358/2 Special Trailer (HQ) [Updated]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Official website has released a trailer for the forecoming game. Though some scenes that were in the TGS trailer appear it doesn't appear to be the same trailer. Which probably means this was the trailer for the Square-Enix event that passed in August because Xion face isn't revealed in the trailer.

    Download Raw Trailer

    Update: Thanks to member Andrefpvs for a translated version:


    Source: Square-Enix
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Oct 17, 2008.

    1. zexykupo
      Cool. It's finally nice to know what they say.
    2. Emma Wemma
      Emma Wemma
      I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
    3. Shquiggles
      'Jaw drops to the floor.'

      You can play as other Organization 13 members...

      Sooooo Weeeeet!
    4. KeybladeSpirit
      Whoo, gee, ghoo, gaga gaboo!
      That's my only comment on this.
    5. windblade
      I'm glad to see the return of some of the origional Heartless in this game.
    6. demyx 4 eva
      demyx 4 eva
      why cant they show you her face, but still so excited i want the game now. i must have the game
    7. SpazticFantaztic >:3
      SpazticFantaztic >:3
      That, right there, is awesomesauce. I wonder who that guy Mickey was about to fight is...
    8. JazzsVideos
    9. tabo-trieu3
    10. Nesdude
      !! You weren't kidding tabo! If only it was in English though..
      And I'm probably not the first one to think of this since I posted on this 2 days late, but...
      Everyone knows how the nobody's names are made right? Like with Roxas it is just Sora's name scrambled up with an X thrown someplace.
      The only true name I could think of with Xion's name was Oni. Just to make sure I knew what it meant, I checked and it means demon in japanese.
      Based on some random Google searches Oni can also mean:
      "born on holy ground" (Native American female baby name)
      "wanted" (Egyptian female baby name)
      "prayed for" (African female name)
      Oni-chan - "older brother" (Japanese)
      "them" (Russian)

      The name "Ben-oni" can apparently have many different meanings:
      son of my strength
      son of my sorrow
      son of my wickedness

      the parts in bold is what Oni can mean.

      So I wouldn't like to call Xion a demon because she doesn't seem bad at all. But on the other hand you have Riku who could be considered as a demon sometimes and he's not that bad either...
      I doubt it's "older brother" because...Xion's a girl.

      and this one random person on the internet said that oni can mean "false or fake" but considering half of his definitions were wrong I didn't count it.

      Moral of the story, Oni can apparently have many different meanings and nothing is really set in stone with just her name. Sora means "sky" for crying out loud and it doesn't clearly define his character at all.

      or does it?....o.O
    11. XienZo
      The thing is though, ORG member names are based off English names, like how Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo were all supposed to be English names. I was thinking more of Ino, cause thats the closest you can get to an English name IMO.
    12. aznsakura
      Isn't this the DKΣ3713 private party KH trailer
      which is why they don't show Xion's face
      I think they pretty much revealed her name at that time not sure
      if you want the real raw though its flv file heres the link from the official site
      its about 35.7mb
    13. kevz2kool
    14. keybladesofdawn
      I hope there will be a full version of the TGS trailer soon that's downloadable. Video inspiration is killing me. D:
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I cannot freakin wait for ths game to come out.But who the hell is Xion!!I wanna know dammit!!
    16. ?DondeEstaDemyx?
      In my opinion, I think we're seeing little too much Xion and not enough Demyx! For that matter... where the hell is Demyx? I was hoping he'd have a bigger part in this game T_T
    17. DarkAbyss
      I wonder about Xion im not quit sure of much about her but it did look like Riku reconised her i mean his eye widend when he saw her face she kinda looks like namine and kairi but maybe its just me
    18. In_the_Twilight
      I thought his eye widened because he didn't expect to see her wielding the key blade. He jumps back and says "Who are you? Why do you have the key blade?"
    19. dizoEX3

      I have a queation for all of you guys ammm where i can find re:chains of memories codes.
    20. RusinaRange
      truly awesome i can't wait to get the game...:)

      now im SO glad that i have the ds:) the movie almost brought a tear to my eye its so great omfg!:):):)