A Dreams Nightmare

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by #8 Axel, Jan 2, 2009.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    He was more than upset especially when it came to his munny that he had saved up for the suite. Everything starrted out great and then just crumbled like a cookie. Shaking his head back and forth, Demyx began to gather items from the closet and placed them in his bag not caring that half of them were Larxene's. "I knew this was a foolish idea to begin with," he clutched his fist and zipped it up. "I might as well just check out early and get some of my munny back at least."
  2. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Larxene turned her head slightly seeing Reiya the demon that Marly killed up and running,"but h-he killed you how the hell can you be ali- oh screw it"She said before closing her eyes,she won't be moving for awhile anyway.Taking as deep breath as she could, electricity starting gong through her as she somewhat curled in to a ball.With a scream she released that power also causing reiya to scream as well,Falling to the ground larxy landed on her hands and knees.Blinking she shook her head a bit,"why the hell can't I just be healed without problems jeez"She complained looking up at reiya who currently laying on the ground with bits and pieces of lighting going around her.

    Marluxia turned around quickly sensing some trouble,tilting his head to the side he frowned not liking this feeling.Someones fighting but wh- oh jeez they're after Larxy He thought to himself as he realized that.Turning around looking towards Phenox,"Kid you can either stay here for a bit or come with me either way I gotta go back its an emergency"He said simply.
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox nodded. He turned to Veronica. "I have to go." He kissed her and ran to Marluxia.
  4. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel remained quiet for quite some time. He heard everything that Demyx said, but didn't say anything. Perhaps he was thinking things through or had his mind on else where. "Why does it matter?" He shrugged somewhat, but stopped Demyx from unpacking. "You do know that half of this undergarments are not yours? I haven't seen you wear a..." He cracked up a bit and then stopped laughing. "Demyx isn't is quite obvious why I interrferred?" He hinted hoping he didn't have to draw a picture.
  5. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx frowned for he was at a loss of words. Larxene had left which meant she didn't care for any of them. He felt like he had been crushed by a weight sinking him furthur into the darkness of oblivion. "Larxene was using me all along and I fell for it," he slammed his fist into the wall for feeling foolish of thinking he had anything with her.
  6. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Larxene closed her eyes winced in pain,"Dammit this is why you DON'T mess with someone whose in pain"She growled out."I won't do what I did last time we met"She added as she stood up.Two daggers formed in to a spear as electricity sparked around it,slowly and cautiously she walked up to Reiya."Oh come I know that only tickled"Larxy mocked with pure sarcasm.

    Reiya stood up cracking her shoulder back in to place without a flinch,"Yes you are right and I will do my job and bring you to my Master"She said as she walked closer to the blond who was currently being cautious.

    Marluxia raised his right hand allowing a portal to be created,right before he left to go in he brought out his scythe.Narrowing his eyes "This Might get messy"He said softly at the younger before going through.
  7. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Shaking his sore hand, he dragged it against another side of the wall swiping it aggressively. "What a fool I was. Thinking of her just boils my blood," he walked over to the closet and gathered any clothes that he or she brought including his and her items. "Well no more Axel. I'm outta here." Summoning a portal, he stepped through it and appeared to the bell desk starttling the people. "I demand a refund or I will take everyone's heart here." He revealed his lower nobodies servants, the dancers that waited for orders from their master. Glaring at the merchant, he made sure that the man returned his munny before extending out his arm. "Go destroy this place. It leaves nothing, but painful memories of her." Conjuring a portal he entered the vast unknown leaving the dancers to thier task.
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