I no longer have sideburns. :/gasp: they were like my trademark... but on my face... How many people do you think will notice?
Oh man...I am so sorry...(unless it was your decision). I have pretty long sideburns too actually...which I do not plan on getting rid of. The worst thing that'll happen is that the side of your face will feel weird every time you touch it and you'll look a lot younger. Thats what happens to me anyway.
Are you saying that everyone, even the people who I don't know yet, will remember that one time my sideburns *sob* were gone and remind me of it forever no matter where we are in the world? and yah I had to get rid of them because one ended up a lot shorter than the other and I couldn't fix it unless I got rid of them. Oh well, at least it means I can grow some back that are more consistant and not fluffy in some parts and normal in others... :( sad sad day.