I love it! <33333 There's really nothing I can CnC about it. But if you reeeally wanted me to, I'd say to not use the same font every time, but that really isn't that important. I love it! 8D
it's cute, i like it, but i couldn't see the person on the left until i looked at it for another second
The only thing wrong with it is the border line looks pretty lame and its a little too bright. Other than that, I like it alot.
I didn't even notice the person on the right until I looked at it a second time. xD The style is very interesting. The only thing I would say is that the border is a bit too thick; but it's good. ^^ Great job.
It looks really cool! I like the washout kind of affect and whiteness. It's different from the stuff I normally see. Good job =)
Nice fade effect. Reminds me of ghosts now. -_-;; Well it's a bit too bright so tone the lightness down a bit and that's all I see. :3
Ehhh...not too bad, but not too great either. Try adding more contrast and having less glaring white, especially since the forum's bg color is white. Yeah. Main problem is it's waaaay too bright. The face in the white also looks a little low quality, though that may be because of the white.