4chan VS tumblr.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    You're talking to the very embodiment of autistic spite and salt
    I suppose so, though I must say I find that incredibly hard to believe
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Considering I never saw your face the entire time I was here the first time around, I'd be amazed if it weren't the case.
  3. Karuta Reborn

    Jul 14, 2012
    Why do you guys care?
    /b/ has been trying to piss off SJWs for years, this isn't news. Tumblr will forget about it in a week or two and /b/ will move onto some other stupid ****.
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Pretty sure you have never seen his large intimidating black face.
  5. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    This still has a lot of merits. /b/ moves so fast that the majority of regular board participants probably didn't even see it. They aren't a hivemind, it was some people who logged on when that thread was near the front page and chose to take supportive action. It's not /b/, so much as a bunch of people from /b/. If a bunch of us did a stunt like that, it wouldn't be KINGDOM HEARTS FANSITE STRIKES, it would be "people attacked and used this website to invite people to the attack," but because it's 4chan, the millions of users across the multiple boards get roped into this because 4chan is still considered the scary part of the internet and is easy to villainize.
  6. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
  7. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    o my god this is so hilarious in my head
  8. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
  9. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    I'm sure many have said this already, but not all of 4chan is raiding, just /b/.

    But yeah, Tumblr wasn't always so preachy, and full of SJWs. I can't scroll down my feed without SOMEBODY preaching about SOMETHING. It's kinda annoying.

    Feminists especially began to get annoying. I get that women don't exactly have the same rights as men (women earn less than men because the most popular jobs for women are usually low-risk for injury and typically earn less than the most popular jobs for men because the most popular jobs for men are higher in risk for injury (and also because those jobs most popular with men in particular just happen to earn more, not because of some conscious sexism)) but some of them also neglect the fact they themselves have certain advantages, or in their terms, "privileges", exclusive to them. You know how women can take half of what a man owns in a divorce if a prenup isn't signed? And how society trusts women more than men? And how men are slaves to their libidos and women have the selective advantage (i.e. pussy is power)?

    Yeaaah, feminists just like to ignore stuff like that that exclusively benefits them, and focus moreso on the stuff they don't have. I guess the whole "grass is greener" thing must be true.

    omg yassss

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I can see where you're coming from and you've probably only seen the extreme version of feminism. Feminism is supposed to be about equality. Not having one sex be more or less powerful than the other.

    Speaking from my personal experience as being a female bodied person, I don't really see what advantage I have. I can't walk or ride my bike after dark. I have to hold my keys like a weapon when I'm leaving the mall. I can't walk along in broad daylight without being catcalled. I can't really wear what I want because in the event that I'd be harassed or assaulted, I'd be asked what I was wearing like my clothing would have brought it on myself. I can't wear tank tops and shorts because I might set off a man's baser urges. And heaven's forbid if my bra strap is showing when a man can show at least the entirety of his boxer shorts. If I'm out in public, I can't leave my drink unattended because it might get something put into it.

    And the catcalling? I'm supposed to take that as a compliment. Like 'Oh, a man paid attention to me.' It just makes me uncomfortable. And if I don't respond because it makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to encourage the behavior? I get called a frigid *****?

    I see women being objectified in advertisements and in movies. I hear it in music all the time and it's disgusting. Going further into music, Rihanna made a song about sex and enjoying it and it's banned in at least ten countries in the world and on Youtube. Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines', on the other hand, is a smash hit.

    Because women aren't supposed to enjoy sex. Sex for women is supposed to be uncomfortable and for making the babies. When children aren't involved, sex for women is about a man's pleasure. If a woman enjoys sex and has multiple partners, she's called a ****. If a man does the same thing, he's called a 'player' and a 'real man'.

