The new scans that were posted last week from Famitsu, now featured some interesting facts about what's going on in the images below. Translations for the new images are coming later tonight/tomorrow.
Translations are finished.
Everything that's written in black was translated by me.
Everything that's written in RED was translated by Bittermeat from Heart Station.
In Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Roxas changes while carrying out duties for the Organization. Is this why Roxas looks so emotional in the newly events scenes below? The world "Neverland" is confirmed as well as new information.
Roxas: "We're just like humans! Can't you trust your comrades?!"Things start to change as Roxas observes things. Roxas appears to know about Sora from somewhere. He seems to also be drawn into his own existence.
Roxas: "Who is Sora?"
Roxas: "What...? This...?"Castle Oblivion that appeared in Chain of Memories is where Sora's memories were taken away and replaced with lies. Roxas came to Castle Oblivion for the first time and strange things started to happen.
Xion: "What should I do? Riku..."Xion, who is a new member of Organization XIII is worried about her own existence. Xion has no one to help her out, not even Roxas or Axel.
Hook: "Ugh!! Darn it! Heartless again!!"
Captain Hook with the claw hand and the old pirate appear in the image above. They were in search for treasure, but all they got were heartless.
Roxas: "Huh? What's this? It's shining..."Tinker Bell meets up with Roxas and sprinkles shining powder on him. Is she trying to tell Roxas something?
From the effect that Tinker Bell gave him, Roxas is able to fly freely over the sky. Battles can take off in the sky. In this image above, Axel is working on defeating the heartless.
LIMIT BREAK THAT DEFEATS ENEMIES IN A PINCHWhen the player pushes down and holds the A button at the same time the HP gauge is low and the character is in critical condition, you can invoke the “Limit Break”, a special finisher system familiar in Final Fantasy VII. While exceeding usual speeds and increased offensive abilities, you can annihilate neighboring enemies at once.
There is a time limit when invoking the "Limit Break". When it's being used, a white bar appears on the hp gauge. It ends when the white bar is exceeded. Additionally, Limit Breaks can be when playing with the members of the Organization during multiplayer mode.
● Linking panels is the key to the customize features
In this title, you can improve a character’s weapon and abilities by arranging the panel slots. In the panel screen, there are things called “link panels” which enable a frame to have plural panels. What you put inside the frame of the link panels determines what kind of strengths and abilities you customize.
The yellowish line has a frame for the link panel. When you fit the "Dodge Rush" panel into the "Dodge Roll" unit, it changes into a technique that is evasive and also blows off enemies. Since the link panels with the same effect may differ in shape, you must consider the arrangement well.
Improve the character stats with the panels. If a "LV UP" panel is attached to the link panel of "LV2 Up", the level goes up accordingly with the arranged number. Those who are confident in their skills can choose not to increase their level.
Even in the same link panel, the ability enabled when panels are added might change. For example, in the link panel for "Reflect Guard", if the panel for "Reflect Guard" is put on it own, the ability is enabled. However, if a "Thunder Guard" panel is added to the same link panel, the conditions for the guard ability with an electric shock is enabled.
Source: Famitsu & FF7AC Reunion
358/2 Days: New battle system & Customizing Element
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 22, 2009.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 22, 2009.
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