A few facts about "global warming"...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Korra, Oct 25, 2007.

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  1. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I'd just like to share a few things with you guys. :3

    I personally don't believe global warming is real. I think it's just a natural flux of global temperatures. Now, before people jump me and try to rip me to shreds, hear me out.

    Theory: The polar ice caps are melting, and humans are the sole cause of it.

    Fact: They may be melting. But so are the ice caps on Mars. Which would mean the solar system itself is moving closer to the Sun.

    Theory: Because the ice caps are melting, polar bears are dying.

    Fact: Again, since the planets are moving towards the Sun, polar bears are dying out naturally. Meaning that the polar bears' time on Earth is just naturally over, like the dinosaurs and many other now-extinct animals and plants.

    Theory: Global temperatures are consistently rising.

    Fact: They're actually not. Granted, there's been a jump because of the Industrial revolution, but after that temperatures mellowed out. Nothing has ever been abnormally high/low.

    Anyone's welcome to talk about this. Just don't let it get to a flame war. Because that would suck. D=
  2. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    I have to agree that global warming is a very hyped-up subject. This might interest those patient enough to read through it, Sun affects and it seems to make a lot of sense. It's interesting to note that sea level has constantly fluctuated in the geological past with its highest recorded level was in the Cretaceous Period, some 80 million years ago, when CO2 levels were considerably higher than at present, and ice-caps were virtually absent from the earth.
  3. Ulicies Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 24, 2007
    Twilight Town
    The question that we should be asking ourselves isn't "Is something happening to the earth?" The question should be "What percentage of the events in the world are caused by us?" I think the melting glaciers is natural, thus the changing water level is natural, and so on. We can't interfere with nature and expect positive results. But in concern with acid rain, now, I don't know exactly, but I think there is a 75% chance that acid rain is caused by us. We can change certain things around the world, but as for "Global Warming", The plan shouldn't be "How to stop Global Warming", the plan should be "How to survive the events of Global Warming".

    Reading "State of Fear" has really opened my eyes on this subject. It showed both views and gave genuine quotes and graphs from different scientists who show different opinions, and in the end, gave a balanced opinion. Everyone should read it and decide for themselves.
  4. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    That's true.
    Acid rain is caused by CO2 released by factories, but we can't exactly help that. Either we shut down most factories and thousands (maybe millions) lose jobs, or we try to advance technology so we can lessen the occurence of acid rain.
  5. Ulicies Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 24, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Yes, but sooner or later we need to come up with new technology. Right now, we are way to dependant on fossil fuels to do pretty much everything in our modern society, or at least in the United States. I would talk more, but I believe I'm getting ahead of myself, as this is not the thread for that.

    I have to go eat, but I'll post more about this subject, I'm very interested to discuss this with everybody when I get back.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I do agree with DPWolf. I learned about this sort of stuff in History when we had a week's lecture on Ice Ages.

    In fact, this "global warming" time-period perfectly ties into a natural occurance that happens the same way with Ice Ages.

    I'm a little lazy to explain that however.
  7. Number13Roxas King's Apprentice

    May 11, 2007
    Why do you care?
    Many scientists have now thought that Global Warming is simply the stages for our next Ice Age. If you think about it for a minute it makes sense. Ice Ages "used" to happen after several thousand years and then suddenly stop 10,000 years B.C. I don't think so.

    Global Warming is leading to our next ice age where the magnetic fields will recycle but the atmosphere is becoming polluted by excess CO2 that is released from cars.
  8. KissesOfKunai Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 13, 2007
    Behind you.
    Ya'know, this whole Gobal Warming idea is actually kinda a repeat of another theory along time ago which many people supported. Another theory which brainwashed everyone a century ago. This theory had the support of Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, H.G. Wells and many more others. This theory simple was that if your parents were completly dumb or "feeble-minded" that you will be one and your children and there children etc.

    Here's a question I really want to ask: Who or what told you that there was (or wasn't) gobal warming?

    The truth is that everyone is told that global warming is happening but they are not getting the facts. Not everyone knows wheter this warming of the planet is mostly natural or man made. Not everyone knows that this might be a stage in the planet where we are coming out of some ice age and going back to the same temperatures that maybe the dinosaurs had.

    P.S: Anyone read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton? It's a perfect book that challenges the thought of Gobal Warming. I read it and it really made me wonder.
  9. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Heh.That sounds nice.You know,i kinda agree with the fact that they may be far too serious about that matter,because i think that people would have have taken MUCH more serious measure.So yeah,i think you're right!^_^
  10. Repliku Chaser

    There are 'some' people that insist global warming is all laid on the humans. Some of it is natural though.

    The point though is that 'part' of it is our fault. We did ruin the Ozone layer and it takes time to repair it. The repairs do seem to be happening but it's going to take years. This has increased global warming and the greenhouse effect. To ignore that we are responsible for the increased rush in drastic temperature changes seems not such a good idea.