    So I'm just wondering just what sort of advantage I have as a female bodied person?
  11. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Can someone kill the word "fandom" please? I swear , no one used that word until Tumblr

    Is the word "fanbase" not good enough?
  12. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    fanbase can't be easily transformed into fandumb to belittle someone or another's views though
  13. Karuta Reborn

    Jul 14, 2012
    but teenage girls make the world go round
  14. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Livejournal used it.
  15. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    My, how concerning. I hadn't consider any of that.

    I'll be honest, if I got catcalled by some girls, I'd feel pretty ****ing awesome haha. But yeah, if that sorta thing makes you uncomfortable, I can see why it'd be troublesome. Especially if they insulted you right after. I'm a little confused though. Do you not like strangers implying that you're attractive? Or is the more explicit ones that make you uncomfortable?

    Okay, first of all, both men and women get "objectified". You see them David Beckham underwear H&M ads that's all over New York? Yeah, that happens too.

    It's just a fact of life: attractive people sell products. That's why attractive men and attractive women are used in ads.

    And a woman being depicted in a sexual way isn't a bad thing. Humans are sexual creatures and are stimulated by sexual cues.

    Yes, that's banned in mostly overly religious countries that have misogynistic ideals that are backwards as ****, and that've had detrimental effects on our society, but most of that thinking is considered backwards in the modern day.

    And honestly, you can't really blame them all too much (okay, I guess you could) considering that the female orgasm was considered a myth until, what, the '70s? So, in a society that thought sex was mostly for male pleasure, it's not surprising that this backwards society would think a woman who enjoys sex is some kind of witch (just like how back in the middle ages, they thought gingers and redheads were the spawn of Satan -- they just didn't know any better). I obviously don't approve of it, but religious conservatism is definitely a huge part of the problem for women due to it's misogynistic backgrounds.

    Getting half of a man's stuff in a divorce if a prenup isn't signed, you have the selective advantage (and therefore have WAY MORE sexual choices than men), women are generally considered more trust-worthy than men, etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1404699317][/DOUBLEPOST]

    I'd have to agree with you there. I'd just appreciate it if they stayed out of my social media, thank you very much.[DOUBLEPOST=1404699391][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Yeah, but that site's for dooorrrrkkksss.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  16. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    It's a method of intimidation used by strangers on women they would like to bang but have no interest in. If the statement 'I would like to bang you' coming from a complete stranger does not make you uncomfortable, it's because you are not used to it. You would feel flattered because women are so selective, as you say.

    If they were more bold or treated you like a boytoy every time you left the house, your feelings of flattery would quickly diminish and may even turn to fear. Remember that these people want you but don't care about you. Let that sink in.
    It makes women uncomfortable when it is the predominant way in which women are presented. Sex selling isn't an issue by itself. In context, however, it reinforces the attitude that women are just sex toys and serves as a reminder that those attitudes are king.

    Even worse, they reinforce these ideas every time they play. In the absence of contrary notions, the idea that women are sex objects will become more and more prevalent every time it is repeated. This is in effect lying by omission.
    The selective advantage is not an advantage at all because it comes from a weakness. Females are selective in most species, not just humans, because they carry all of the risk from sexual encounters — they can become pregnant and cannot become pregnant again for at least nine months. A male can impregnate as many females as he wishes at any time with no physical downside.

    Women are driven to be highly selective (to only have sex with the people with the best genes) from the evolutionary incentives alone while men are driven to have sex with as many women as they can, even if they have a preference for better genes.

    Outside of biological drives, females contract STDs more easily.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  17. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Ehhh, I don't know about all that. lol I'd still like the attention. But again, that's just me. Perhaps this may apply to other men unlike myself.

    You make some very good points, but it's kinda like a double-edged sword. Women are powerful. Having a ****ing vagina means you're powerful. You can make money off of your vagina, not only through prostitution, but also through being a surrogate mother. Sure, men can be sperm donors, or gigalos, but to a much lesser degree, and even then you'd have to super attractive to make any real profit off of it (when couples look for a sperm donor, they usually only choose the more attractive men for obvious reasons). But yeah, having a vagina means you have power, and with that power comes its drawbacks, like being seen as a ****toy.

