358/2 and Birth By Sleep Trailer Translated [Updated]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Maybe not perfectly translated but it gives us a clue as to what is going on as well as more information about the 14th member Xion. Unforunately we can't expect HQ versions of the trailers until Square-Enix decided to post it to the public so for now we have to make do.


    Thanks to NeoCloudstrife for supplying me with the link.

    I will update later with the BBS trailer translated

    Birth by Sleep

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Oct 14, 2008.

    1. Kaneco
      Here's the full trailer including gameplay & BBS to whoever hasn't seen it.


      Enjoy. :D

      I think Xion could be Aqua's nobody...but apparently nobodies name's are
      made after the original names re-arranged with an "X" added to it...but also
      remember this doesn't apply to Xemnas since his name is actually Xehanort
      and not Xemnas which is Ansem with an "X" added to it. Plus Aqua might
      have been involved with Maleficent and consumed by darkness by looking at
      BBS's trailer.
    2. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      o WOW, this is fricken SWEET!

      Can't believe they're gona release this in 2009...
    3. tc831
      That was awsome Thanks alot
    4. Byvar
      Nice trailer! ^^

      But somehow... Xion looks a lot like Sora, but female... or is it just me? o_O
      She has Sora's/Roxas' blue eyes... and some facial expressions...
    5. Dinny

      I NEED TO GET THIS GAME!!! And I don't care if I don't have it's game platform! Dx
    6. MadDoctorMaddie
      Cool, thanks for the translation! Can't wait for the game ^.^
    7. tSG1
      Cool. Is Xion a girl or boy? his voice sounds kinda feminine...
    8. Bloodios
      Xion is Kairi's nobody?

      Listen, Xion has the same voice as Kairi, the heck is going on here, or is it just me?

      Well, I see some Riku/Xion tender moments at the end, what's up with that?
    9. NeoCloudstrife
      Should Have the BBS vid up within the next few hours
    10. Shift
      Xion is a girl
    11. KeybladeSpirit
      Like I said, she is Namine's face with Kairi's hair, but black. Got it in your long term memory?
      But I still say that Xion is somehow related to Unbirths. Like she appeared the same way Unbirths are born, but with some kind of "mutation". OMG! Could Xion be the first Nobody!?
    12. renteka-bond
      Did you notice that when she was glowing, she fought exactly like Final form and Master Form?
    13. Yozora
      Im very glad Axel said "Don't screw with me". I know it's Disney and all, but it's just sweet for some reason. I hope that in the future games they will use some other words like hell and damn.
    14. Chevalier

      Aqua is facing maleficent alone.

      while none of the guys do?

      she's got bigger....stuffs....than them both.

      now thats really cool....a good-not pathethic girl in KH.
    15. windblade
      I think Xion looks hot.

      greatest female character design by them yet.
    16. Mirai
      Uhhh... In Japan what we normally translate "Don't screw with me (which is "fuzakeru-na")" is not seen as derogatory at all. We just translate it as that. A more accurate translation is "Don't play around," which in English, is perfectly fine. In fact, I've seen that phrase in all the Japanese versions of Kingdom Hearts and in all anime. In the English versions, the lines are almost never close to the originals.
    17. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I'm so excited to see what's going to happen with these two games! Thanks for posting =)
    18. LadyRhia
      Meh, personally I don't see the hype about Xion. Everything about her makes me think "Mary Sue from crappily written fanfiction". I mean, she's got a keyblade, she's a org member/nobody we never heard of, she looks like Kairi, she has links to Axel and Roxas, and Axel's line about bringing her back all just scream Mary Sue and kill my interest.

      BBS looks promising though.
    19. venster
      Sadly..I expected a little something more for Xion. *shrugs* Just doesn't look like the type to be in in the Org.

      And Aqua is my new favorite KH female character!
    20. Ven?
      Cool,thanks for posting it,I was looking for the translated one,