I hope this is the right place for this thread. Its just I've been noticing that a lot of movies are being released in 3D that don't really need to be in 3D. Here's my question I'm asking all of you. Do you like or dislike the whole 3D movie gimmick that is going on right now? And if you want to explain.
I don't really like 3D movies, they usually end up giving me a headache. Plus you have to wear those dorky glass lol
I don't like it. They're over doing it. They give me headaches and are completely unnecessary. After I watched Avatar, I was so dizzy that I had to take them off, but that made me dizzy so when the movie ended, I fell over.
While they do leave me with a headache sometimes, the main reason I don't really like 3D movies nowadays are because people just seem to be making them for the sake of making 3D movies. There's no point in adding 3D to a movie that doesn't really need it. It can help with visuals in an action movie and make it look cool but what's the point having a Hannah Montana movie in 3D? It's like they expect people to go "HEY 3D!!!1one!" and then jizz in their pants.
...I never watched a movie in 3D. Y_Y I want to, just for the experience alone. Until then, cannot really have a say in this. xD
When I was little, I went to Disney World in Florida a couple of times, and they had (and probably still have) some pretty neat 3D attractions. Unfortunately for me, however, rather than use the technology for anything useful, they did what everybody did with the technology at the time and used it to throw things in people's faces for a laugh. I can understand why people find it amusing now that I'm older, but when I was young I didn't like having a flying pizza (spinning like a buzz-saw) slung at me. It was things like that, that put me off 3D for what I felt would be forever. Every time the rest of my family wanted to see one of those, I didn't wear the glasses. It kinda worked, but I obviously didn't get the full effect. (Nowadays, I regret not having worn my 3D glasses when seeing Philharmagic, because that film must be fantastic in 3D. People were applauding at that one.) Now, let's fast-forward a bit to last year. I was completely unsure about watching Up in 3D with my friend and her boyfriend, but I gave it a try anyway. It was so ridiculously comfortable that I forgot the glasses were on. Same thing for How to Train Your Dragon and Alice in Wonderland. All three of these movies have very wonderful CG animation; the 3D effect just added another layer of depth to it, nothing else. Basically, 3D when it was used for cheap gags sucks; 3D when it is used for added depth is absolutely beautiful.
3D was actually very entertaining and interesting back then. It wasn't overused, and it actually added more to the movie. The glasses in my opinion are actually pretty cool. Now, it is a way to get money, and only adds hype to a movie that isn't too impressive as people thought it to be. (Avatar).
I dislike 3D movies :[ I saw Avatar in 3D, and, on top of it being ****ing environmentalist ****, the 3D made me nauseous within the first 30 minutes of the movie. I tried shutting my eyes and sleeping, but I was already so dizzy that I had to leave the theatre :[
the only reason why movie producers make the movies in 3D is so that no one would be able to video tape the movie. it makes it hard to see the movie without the 3D glasses on & its hard to video tape through 3D glasses. I actully like the 3D movie hype for that whole reason. but some movies really dont need to be in 3D like the new Step Up movie. that movie just doesnt even need to have the word 3D in the title.
You expected something else from a blatant "Dances with Wolves IN SPACE!!!!"? Anyway, as for 3-D, it CAN be done well and it CAN be done artistically, but it usually isn't. Its a gimmick that makes me glad the theater I usually use doesn't offer it so I won't have to deal with pointless 3-D when Tron Legacy comes out.
Ever since I saw a Real-D movie, I Loved it. In my opinion, it was how every single movie should be made. Then I saw "The Last Airbender". In addition to being an awful movie that butchered my favorite show, it ruined 3d for me. Seriously, there were no effects, you couldn't even realize it was 3D. Later, I found out that it wasn't filmed in 3D, but it was converted later. Obviously, that should never be done. So my vote is "Good if used right".
I think they are overusing it, to some extent. I can see it as a kind of "watermark" that stops people from recording the movie, but when everything out there is now being made in 3D it does get pretty old. I saw Toy Story 3 in 3D and to be honest, while the movie was good the 3D felt unnecessary.
I dislike 3D, 1. Because everyone's jumped on the bandwagon ever since Avatar got lots of money. And 2, 3D is totally wasted on me because I have monocular vision :'(.
I think it's a stupid gimmick that needs to die, at times it seems like people think horrible movies are good just because of some silly 3D, I'd rather it be in black and white if that would mean they'd focus on the story.
This this this. A majority of the movies coming out these days have NOT been filmed in 3D. But once Avatar was so highly lauded for its innovative use of 3D technology, people actually began converting their movies to appear 3D (coughcoughClashoftheTitans). So while I have been majorly disappointed with all of the 3D I have seen, if I do one day go and see a movie that is filmed to be in 3D, I'll form an opinion. The fake 3D **** they're putting out now doesn't count.