every 1 knows what a COMA is... (a coma is a profound state of unconsciousness. A comatose patient cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally to pain or light, does not have sleep-wake cycles, and does not take voluntary actions.) I sometimes wonder where the mind is when one is in a coma.. are you dreaming? are you traveling across the universe?? or somewhere in Cambodia enjoying a martini... <_< (very unlikely....) but really. what happens when one is that state? where is the mind? the doctor says he/she will "come back" soon. so where were they all that time? ehh somthing that i think about on the toilet... XD hahah.. not really..
They're clearly having a dream that spans the entire amount of time that they have in the coma. I only say that because coma's are generally REM sleep stages. . . . right?
A coma is thought to be a global slowing of the cortical and in certain cases lower brain functions like respiration. The the sparse areas that are often weakly activated appear to be in the sensory areas, and EEG scans have sometimes found REM activity. Seeing as some comatose patients awaken as if they had simply fallen asleep and report vivid aspects of dreams, it's highly likely that we can dream in comatose. But this is obviously not the same for everyone. To some it's as if a dreamless wink had passed.
this is one of the strange wonders of the human mind and brain. yea.. i agree w/ the REM sleep, thats what i think as well... it'se always possible for us to go in and out of coma's everyday w/o even knowing that we did... <_< it's a world of darkness and sometimes dream.
Well I wouldn't go so far as to imagine that people all over the world are lapsing in and out of comas a few times per year. It's not healthy from the brain to be constantly slowing down and then booting back up again. If anything, the longer the coma the more detrimental it is to the person's mental health. Connections in the brain remain strong through repeated activation, and if they are activated for a long time they lose those connections.
nahh you cant.. most wake up to think that they've been only sleeping... just like you wake up to look at the clock to figure out how long you slept... you wudnt know.. unless.. ue went into one when ur little and woke up as a teenager and i didnt mean it like everyone does that almost every night... <_< then ur brain would kinda stop functioning... O_o everyone has thier moment of deep sleep thats like a coma... once or twice, it actually might have been a coma.. <_< but then again comas dont occure unless there was a sudden hard blow to the head.. so the sleeping coma is out... <_< (X3 i contradict myslef... haha)