the Solar System is shifting towards to Sun, making the ice caps melt on both Earth and Mars. In another few hundred years, it'll change again, and the planets will be moving away from the Sun.
    And so on and so forth.
  6. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
    DPWolf, you obviously didn't see the video I linked you to. You wanted to discuss, then why are you ignoring me? The questions you asked are already answered.
    Again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoUt4LhkKY0
    Find your "Natural fluctuation" and "Mars" things there, and go to the appropriate video.
  7. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Even if it is a natural occurrence/cycle it doesn't mean we should cut back on the amount we pollute and waste energy. Global Warming is only one of the many environmental threats we face. By reducing wastage, pollution and our reliance on fossil fuels and other exhaustible energy sources we will be doing the future a big favour.

    The problem nowadays is that we aren't thinking far enough into the future. We have to pre-empt problems that may arise for the human race now and try to at least prepare for them. Deciding to do nothing now just because it will cost money is very ill-advised =___=
  8. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    We'll we all can agree on that something is wrong.

    I do believe in global warming, and I suggest that all off you go watch Al gore's move 'an inconvinient truth' because it makes a certain impact.

    We humans are being as toxic for the earth as ever, and all this can not be netural (IMO).

    I say we should all just wake up and realise the damn truth that is right in front of us.
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