I'm trying to go back to sleep and fight my jet lag. pow! pow! But it's really dark, I'm alone, I'm scaring myself with awful thoughts and I'm too scared to go back to sleep because of nightmares :c heeeeeelp
Try thinking about me and my amazing personality and u'll have a good nights sleep... jkin but seriously drink a glass of milk, it always helps me ;)
Think of happy dreams. Close your eyes and daydream of fluffy and colorful things until you fall asleep. You are less likely to have nightmares if you focus on positive things just before sleep.
Oh my, what a wonderful suggestion!! I'll try that out c; haha, but okay. I'll go and check if we have milk <3 I've tried that. But then all the happy things turn into monsters ; ;
You should turn the light on, find some really stupid music to listen to and then sing along to it crazily :D Mosh if you have to.
I can't really say anything other than that you should wonder why you are afraid, and what you are afraid of. Analyzing your fears will help you nullify them.
You should like, do jumping jacks until you feel like you're gonna collapse, and then you should like, go and collapse. Problem solved.