    It's not all good, obviously, but with the things that oppress women also comes an equal amount of benefits as well, is my whole point.

    Alternatively, think about men and how they're presented in fictional pieces made by/for women. Usually, in these forms of media, men are only valued by how much money they have or how physically strong they are (countless princess disney movies).

    My point: Sure, women can be seen as ****toys, and it's a problem. But also, men are just seen as sources of security and nothing else.

    Thanks for posting this, actually. It helps prove my point.

    Sure, women have it bad because men can go around impregnating whoever they want and women have to sit there and stay pregnant with the baby, which is why women have the selective advantage. But with this selective advantage women have the upper hand over men and can control them to some extent with this selective advantage. You said it yourself, men are hardwired by evolution to go around and have as much sex as possible (to keep the species alive of course). The desire in men to fornicate is so strong that people have died over a dude not getting laid (the Florida guy that's been in the news recently). Women can use this to their advantage and manipulate men any which way they wanted.

    Also, to go back to the Florida dude who shot so many people over not getting laid, that's another thing: Women talk about how there's a double standard for men and women and how a promiscuous woman is seen as a slut and a promiscuous man is considered awesome or whatever. But what most women don't consider is the reverse of that: virgin women are considered as ****ing goddesses and paragons of purity for not sitting on penises and meanwhile virgin men are considered as worthless losers who failed as men.

    But hey, my point is that, yes, women have it hard. However, women also have certain advantages over men that women do oversee as well. That's all.
  18. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    Jesus Christ, what have I done...

    Yeah, neither am I. Not anymore. I honestly, really, don't have any clue as to what I was on about. Maybe I was just a bit irked by how stupid the side of Tumblr I have seen has been in response to flooding of popular tags.

    No one has to accept anything. That's the beauty of free will as well, and why the internet is so full of diversity. Diversity comes from the individuality of each person, and the internet has a lot of people.

    The whole "triggers" ordeal has just gotten out of hand, and I'm struggling to find out why. Did anyone ever out-rightly state that Tumblr is a safe haven for those who are sensitive to most things we consider pretty much non-existent or minute? No. This is where diversity comes in; so many people with so many backgrounds have occupied Tumblr - it's not the small "hipster" site it used to be.

    It's almost like cultural appropriation. Almost.

    These people took the technique of tagging pretty much everything for their comfort. Now they're used to it, and demand that everyone go out of their way to adhere to their spoiled attitude.

    Do you know what one of the popular triggers were for the posts reprimanding the Tumblr April Fools video were? Let me name a few:

    • #moving objects
    • #skin
    • #people
    • #scopophobia (more understandable, but no one was directly looking at the camera)
    • #hair
    • #light
    Like, really? Are you ****ing kidding? If you're afraid of skin, you might wanna get that checked out, buddy.

    I was told this had happened years ago as well? Before I joined.

    When I had made that post, I had no clue as to what was really going on. I had heard things, but I'm not going to act on just one account. I hadn't seen it yet. Now I have.

    I was really just fed up with all the **** I had seen on my dashboard about "Fandoms unite against 4chan!!!!" I was fed up with the fact that they were falling for this.

    But hey, that's just supposed to be a small portion of Tumblr, right? I sure hope so.


    That's what they do? I don't think anyone uses "#tw:" anymore.

    Not until recently. Doesn't excuse the fact, I know, but....

    I want to say it was my mistake by just writing "4chan" as a generalization, yet I hadn't known that it was just /b/ that was in charge of it all.

    Then again, it's not like /adv/ or /m/ is gonna join in. Please. Now /v/, on the other hand...

    I never said that. My fault for assuming that when someone mentions "a raid on Tumblr by 4chan", everyone should automatically assume it's /b/.

    Okay, true.

    Yet it depends on what kind of people you're following.

    It's.... it's not all feminism....
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.

    I'm sorry, I know it's not haha.
  20. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
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