idk i have 10 bucks left on my gamestop card so yeah Vagrant Story Silent Hill Beyond Good & Evil HD Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life SE Psychonauts Fallout New Vegas God Hand GTA 3 Chrono Trigger Enslaved Parasite Eve 2 Darkstalkers im leaning towards harvest moon because i love that game and i could never find a copy of the game in stores
Why are you asking us then? You're mind is already made up it seems. xD But if it was my choice, I'd go with Silent Hill just for the thrills.
Because I want to try a new game compared to buying a game I have previously experienced before? its not a trivial line of thought
Chrono Trigger. It's an amazing game that did time travel and multiple endings right *looks casually at FFXIII-2* I feel I'm it's only actual supporter xD