Okay then, here are a few drawings that have been sitting in my bag for ages (apart from the last two) until I could use the college scanner and today I got to use one so I uploaded them This should of been a kitty girl but she looks more elf-like This was going to be Demyx but the hair just didn't seem to want to stand up lol I did this on the plane on my way to Turkey but I only had pens on me so I could fix it up so no CnC on this one please for you lot who don't know I had a dream about FireNanaki and this is how she looked in my dream I drew this last week just after drawing the Firenanaki one, it's one of my friends Michael but is was always moving around so that's why it's not so good So apart from the 3rd one CnC please
Nice job. I especially like the shading on the bottom one. It looks like he is standing in the sunshine by a window with shade on the other side.
Most of the necks seem long. and on the second one, the eyes are too high. But they're pretty good, just keep on drawing and you'll get better
They all seem a bit.... stiff. You'll want to play around more with the body language, especially with sketches is this a must to experiment with. Try to "feel" the shapes you are shaping for each body part, it may help. (I'm not sure that part can fully be explained with words, it's something that needs to be experienced) You're still at the learning stage, so do not be ashamed to borrow poses other artists has drawn. This is how you will learn what looks natural, and eventually you can try out without helping reference. I recommend that you use help lines when drawing a character for better understanding of anatomy. Protip my art teacher gave me that might as well go for all human drawings: the eyes always follow the middle part of the head (horizontal), and the gap between them always follows the middle part as well (vertical). Hoping these tips can help you with what you wanted to know. :> You're definalty on the road.
Like cocohints said, they seem kind of stiff. You have potential though, so try drawing more realistic picutes, and dont be afraid to draw from another pice of artwork. Also some of the propotions are off, like the girl's neck in the 3rd picture, so use referances for practice. Keep working at it though! :D
One thing, your eyes and your face shapings are either way too big or really weird in ALL of them. You really need to even out proportions. Next time you draw, try using guidelines, like those horizontal and vertical lines that show you where the facial features are positions. Also, your poses are too generic and it makes them seem like someone uneducated drew them.
1st drawing: One of the ears is bigger than the other and the shirt just looks kinda funny to me But her pose is nice. 2nd drawing: The eyes seem a little off. 3rd drawing: One of the eyes is almost on her forehead and the neck's too big but I like her smile. 4thdrawing: Now that's just pretty cute but try to work with the arms. 5th drawing: I like the shading. Here's a tip for the eyes:Try to use a ruler,it helped me alot.
There a bit stiff. More movment would be nice. Like, less straight lines.But they are really good. I like them. You really did a great job! <3 Keep it up! <3