I saw this today and wondered what your thoughts on it would be. Someone took a Final Fantasy VII fanfiction they wrote, changed all the names, and self-published it. Take a look at the monstrosity: http://www.amazon.com/Mermaids-Kiss-Sirens-Song-Jennifer/dp/1419617710/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t (I apologize if this is in the wrong section)
Personally, I just think this is a little disappointing. I mean, if you're going to publish a book, first of all, make sense. Second of all, come up with your own idea, rather than a fanfiction. I mean, seriously now.
well...if you think about it..since it's an AU fanfic (I'm supposing this) it's simple to just change the names and actually publish it. If it wasn't that person's fanfic, then I would be really pissed, but since it's the author publishing it...I think that person went on the right track to actually publish it.
Well, yeah, but did you read the excerpt? It's...terrible. A disgrace to books everywhere. The writing is a mess. Skye (a.k.a. Cloud in disguise) has naturally spiky hair that is compared to dog vomit. You have to put a lot of effort into a book, but obviously this person was too lazy to even invent her own characters...
Wow.I read some of the comments that people lefted.I honestly think that publishing a fanfic is kind of pointless.I'm not really sure how to explain it but I find it kind of pointless to publish a fanfic.
Okay, all I have to say is wow. I mean, seriously, Seifirote. This book has to be full of epic failure.
She isn't going to get much love publishing it... i mean it's not her original idea.... it's just confusing
The article is nice, but I think you should write base on your knowledge of writing skills. Edit it, make sure that it sounds like it has been read over numerous of times. But I doubt that it will be as good.~ -When publishing something it has to look decent and well written, otherwise, it won't get you that far, or alot of attention./
Two words. EPIC PHAIL. (Of course, I'll use more. To even stoop that low and try to make a buck out of a fanfic is just...I can't even put it to words. I mean, who the hell does that?)
Well, you could think that technically it isn't a fanfic anymore, since the author changed all names that related to the game |: and it is set in an AU. However, I still think this will fail ridiculously.
It is no longer a fanfiction. That is true. Perhaps Fan-doggerel? Except Doggerel's are usually at least funny.....this....is....plain out boring. I mean seriously, besides the fact they copied off of years of Final Fantasy work, there's not really alot of creativity in there.
definetly confusing. if i made a fanfic about twilight and published it, dont you think Iwould get hate mail??
That doesn't seem right. Published stories should be about a creative subject, not characters that already exist.