358/2 Article + Two Character Report Photos

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, thanks to our forum member twilightsbringing we have a few photos to show you today, four at that. The first two being an article of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days that was featured in a Nintendo Power Magazine and the next two being from the second Character Report, showing a brand new Render of Xemnas' Final Form, as well as Belle. It should be hilariously noted that Square-Enix messed up with quoting Belle.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Dec 8, 2007.

    1. xemnasfan
      wow some news about 358 or so days in a magizine that's english, that's progress enough for me.

      so i guess even big companies can mess up too.

      as for xemnas, not much difference if none at all. the changes i can see are his eyes stand out and are brighter and his face is rounder but i don't really see a big change. but god he looks evil there, which is an expression i never thought i'd ever see on him.

      If you think about it, that quote actually fits the picture quite well. Belle's always CRAVED for adventure, ay? XD
    3. twilightsbringing
      Yeah, he does look quite malicious in this render. He only smiles a couple of times during the game. I hadn't seen him in that pose before.
    4. Amber
      lol who knew Belle was a big bad pirate XDDD
    5. xemnasfan
      i can see why he doesn't grin very often now.
    6. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      my god... i looove ur sig.. XD...
    7. keybladeofdarkness4
      its odd how Belle AND Jack both want to have the pearl... im suspecting the strudel people were behind this!
    8. Wisdom Form Guy
      Wisdom Form Guy
      These pics are pretty sweet.
    9. Twilight's Rose
      Twilight's Rose
      Belle must have had a pirate boyfriend when she was younger, lol! Puzzle for ya plunder, argh!
    10. jay135011
      Death to all ye who oppose Captain Belle. Arrrgh.
    11. Yozora
      What? I can't read Japanese, and I bet none of you can but are just saying the stuff you are posting.

      lol arrg.