    It has not really leveled out. It grows worse. As I said, some of this -is- natural and the way things go and we must adapt if we are to endure, and sadly species will die out, but this has happened well before humans were around. We aren't responsible for all of the species of life dying out, despite what some environmentalists think. However, killing off the trees that do consume a vast majority of the carbon dioxide produced is causing more global warming than needed and we 'do' create a lot of carbon dioxide. The Ozone layer was wounded and is currently being repaired slowly. We do depend on fossil fuels and also the tons of cows that release methane gas which is also not good.

    So, humans are increasing the rates of the changes, but are not solely responsible and what is happening would happen regardless. However, it really comes down to a matter of -time- and this would have been slower if we were not aiding it along. We should be looking to other methods than fossil fuels any way considering the fact that they are running lower. I think if anything, Global Warming is hyped up, certainly, and like anything else, you have your extremists that explain this stuff all bent and twisted. But it is real, and we aren't the cause, but we are propelling it faster than it should be happening. We can fix this by encouraging the study of technology to go in a direction that is more environmentally safe and yet does not shut down our businesses and all. It'd probably be a more worthy study than how to blow up the planet over 500 times with nukes.
  11. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Actually, it has. I've seen weather charts starting in the 1800s when Bell Labs first started, and there's a set high and low. To this day, there's never been anything above or below that standard.

    And I think it's interesting that the same people that are saying we're all gonna die from global warming said in the 70s that there was going to be an ice age in the 80s.
    Just goes to show you how people's minds change so suddenly. And as a little side note, Al Gore's An Inconvienient Truth had like...nine mistakes in it.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think it is stupid for people to throw out the seriousness of Global Warming. Even if we aren't a major cause we should still cut back our emissions. "Better to be safe than sorry".

    If we stop worrying about it now the improtance of green technologies will dis-appear and they will never be sufficiently developed. Then if we ever do need it, we won't have it. Also, it will reduce smog in cities and clean up water sources.
  13. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
  14. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    I think we still need to get a few things straight before we take any specific course of action. And by that, I mean something besides the 'reduce, reuse, recycle' plan. There are still gaps in the global warming theories that nobody has brought up yet. I saw this special on the...either History or Discovery channel (I don't remember which or the name of the special, but it had Al Gore in it...), and it had some scientists say, in a nutshell, that science is not absolute, and that nothing is for certain, but we are sure that 'this' (a lot of nasty changes to the environment) will occur. But not one of those scientists brought up that cows release more methane than big rigs when they pass gas, or other natural occurrences that release much CO2 into the atmosphere (except volcanoes. Gotta have volcanoes)

    Not to mention we have to deal with the people who people who are determined to say that global warming doesn't exist (car manufacterers, etc.), and are determined to do what they do for a little money.

    What other energy sources to we have to work with? I know there's nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind? Seriously, aside from money, what's to stop people to use energy like those mentioned to bring in energy instead of fossil fuels?
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    But what if we cut back? Then we may be stuck in a technological limbo, without any progress, and humanity would just be on the decline from there.
    The whole point of this thread is to DISCUSS your opinion.
    Have you even read the points people have been making?
    Again, Al Gore's An Inconvienient Truth had nine scientific errors in it.
    And some contries may not be able to use other forms of energy for reasons like a lack of room for the power plants, money (which is what you said), danger (in nuclear's case), hydro (in desert countries that's close to impossible), solar (not enough money), wind (some areas may not have enough wind blowing through to power the generators).

    I personally don't think global warming's a true issue now, or any time in the near future. I make my beliefs based of data I've seen, and I know people have differing opinions with me.
  16. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    Even if it is fake, I think this global warming scare is a good thing. It will force us to think fast and develope more efficient forms of technology.

    But i personally thing its true, why? cause sea levels are infact rising and the ice caps are melting and THAT is whats killing the pola bears. Theres less ice for them to live on and more bigger gaps inbetween and their drowing trying to get from one to another.
  17. Poki#3 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 19, 2007
    Have you WATCHED the movie?

    It sums up my opinions better then I could express it myself. Fake? 2 of the biggest scientific organizations in the world, AAAS and NAS, already said that:
    1) It's real.
    2) We're causing it.
    3) We better do something about it, and quick!

    The rest of the battle between "It's fake" and "It's right" is between biased organizations, and individuals who can say anything they want, and that pretty much levels itself out.

    You want to discuss? There's no darn need for that! There's need for action, not discussion <.<
    If you have an argument or question, go look at the menu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoUt4LhkKY0
    and find the appropriate expansion pack video.
  18. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    Two thumbs up to Poki
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    No one knows if Global Warming is real, but the question is would you really like to wait to find out, as someone said it's better to be safe then sorry and there is a lot of evidence proving Global Warming is real right now and your choosing to ignore it, fine by me, if Global Warming is real I don't think you'd want you children and your children's children to live in sadness would you?
  20. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    The predicted water levels will make it hard for todays current amout of people to live comfortably on the remaining land mass
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